Sagittarius woman: how to get with the Cupid’s arrow directly into her heart?

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Meet the Best Sagittarius woman: how to get with the Cupid’s arrow directly into her heart? Here

People who have Sagittarius as their zodiac sign are freedom-loving and optimistic. They usually seek genuine ideals. Representatives of this star sign are also very honest and open personalities; however, sometimes can go too far with telling the unnecessary truth. Since they do not mince any words, their friends and family members can often feel offended towards them. Still, it was a general characteristic, but what about the Sagittarius woman personality? Make yourself comfortable, as we are going to tell you every little thing you need to know about this lady!

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Characteristics of an Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius female is a real sunshine. A good mood, together with a colossal reserve of optimism, is her constant companion. Such a life attitude helps this girl to go through all challenges and hardships without losing a smile on her face. Actually, she doesn’t have to choose between bad and worse, as this zodiac sign is ruled by Jupiter - the planet of luck. It also explains the great self-confidence that she shows.

Such a lady also likes to make new acquaintances and collect diverse experiences. Someone may think that she always has an exact plan, when, obviously, it is not really true. Speaking honestly: Ms. Sagittarius sees only the ultimate goal of the process, without the detailed scheme of how to reach it. On the other hand, she is not vain at all. It explains why this girl becomes angry, meeting complacent and conceited people.

Further characteristics of a Sagittarius woman that you need to take into account is that she adores the bright variety and hates boredom. Her thirst for adventures is overpowering and must be satisfied over and over again. There is one thing this lively lady cannot take at all: if you try to dictate and restrict her. Freedom is vital to Sagittarius. That is the reason why some representatives of this zodiac sign never get married or only at an advanced age.

A Sagittarius girl doesn’t care about money. Such a woman is very generous and can give everything she has to loved ones. Her account balance can easily slide into the red a few times a month, but this or similar trifle is guaranteed not to spoil her good mood.

Her expectations

Sagittarius woman expectations

Okay, we are clear with the typical Sagittarius woman traits now. But what does this freedom-loving personality expect from her partner and their relationship?

Generally, Sagittarius is searching for love because this feeling is an eternal mystery to her. Nevertheless, she needs erotic, passion, and warmth. Do not forget that the Element of this sign is fire; therefore, everything monotonous or tiresome should be strictly prohibited for those relationships. It is also critical for Sagittarius’ partner to rush things, so chats about marriage and kids after a couple of dates will certainly make her run away.

A bossy and controlling partner is an absolutely no-go too. Whoever wants to lock up this girl in a golden cage - should know that in reality, it will never happen. As soon as such a woman feels herself under pressure - she packs her bags and leaves. By the way, there is no other zodiac sign which would be interested in relationships with foreigners like Sagittarius. They like to mix love with travel by getting involved in a vacation fling.

Actually, curiosity, along with the desire to discover new cultures, makes this star sign a frequent customer of international dating sites. Long-distance flirt is Sagittarius’ guilty pleasure. On the other hand, many of them got married to a foreigner and moved to another country.

How to attract an Sagittarius woman

How to attract an Sagittarius woman

Well, this girl is a hard nut to crack, but is there a way to make her interested? How to attract a Sagittarius woman then?

Tip #1 - look handsome

Not all but, still, the majority of women of this zodiac sign care about their partners’ appearance. Of course, you mustn’t look like America’s Next Top Model winner of the guys season, but still, at least try to put some efforts into how you look and what you wear. Sagittarius adores when her potential partner shows his sense of style. So, try to avoid clothes that are too loose, tattered, or fashionably inappropriate if you want to attract this lady. Another curious fact at this point, Sagittarius wants her boyfriend to look manly in the classic sense of this word. Therefore, at least for the getting-to-know-each-other time, forget about typical feminine colors of cloth, like pink, lilac, sky-blue.

Tip #2 - show your sense of humor

Sagittarius lady is usually full of humor. Even though some situations may appear rather distressing than funny, this girl will try her best to cheer up the people she loves with her jokes. So, there is no wonder that such a lively personality may easily be attracted by someone who doesn’t mind having a good laugh no matter what happens. In other words, it’s a perfect way how to make a Sagittarius woman fall in love with you. This female herself is pretty uncomplicated, then meeting someone with similar character traits makes her heart beating faster.

Tip #3 - be optimistic

This advice follows from the previous one. For Sagittarius, the glass is always half-full. It means you need to share this vision to attract such a girl. Be fun and playful, but control negative thoughts.

