Taurus woman dating: everything you need to know from A to Z

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Meet the Best Taurus woman dating: everything you need to know from A to Z Here

April, as the mid-spring month, is loved by so many people. The time of magnificence blossoming, lush and vibrant nature, diversity of berries, and fruits. At this amazing time of the year, Taurus celebrate their birthdays. So it is not surprising that their personalities are highlighted with a strong interest in beauty and the constant pursuit of pleasure.

Today we want to focus on the facts about Taurus woman. Actually, our professional astrologists shared all the small details you need to know from A to Z. Therefore, make yourself comfortable - it’s going to be interesting.

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Female with the zodiac sign Taurus values her roots and traditions, family members are at the heart of her universe. On the other hand, such a lady displays perseverance and patience. That is why everything that requires loving, time-consuming care, from relationships to gardening, usually works like a clockwork. She dreams about moving to the countryside one day to feel closer to nature.

Beautiful Taurus woman knows better than anyone else how to enjoy life. The finest culinary delicacies are an integral part of it. There are many passionate chefs among the representatives of this zodiac sign, who don’t refuse to cook high-calorie masterpieces. It means you will hardly find a skinny Taurus-model: she just likes to eat too much. Moreover, this lady doesn’t have to fit the standards from the catwalk. The goddess of beauty - Venus, endows the Taurus women with a magical charisma and stunning sensuality.

By the way, love and sexuality are essential Taurus woman traits. She lets herself to bathe in passion and give in to desire. Any other zodiac sign enjoys the intimate togetherness as much as Taurus. 

However, they do need guarantees. If you don’t have a long-term vision about relationships with this lady - forget about the dates full of passion and devotion. Unexplained behavior or open questions regarding your intentions quickly upset Taurus. This stability-loving lady does not like any kind of change. She prefers to know what to expect, especially from her partner.

The Taurus lady likes to give up the carrier in favor of her family. She doesn’t understand emancipation and feminism. Such a woman is completely fulfilled with the role of housewife and mother. Taurus is fond of the classic family role model: she cares about her loved ones and house - her husband brings home the bacon. And just so you know, Taurus ladies are a little materialistic and would not mind having a large bank account, expensive car, and big villa.

Dating a Taurus woman

But what about the expectations of a Taurus woman? What does she want to attain?

  • She wants to find a man who would guarantee her a comfortable home. It must be a cozy place that invites you to relax and feel safe. The Interior in trendy hygge-style makes it possible. The goal is a hospitable and warm atmosphere. But it doesn't mean coziness at any price. Therefore - less is more.
  • Taurus female expects her man to act respectfully. It’s one of the most important pillars of relationship, she thinks. Appreciation is very susceptible to routine. Many couples become more and more disrespectful over time. But how can such a devoted partner as Taurus live with this kind of relationship?
  • To be satisfied with the sex life is very important for Taurus. Passionate nights with the man she loves, what can be better? So, regular complaints about headaches or too much stress at work cannot be accepted.

Let us take a second and imagine the following: you go to the theater, a gorgeous lady appears sitting next to you in the audience. Shiny hair frames her face, sparkling smile exudes confidence, dark red velvet dress highlights her décolleté No, it’s not a Hollywood star. You just have the honor of meeting Ms. Taurus. 

But how to attract a Taurus woman?

Well, mission possible! You just need to make these five steps:

Step one - draw her attention to your attractiveness.

Well-cared appearance is critical. This encompasses personal hygiene, modern haircut, and so on. Don’t forget about your clothes - leaving a house always get the best out of yourself. Even if you go to the supermarket around the corner. It would be pretty hard to attract Taurus wearing sweatpants. The outfit you wear should be stylish and match your individuality.

Step two - Impress her with your person traits.

Even if you know what life is all about and are crazy rich, you should definitely not brag about your status. Otherwise, Taurus lady will think that you have nothing else to offer. The best idea, in this case, would be: chatting about your hobbies or other social activities.

Step three - you need to be a very exciting person to talk to, to attract this sign of the zodiac.

But what to say to a Taurus woman? If you want to wake up her interest, avoid boring topics like weather, politics, religion, or technology.

She will be inspired to hear about your previous trips or make a small discussion about the places you want to see. Ecology is another strong interest of this lady. Don’t be surprised if she has a volunteering experience and is still sponsoring different organizations that protect nature.

Step four - just be cool.

