
Krasnodar, Russia
ID: 815522


  • Age40
  • Birth DateMay 16 1984, (Taurus)
  • Height5'7'' (169 cm)
  • Weight121 lbg (55 kg)
  • Eyes ColorBlue
  • Hair ColorBlond
  • DrinkingNever
  • SmokingNever
  • English Speaking Skills*Good
  • Other LanguagesNo



I grow up in a bit old fashion family, for me the most important is dignity and honest, when I was a child I spend a lot of time in the nature, and till this time I feel that I want to connect my life with it, I want to feel fresh air and feel sunshine on my skin. I am very active in my life I think that active is life. I am moving to my goals always, I think that there is nothing impossible in the world, we just need to find the correct way. So all I have in life I made on my own and I proud of it! In the future I dream to see all nature places in the world, I dream to see mountains and diving deep in the ocean, be honest I have one dream, I dream to see a whale, the real whale, they are very big and they are just amazing animals they make me scared and satisfied at the same time, but I afraid of cold weather so Alaska is not the best place, so best place will be Hawaii, how you like this idea?


I аm а big lоvеr оf bооks. I рrеfеr сlаssiсаl litеrаturе аnd рорular musiс. I likе rоmаntic movies.I tend to lead an active lifestyle, and I am always in movement. In my opinion, life is too short and therefore, I try to fill my life with various and extraordinary events.

Her type of man

Well even don't know from what to start, I don't have any special criteria, but I wish that my man, love to share his time with me because I think that, very and even, most important in our life is a time and how we spend it. I dream to build a very strong and loving family to wake up in the morning and be sure that there is a person in the world who love you so much, I want to feel that and give this feeling to my man, I want to see that my man is happy and smiling that his place is comfortable and cozy that he loves life with me, this is what I am looking for, this is my criteria, I don't know how soon I will find my man, but I come here so this means that I am on my way.

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