People of this star sign are usually happy, dynamic personalities who notice something positive even in the worst circumstances. So, avoid complaining or speaking negatively about others. Just try to see what your dream woman sees. Laugh and smile a lot, and come up with witty ideas - she is going to love it!

Tip #4 - give your attention

Well, it doesn’t have to look like she is trying to hog the limelight, but still, Sagittarius lady likes to be the center of attention. However, it’s important here to find the right balance. Please keep in mind that if you continuously keep on contacting her (no matter in which way), these actions will have the exact opposite effect. In reality, she will meet you with ignorance which will be pretty disappointing for you.

Tip #5 - flirt

When talking to your Sagittarius girl, remember that she loves to hunt. Actually, it is something in her nature, like an instinct. In other words, you should never stop flirting to attract her.

How to know if a Sagittarius woman is interested in you? It would be easy, as she never hides her feelings and thoughts. As soon as you see the sparkles in the eyes of this lady - jackpot: she is trapped in her own trap.

How to date an Sagittarius woman

How to date an Sagittarius woman

So, let us congratulate you, as you must be in love with a Sagittarius woman now. But what do you certainly need to do to make her feel happy and what you better avoid? Just keep on reading to find out!

The must-do list:

#1 - be open to new things

Such a cheerful lady is continuously seeking excellence. She gains new knowledge and experiences. Sagittarius usually accepts challenges as adventures. If you want to date a woman of this zodiac sign, you need to be spontaneous and also open to new things.

A great way to show it is to suggest some unexpected development of your meeting. For example, «This party is getting boring. Would you mind getting out of here and chilling out on a roof pool?". Actually, your plan does not have to be that complicated. Other exciting ideas, in this case, are ordering a bartender’s secret drink, which ingredients are absolutely unknown to you, or just spontaneously drive to some other town near yours to drink coffee together. Trust us, after such dates Sagittarius will not be able to take you out of her head.

#2 - be honest

Do we need to explain why looking a bit mysterious doesn't mean you should lie to make this effect? Even when a Sagittarius woman is in love, she doesn’t lose her super-power of understanding what other people think without saying a word. And, in all modesty, this girl is a real lie detector! It means that she can identify a fake smile from a kilometer away.

The Sagittarius lady automatically trusts you from the very beginning. However, she finds it difficult to believe in your words again after being betrayed. So, when you are together - you better always tell the truth, as such a female probably won't ever forgive you.

#3 - take it slow

There is a high risk of losing your Sagittarius woman if everything is as beautiful, flowery, and sweet as in a Hollywood movie right away. For her, it means that there is nothing more to explore, and your romance is not an adventure anymore. So take it easy. Don't jump into the relationship right away: give yourself and your girlfriend time to meet this decision together. Explore every inch of her personality and body, let her do the same with you. If you question how to love a Sagittarius woman, wise people answer, better safe than sorry - as it is exactly your case.

Also, remember that Sagittarius will not want to meet your parents after a few dates. Moreover, do not offer her to move in with you anytime soon. Actually, do not even think about it, as it would be simply too much for your new girlfriend.

#4 - travel with her

Sagittarius women loves to travel

As you probably guess, Sagittarius loves to travel. Therefore, when you and your girl have established a committed relationship - plan a trip. It can be just a day at the seaside or a one-week vacation on some exotic island. Whatever it is, she will definitely love it.

Dating a Sagittarius woman, make sure that such an offer matches the stage of your relationship. If you've only got to know each other two weeks ago, then better wait with long trips. The best option here would be some interesting places in your city or near it, like an amusement park.

#5 - become a good conversationalist

In other words, you need to be pretty smart to keep up with this woman! Actually, many admirers of this zodiac sign consider this part as the hardest one. When a Sagittarius woman likes you a lot, she starts to search for a mutual connection. So, if you can’t chat with her about the things that she finds interesting - most likely, nothing more than an affair is not going to happen.

Not less important is to stay up to date with events and cultural entertainments of your city.

The not-to-do list:

#1 - do not try to take her freedom away

The love of freedom is a significant part of the Sagittarius personality. Either it is your support in her next adventure or just some time to herself (possibly running or hiking in the mountains). This lady doesn’t need a man who clings or wants to limit her freedom.

When chatting with your girlfriend, show that you are an independent person too. Let her know that you also occasionally need time for yourself. That shows Sagittarius that you do not expect her to be there for you all the time.