Self-control is the main quality she wants to see in her partner. A Taurus woman is a whole person. This zodiac sign likes to make informed decisions. She is a bit slow because those decisions take time, however, progressive. It’s pretty hard to make her feel angry; emotional outbursts, in her opinion, express mental immaturity. A perfect man of Taurus lady has the same above mentioned qualities, and that's what makes her attracted.

Everything You Need To Know About Dating A Taurus Woman Dating

Step five - listen to your lady.

This woman wants her man to respect the choices she makes. Taurus in relationships is extremely supportive and respectful for her partner, and she expects him to do the same for her. Don’t criticize the job she loves or family members, because it would be like stabbing her in the back.

A Taurus woman in love does not beat around the bush, she prefers actions to words. Still, how to date her? We’ll give you a hint!

Appeal to her impeccable taste.

It means you can seduce this lady by showing that you are a philosopher and gourmand. Taurus woman loves tasty food, good wine, and delicious chocolate. A large bunch of flowers must be an integral part of the romantic evenings you spend together. She would be happy to get an invitation to the culinary master-class of a famous chef or sommelier course.

Show your intellectual abilities.

The brain is an erogenous zone for Taurus woman in relationships. This is how you can make her fall in love with you. Choose deep conversations instead of superficial small talks to turn this lady on.

Be a bit mysterious.

It is a great way to wake up her interest. Keep some secrets about your personality by telling certain things only in a few words. Don't give Taurus exhaustive information when she asks something. It will intrigue this zodiac sign and arouse her curiosity.

Create a lack of your presence.

Give Taurus time to feel your absence. However, don't run away if she arranges a date. Pretend you're a little busy and let this woman steal each minute you are available. A short business trip would be a perfect occasion for her to miss your company.

Show the seriousness of your intentions.

In her opinion, actions are louder than words. So dedication, courage, love - that’s what Taurus woman needs to see. You need to become a man she wants to follow.

What you better don’t do dating a Taurus woman? 

Typical macho-behavior is a bit exaggerated, she thinks.

You just need to remain still instead of bringing drama to her life. Taurus lady doesn’t want you to be constantly jealous about every man looking at her.

Laziness is a big failure.

While Taurus, like a busy bee, gets all her jobs done - her partner is lying on the couch. Sounds absolutely unrealistic. This lady is always highly motivated and wants her man to be boosted with the energy as well. Who needs a sloth as a boyfriend then?

Dating a Taurus Woman: Everything You Need to Know

Aggression, including absence language, doesn’t fit the Taurus lady lifestyle.

The way you act driving a car would be a good example in this case. If you like to yell or wave your arms as soon as someone forgets to blink - that's a shame, she thinks. So, as long as you are not on a rugby field or boxing ring, this woman will find such behavior unacceptable.

Begging for nude pictures is the biggest mistake any man dating a Taurus woman can make. 

How old are you then? If you are over sixteen years old - it’s a real shame to ask her that. Do you honestly want to have a woman who sends photos of her breasts by your side? And still: asking for it, you surely miss the opportunity to experience all of it in reality.

You are now certainly captured by the Taurus woman personality. However, there is another important step ahead: to ask her out. But where should you invite her to make this date impressive? Let’s find out together!

As has been said, Taurus woman is very romantic. It means the best choice for you would be dinner in a fancy restaurant. Getting to know each other better with the nice atmosphere of candlelight, tasty food, and good conversation…What can be better? 

Another interesting option would be a coffeehouse. Talking over a nice cup of Cappuccino or herbal tea and a piece of cake as a dessert - a great way to get more intimate. You can easily continue such a date with a short walk in the park or a historical part of the city. A café date is more casual than a restaurant, but still very romantic! 

There are, of course, some places we advise you to avoid at the time of Taurus woman dating, at least at the beginning of your relationship. We are talking about museums, concerts, or discos. Museums are quite boring and unromantic. Do you really want to talk about dinosaurs and mammoths on the first date? But sure, if both of you are art fans, then visiting a museum of fine arts will make a lot of fun.

Concerts and discos should not be chosen for one simple reason: loud music. It’s completely impossible to chat or sometimes even think clearly during such events. These places have nothing to do with romance or a perfect date for a woman with the zodiac sign Taurus. 

After all, if you are still not sure what to do - simply ask your lady about her preferences. We are sure she will be happy to offer you something very exciting.