#2 - do not make it boring

For this sign of the zodiac, boredom is something comparable to agony. So, your girlfriend just can’t take it. You don’t have to bust a gut over finding new ideas for shared leisure, but going every evening to a bar around the corner is definitely not what she expects.

Wonder how to get a Sagittarius woman to chase you? Just show her that you enjoy trying new things too.

#3 - do not be jealous

Very important: never make your girlfriend a dramatic jealousy scene, especially in a public place. It immediately awakens her instinct to flee, and most commonly, you will never see your dream lady again.

#4 - do not try to pretend to be someone you are not

Do you remember how much Sagittarius needs honesty? For her, such an unnatural behavior means nothing else but lying. And, as you already know, this female doesn’t want to be in a relationship with a person whom she can’t trust.

The perfect date for Sagittarius

The perfect date for Sagittarius

How to date a Sagittarius woman is a bit clear now, but what about the details of your first date ever? Do you already know where you want to spend it and what kind of gift would be nice to bring? Even if the answer was no - relax, as we have something to offer you in this regard.

Since representatives of this zodiac sign are always very extroverted, your lady will likely offer a place for your first date herself. Don’t worry, if you don’t like the idea - simply say that - she won’t be offended. But if she wants you to choose the location, there are several good options then.

Sagittarius loves adventure. For this reason, what can be better than an amusement park or a fairground? There are lots of people, exciting attractions, and all kinds of colorful entertainment there. It will surely make your girlfriend feel happy. You can walk around hand in hand, having a nice chat and eating cotton candies. Perhaps there is also an attraction where you two can get closer.

If the first option is not for you, there is a good alternative. You can always invite her to a restaurant or cafe. When choosing the exact place, pay attention to exotic cuisine. For example, if you don’t mind eating something spicy, pick traditional Thai food or national Mexican dishes. Still, the point is that it must be something unusual. Most of the time you can take her to Italian or French restaurants, but a bit later. How to tell if a Sagittarius woman likes you and the place you go to? Well, such an honest personality would simply not lie about such things!

The last option we can offer would be some cultural events. People of this star sign are philosophers, so your girl may enjoy exhibitions or museums. But that should be up to her - it means you need to ask first.

Gifts for Sagittarius woman for first date

What else about a Sagittarius woman do you need to know? Her preferences regarding gifts, of course.

For the first time you go out, the best present would be a book. Ideally, something philosophical or psychological. Then again, Sagittarius adores Amazons, so a gift certificate for an exhibition on this topic would be an amazing surprise for your match.

Talking about the presents for your further dates, we need to admit that horse riding is a life passion for Sagittarius. So, Tony Mora boots together with a riding course in western style will surely make her into seventh heaven.

Always the great idea is, for example, a belt with a folk look - a real eye-catcher. In fact, this lady is very creative and loves unusual things, so exclusive accessories would also be a good choice.

Sagittarius woman in relationships & love

Sagittarius woman in relationships & love

Your first date was perfect and, probably, after going out for some time, you can finally call this lady your girlfriend. So, Sagittarius woman in love and in a relationship, is there any difference in her behavior? Let’s talk about it!

The initial thing that you need to know is all romances she has are incredibly important to a Sagittarius. This female loves people and believes them right up to naivety.

Your girlfriend automatically believes in every word you say, just like in your kindness. Moreover, she will only be satisfied when her partner is happy. Like you already know, Sagittarius rarely has an exact plan of something. It means her attempts to bring you joy can also sometimes be too intrusive and unrealistic. It is usually difficult to explain what she does wrong without insulting her pride.

If you start dating Sagittarius, thinking that she needs to change - maybe it is best to give up without trying. She doesn’t like her man to teach her how to live, as it is really annoying: Sagittarius woman when angry becomes rather stubborn and loud than constructive. The only way she can be happy with her partner is when personal growth is assured, and respect for her personality is unconditional.

And, we are ready to move to the most piquant part of our article: Sagittarius woman sextrology. We bet you can’t wait to find out what expects you in the bedroom!

For Sagittarius, lovemaking is another adventure she wants to experience. If you go to bed with this lady, be prepared not to sleep all night long. She can be extremely comfortable, caring non-stop about the pleasure of her partner. On the other hand, Sagittarius likes to try new things not only in daily life but also in sex. So, when choosing a lover, especially for an affair, she can be very open-minded. Often, this female is searching for a partner abroad, as she wants to get to know different kinds of love.

In any case, even with men of her nationality, Sagittarius is open to everything new and is also enthusiastic about unusual positions. But her favorite position is usually doggy style. It represents her submissive side of the character.

If the Sagittarius is turned on, instincts dominate on this woman, so she forgets everything that goes around her. If you want to be a lover of such a girl not only for one night but for a long time - you need to be willing to accept her rules of the game.

Compatibility Sagittarius Love Disasters & Matches

Wait, what sign is a Sagittarius woman compatible with? According to the astrologists’ opinion, there are some zodiac signs which are real soulmates for such a lady. But, still, there certainly are some love-disasters.

Sagittarius and Love Sex Communication
Aries high high high
Leo high high high
Libra high high high
Sagittarius medium high medium
Virgo medium medium medium
Capricorn low low low
Aquarius high high high
Gemini medium high medium
Taurus low low low
Cancer low medium low
Scorpio low medium low
Pisces low medium low

Sagittarius woman & Aries man

The most compatible with Sagittarius woman is Aries man. They both are lively and energetic, so the relationship between these people should definitely not be boring. This romance can also be invigorating for them, as their feelings put together can make something like a perpetual motion machine. In addition, Sagittarius and Aries want to experience everything intensely - no wonder - their Element is fire. As another benefit, it guarantees a lot of passion and, above all, amazing sex.

Sagittarius woman & Leo man

Not less compatible are Leo man and Sagittarius woman. The fire of excitement starts when these two see each other for the first time. But this freedom-loving lady does not always pay her man the attention he needs. If they find out how to understand and respect each other’s needs - this couple can get old together. By the way, Leo is the only zodiac sign that knows how to turn on a Sagittarius woman and help her to get rid of clumsiness in sex.

Sagittarius woman & Libra man

The compatibility between Libra man and Sagittarius woman is also high. Sagittarius falls for elegance and charm, so it is clear that she simply cannot resist Libra. He is so handsome and, with his magical glance, wins her heart right away. She wants to take him into the adventurous world full of love and aspiration. Libra has absolutely nothing against that, as long as he is in harmony with himself. Moreover, this man will gladly accept her enormous desire for freedom. Nothing stands in the way of their carefree future.

Sagittarius woman & Aquarius man

Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman compatibility is pretty high. Wow, these two create a really crazy and exuberant relationship! Creative Aquarius and adventurous Sagittarius can never get bored together. This romance is free from all prejudice. However, the circle of friends they have is extremely large and takes up a lot of time, so, unfortunately, they can hardly find time for erotic hours. On the other hand, Aquarius feels a Sagittarius woman sexually. Their lovemaking is always full of joy and tenderness.

Sagittarius woman & Gemini man

What can we say about the Gemini man and Sagittarius woman compatibility? They cannot hesitate with the attraction and fall in love with each other immediately. Shared adventures and trips will form the basis for this couple of like-minders. As a bonus, lively Gemini and optimistic Sagittarius become the mutual passion for continuously trying something new. Yes, it will certainly never be boring here, but in the long run, this romance must be quite exhausting for both.

Sagittarius woman & Sagittarius man

Sagittarius man + Sagittarius woman compatibility, what do we have in this case? This sign of the zodiac in a double pack seeks twice as much variety and joy of life. One thing is certain: there is no routine in this relationship. Their extensive program of experiences leaves nothing to be desired. Also, in the subject of sex Sagittarius have powerful chemistry. A long-term relationship, on the other hand, is rather unlikely; one of the two could easily give in to sweet temptation.

Compatibility Sagittarius Love Disasters & Matches

Sagittarius woman & Virgo man

The compatibility between Sagittarius woman and Virgo man is surprisingly good. The optimist meets eternal criticism: sounds strange. Still, these two belong to each other. Probably, their motto is opposites attract, as Virgo and Sagittarius complement each other perfectly. She likes the careful manner of her partner, who, on his side, is impressed with her energy. Either friends or spouses: they can’t live without each other. By the way, Virgo never wonders, is Sagittarius woman loyal or not - he can feel her without words.

Sagittarius woman & Pisces man

Pisces man and Sagittarius woman compatibility is pretty low. There will hardly be any arguing between the sensitive Pisces and adventurous Sagittarius. Unfortunately, this is not because their relationship is perfect, but due to his tendency to avoid any inconvenience. Sagittarius, on her side, sees such behavior as dishonesty. So their future as a couple is rather questionable.