The Taurus Woman In Love

So, your date was amazing and this charming lady wants to keep seeing each other. Do you want to learn all about Taurus woman in love? Then just continue reading! 

This zodiac sign values ​​security and stability. If Taurus truly likes you, she will patiently and persistently show her feelings to make the dream about a happy family come true. But, of course, when the time comes. Taurus lady wants a stable, monogamous relationship, although she would not get married right away. Actually, she prefers to live together and test relationships before the wedding ceremony.

Loyalty is an essential quality for her. On the other hand, fixed habits and daily routine give this woman a feeling of security. She needs someone to spend the rest of her life with, laughing and enjoying every minute they spend together.

Taurus is not looking for a flirt adventure, or one night stand. She is searching for a man who offers her support and material stability. It is not about money wasting, rather generosity.

Taurus is an amazing lover. Still, a man who wants to have sex with her must show a little more than nothing. After all, this is the arena where she is the diva. 

This lady appreciates small gestures of affection, like cuddling or kissing, but it won’t be enough. What's the point of tuning the violin if you're not going to play?

The Taurus woman in bed stays deeply romantic. The atmosphere must always be right. She loves furs and won’t say no to making love on a fur blanket on the floor. Taurus lady wishes to show herself from the most seductive side. The personality of this woman shines even brighter in the bedroom than in the kitchen.

Dating A Taurus Woman: Things You Should Know

Taurus woman characteristics would not be complete without the love compatibility chart.

Taurus and





















































Without any doubt, Taurus woman’s best match for marriage is Capricorn.

They attract each other right away, even if they need a lot of time to get to know each other. Their interests are very similar, but Taurus is a bit sexier and can show the Capricorn a few fascinating exercises.

Virgo and Taurus create a fine-balanced couple.

It's just all-natural here. They two prefer living without complications and headaches. No drama, only partnership arrangements between them. Virgo can really let himself go with the Taurus because he feels his woman permanently interested in him. Together, these two signs of zodiac take a fresh look at themselves and their lives.

Pisces man is another perfect match for Taurus woman.

This Water element’s sign is known for his deep inner-world, and Taurus has the patience to open up all his secret sides. She also offers care and support that such a man regularly needs. In return, he has a lot to offer as well. The well-known Pisces intuition gives Taurus a completely new point of view on many things. Together they two unite sensitivity and power to create a unique mixture.

And what about the Taurus and Taurus alliance?

Nothing can be more down-to-earth, realistic! Two Taurus work together harmoniously, hand in hand, they achieve confidence in the future. Only the logical and materialistic thoughts, everything philosophical is completely far from the Taurus couple. A really great team, which likes to spend evenings cooking and cuddling on the sofa.

Cancer is really good at understanding the Taurus woman.

Their connection looks promising because these two go very well together. Tenderness and sensuality mix in an ideal way when we talk about their feelings. Both Taurus and Cancer value simple pleasures of life, and the calm and meditative style of Cancer extremely attracts Taurus.

Scorpio would be an alternative way for Taurus lady.

They do like each other, but it’s not about the long-term perspective. The Taurus woman seems to be simply too humble to the mysterious Scorpio. Perhaps he is simply enjoying her beautiful body and other benefits she gives. Anyway, not a good basis for a long-term relationship - rather for friendship or a short affair.

Like a bright flash comes Leo to the Taurus’ world.

They both feel the power and eroticism of one other. It’s a pure flame between them! This man knows how to text a Taurus woman to get her very private pictures. But, unfortunately, nothing more than a red-hot love affair in the long run. A serious relationship can hardly be expected: apart from leading a good life, Taurus and Leo don't actually have much in common.

At the first sign, Taurus and Libra will certainly make a great couple.

These two people are meant to be together, everybody says. But while Taurus is a down-to-earth personality, Libra gets his hopes up. By the way, their erotic vibrations in these relationships are super slim.

Gemini is not willing to make some sort of a commitment, while Taurus likes to know where she goes.

The misunderstandings are almost impossible to avoid. Easy-going Gemini likes to flirt just for fun, Taurus requires clear announcements instead. Well, she will certainly never get them from a Gemini. Once again: either affair or friendship.

Sagittarius is definitely not the best match for Taurus woman.

He has so much energy, she wants to stay home. Sounds not good. There are definitely points of interest between these two. Taurus and Sagittarius share sports interests, like go sailing, taking long walks, and so on. But what about life goals? Sagittarius doesn’t want to be bound by his wife and kids. 