Sagittarius woman & Scorpio man

Scorpio man + Sagittarius woman compatibility is also quite low. She is like a sitting duck for such a man. Scorpio likes secrets, but you can hardly find any in a Sagittarius. Nothing needs to be researched here, as this lady is too honest to hide something. However, if that is the case, the dark side of Sagittarius woman can turn him on for a while.

Sagittarius woman & Cancer man

The compatibility between Cancer man and Sagittarius woman is low. This cheerful lady can deal with the moody Cancer. Her jokes make him feel freer and more confident than ever before. But Sagittarius senses that Cancer is merely adapting to her life attitude, and that makes this female doubt whether he is actually having as much fun as he says or not. It is easily possible that she will look for someone who is a bit more playful by nature over a certain period of time.

Sagittarius woman & Capricorn man

Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman compatibility is almost the lowest one. He just takes life too seriously for the cheerful Sagittarius. After all, we all are here to enjoy life and have fun - at least that's what she thinks. While the Capricorn is busy securing the future, Sagittarius is probably already running away into her next adventure. Such a realistic person as a Capricorn will soon get tired and start looking for someone more serious.

Sagittarius woman & Taurus man

The lowest compatibility has a Sagittarius woman and Taurus man. The romance between these two is a love disaster. This man is just too slow for Sagittarius. By the time he warms up, she has cooled down again. There are few things they enjoy in each other: chats over a glass of wine and romantic dinners in nice restaurants, but that’s it. More than an affair or friendship should simply not develop between these people.

So, do you know now what you can offer to a Sagittarius lady to make her interested? If you have already made up your mind - great since with the information from this article, you have great chances to win the heart of your dream girl. Even if it's not that easy, as she can be wild, adventurous, and even get under your skin from time to time - Sagittarius is definitely a woman to fight for!

Dating Sagittarius woman FAQ

How does a Sagittarius woman act when in love?

This sign of the zodiac falls in love quickly and passionately. You can see it through her words and gestures, as Sagittarius' personality is full of romanticism and tenderness. If such a woman is in love - she tries to touch, kiss, and hug her object of adoration.

What are Sagittarius’ weaknesses?

Some people do not get along well with the super-honest manner of Sagittarius. Especially when it is mixed with a lack of empathy. Furthermore, this zodiac sign can be selfish, snobby, unquiet, and vain.

How to seduce a Sagittarius woman?

Such a cheerful girl can be easily seduced with a good sense of humor. This character trait, in her opinion, is extremely sexy.

Does Sagittarius like to cuddle and kiss?

Yes, it’s true. Since Sagittarius has a fiery temperament, it helps her to get to the heart of the matter quickly. Even at the first rendezvous, she might like to kiss so warmly and intimately so you would not be able to stop yourself thinking about it over and over again.

How to make a Sagittarius woman miss you?

Representatives of this star sign are extremely freedom-loving personalities. So, it may sound like a challenge to make such a female miss you, as she enjoys being all by herself time over time. However, if you support Sagittarius in all her undertakings (which may be rather questionable for other people) she will never disappear for more than a few days.

Is a Sagittarius woman jealous?

No, as Sagittarius doesn’t think she has to. Actually, such a feeling is something unknown to her.

How to know if a Sagittarius woman likes you?

If this lady truly likes you, most likely, she will try to control her insatiable passion for saying the truth no matter what. To protect your feelings from being hurt, Sagittarius will try to find the right words, even if she is angry.

How does a Sagittarius flirt?

This zodiac sign loves to flirt: it’s like air for them. So Sagittarius’ flirt manner is direct and full of humor. It can’t be confused with anything else.

How to love a Sagittarius woman?

Without taking her freedom away, of course! Even when in love, this girl needs some time for her hobbies and friends.

What sign does Sagittarius hate?

Sagittarius usually hates Pisces because of their dishonesty and tries to avoid conflicts at any price.

Who should Sagittarius woman marry?

The best possible partners in this matter are Aries, Leo, Aquarius, and Libra.

What makes Sagittarius happy?

Representatives of this zodiac sign love to travel and explore new places. Getting to know new cultures and habits makes them happy.

How is a Sagittarius woman in bed?

Her Element is fire: it means sex with this lady will be full of passion and emotions. Sagittarius also loves to try new things so a Kamasutra book would be a nice gift for her.

What does a Sagittarius woman want in a relationship?

She wants to be in a relationship with someone who shares her life attitude. A Sagittarius female needs her partner to be open-minded and optimistic. Only in this case, relationships can work and they can live happily ever after.

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