Dating a Taurus Woman: A Complete Guide

Aquarius is also not the best sign for a Taurus woman.

He has never enough on his plate and tries to keep Taurus lady busy too. Aquarius always wants to get her out of routine, to have some fun together. On the good side, Taurus will never be bored again; the bad side - her precious calmness would be over. And, actually, that won’t make her happy at all.

Taurus woman love compatibility with Aries is extremely low.

His rhythms of life are very fast, while the Taurus values her cozy home and measured lifestyle more than anything else. Taurus admires the energy of Aries, Aries likes the sensual charisma of Taurus. But they are living in two different worlds.

But wait, there’s more!

Read other tips on dating a Taurus woman in our FAQ section.

âť“ How to date a Taurus woman?

It feels good if you like stability and routine. The most important thing for a Taurus woman is her security. As an Earth sign, she is down-to-earth, self-confident, and strong-willed. This also affects relationships. Getting on a date with her is not easy. But once you’ve caught her attention - she would be the best partner you’ve ever dreamed about. 

âť“ What makes a Taurus woman jealous?

Taurus are generally jealous of people they love, without taking into account your possible flirt with other women. But usually, they don't want to demonstrate it.

Anyway, a lady with this zodiac sign likes to keep everything under control. If you do something that makes her feel out of control, Taurus may react with jealousy.

âť“ How do I know that Taurus woman likes me?

Here are some signs a Taurus woman likes you:

  • The way she looks. The Taurus woman speaks with her eyes. She doesn't like to say that she loves you, but her kind, admiring, and a little dreamy look will tell everything without words.
  • The small presents she makes. Gifts for Taurus woman mean care. She will always try to find something that can make you a bit happier.
  • The secrets she shares. A Taurus woman is very discreet and does not talk much about her family’s issues. If she falls in love with you and her feelings are sincere, she will definitely ask for advice and support.

âť“ Can I trust a Taurus woman?

Yes, sure. She is not the one who is searching for one night stands in night clubs. 

If you are talking about keeping secrets - then the answer is also yes. She will keep your secret just like her own.

âť“ Are Taurus good kissers?

Oh, yes, they are. Taurus woman usually likes to taste, smell and feel, even by kissing.By the way, Taurus won’t stop with kissing your lips only. She will certainly want to explore the various parts of your body.

âť“ Who should a Taurus marry?

Earth and Water signs share the same personality traits as Taurus and are emotionally related to them.

Earth signs can form a harmonious couple with such a lady. Taurus and Water signs have an unusual attraction to one other. They both are seductive and complement each other.

It means Taurus woman marriage compatibility with Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces is the highest.

âť“ Is a Taurus woman controlling?

Unfortunately, yes. Basically, she believes that no-one can do anything better. But you better don’t judge your Taurus woman; simply teach her how to relax and leave the stress behind.

âť“ Do Taurus go back to their ex?

Do you remember how much this sign of the zodiac loves stability and routine? That’s also the reason why they miss their ex-boyfriends sometimes. So, don’t worry, it has nothing to do with you personally or your feelings. Moreover, a Taurus lady never tries to repair relations that are already broken. It means no chance for the ex.

âť“ Is it bad for Taurus to date a Taurus?

Taurus male is the best match for a Taurus woman, but only if she is ready to settle down. They know what the partner wants and share each other’s interests. But it may be a bit problematic over time if these zodiac signs won’t learn how to get out of the comfort zone.

âť“ Are Taurus good at flirting?

Typical Taurus’ flirting style is quite magnetic and cute. They are rather playing a supportive role, but not the leading one. So the Taurus flirting usually consists of subtle physical contacts such as gentle touching or cuddling. Their majestic aura makes this sign of zodiac remarkable at flirting.

âť“ Do Taurus fall in love fast?

This zodiac sign is very patient, down to earth. She never rushes about decision making. Don't fall in love with a Taurus if you don't have the patience to wait for her. Fear of being rejected is the Taurus woman's weakness.

âť“ How does a Taurus woman act when she is in love?

She is the goddess of love. If this lady has feelings for you, she will surely try to control everything.

On the other hand - she will show her care, even in small matters. You will feel like her best friend, her supportive shoulder. Taurus woman’s love and trust will be everlasting.

Now you know everything: from Taurus woman compatibility with other zodiac signs to complete information about her personal traits. Now, when you are fully equipped - finally start to act! Your dream lady has waited long enough.

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