Dating a Cancer Woman: a Comprehensive Guide

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Meet the Best Dating a Cancer Woman: a Comprehensive Guide Here

«Cold hands, warm heart» - the expression, which most accurately describes the Cancer woman personality. Because of the innate carefulness, this lady opens up her heart only to a small number of people. However, if you are thinking about dating her, it would be nice to receive all relevant information long before the first time you two go out. So, whom are you dealing with in this case?

The typical Cancer girl can be described as fickle, thoughtful, and quick-tempered. The symbol of this zodiac sign is Moon. And, like the Moon, which changes every night, the Cancer does not remain the same every day.

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In love with a Cancer woman: how to act and what to expect.

Today gentle and quiet, tomorrow dramatic and passionate - it is never boring with her. Once you are together as a couple, then you can be sure that the soul warmth of this lady will keep you from freezing even at sub-zero temperatures. We affirm it’s the kindest person you’ve ever seen in your life, want to bet?

Okay, let’s highlight the main Cancer woman traits:

  • Helpfulness and willingness to protect. Like in a famous song by Bruno Mars, she is ready to throw her hand on a blade and jump in front of a train for loved ones. Actually, representatives of this star sign are loyal friends for life. However, you better be careful: their care sometimes progresses into paternalism.
  • Sensitiveness and regular mood swings. These traits express the infantile side of the Cancer woman. Her mood barometer ranges from upbeat to depressed a few times a day. She has a great need for harmony, at the same time, appears a bit scandalous, though. But there is one thing you should know: all fights she starts have one goal - to get hugged at the end.
  • Submissiveness and skittishness. Metaphorically speaking, she is as delicate as a flower that blooms for the first time. In other words, you should never handle a Cancer lady too roughly: always treat her with respect and friendliness. If something goes wrong - she locks her soul up, so there would be no chance to get hurt again.

Talking about the traits of a Cancer woman, we can’t avoid the theme of her expectations, as these two matters are closely interrelated. Then, what does a person with such a delicate nature want from relationships?

The romantic Cancer dreams of great love. Such a lady is usually very interested in a serious relationship, which, ideally, leads to marriage. Even though intimacy is important to her, a Cancer woman would rarely let herself be involved in an affair.

Actually, this female is aimed at building a family. Since she still has a pretty playful character and can therefore empathize with children exceptionally well. In fact, Cancer probably already cannot wait to have her own kids. 

Such a girl would quit the job and forget about her career to protect the interests of the family. However, she may never consider this gesture as a sacrifice. Cancer ladies are fully absorbed in the role of mother and wife when the time comes. She cherishes and cares for her family, pampering them with delicious food. Hardly any other sign of the zodiac likes to cook as much as the Cancer woman! From childhood, this girl knows: the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

After all this, what can we say to sup up? If you want to have fun and begin a torrid affair with Cancer - it is a very bad idea: nothing else but frustration you get as a result. On the other hand, if your goal is to create a family and have children - a more suitable partner couldn’t be found.

We are glad to see that you keep on reading this article: it means you are truly interested in your Cancer girl and have serious intentions. Well, your destiny is in good hands - we have practical tips for each stage of your romance! 

In this chapter, we’ll focus on the very first question you probably have now:

Dating a Cancer woman

How to attract a Cancer woman.

Make the first step.

Do not expect any Cancer lady to take the initiative, so make the first step and introduce yourself to her. Do not be too pushy, using well-known nowadays pick-up lines - it doesn't work here. If you violate her personal space, getting uncomfortably close - it will rather alienate than make your potential girlfriend interested. In other words, when making the first step, never forget: that Cancer woman is naturally shy and more open to gentle signals of sympathy. 

Try to pay attention to what she is doing and use it to start the conversation. For example, if you see her choosing a candy bar in the supermarket - you can say, “Does it taste good? I usually buy another one, but it is out of stock now. By the way, my name is Mark.”

If she is not doing anything special or you communicate online, start with a simple greeting. Just say, "Hi". When she replies - continue your chat, telling her that she looks very nice, and you want to know her better if it is possible.

Show your sensitivity.

If she asks you questions - it is one of the first signs a Cancer woman likes you. So, you better use this opportunity to attract her even more. Tell this lady a little about yourself, not limited to the short answers. When the time is right, tell about something that has been a challenge for you, it could be your advantage. Cancer will appreciate this desire to open up.

For example, if she asks you why you became a teacher - do not just say, «Because I like it.» Instead, you can say something like, «I really want to make a difference, help children. When I was small, my father wasn't always there, and I had a teacher who made a lasting impression on me during the school years. He inspired me to become a teacher.»

Be patient.

Try not to be offended if your Cancer girl avoids some conversations or tries to speak out turn. Leave these topics aside for now and bring them up again when you know her a little longer. Representatives of this star sign have a strong protective instinct and are naturally shy, especially when it comes to their family and close friends. Therefore, if she doesn’t want to answer any kind of personal question, say, for example, «No problem, I just want you to be comfortable.»

Be a man of his word.

If you wonder how to get a Cancer woman attracted to you - do what you say you are going to do. Before she starts trusting you, prove your seriousness by keeping your word. This lady wants to be in a relationship with a reliable, faithful partner. If you show her that you have exactly those traits she is looking for so long, Cancer’s interest to know you better becomes stronger.

In particular, if you say you will pick her up from work - put it in your calendar so there would be no chance to forget about this arrangement. If you offer to water her plants while she is on vacation - do it well and follow all her instructions. It would seem like no big deal, but a Cancer woman needs to see specifically this demonstration of your feelings.

Take care of her.

Encompass your future girlfriend with care and attention, undertake a part of her day-to-day responsibilities.

A good example here would be showing your good attitude to Cancer’s four-legged friends through walks, plays, and patting behind the ear. Never forget: she wants to create a family, and, for the moment, this fluffy companion is its first member - so, you need to integrate into their team. 

If she's not an animal lover, what is pretty uncommon by Cancers, offer her all possible assistance in domestic work, like hammering a nail or mounting shelves.

How to tell if a Cancer woman likes you then? It’s so obvious! If this lady is not interested - she nips all the efforts in the bud without giving false hopes.

Once you’ve done everything right, this lady is wholly attracted to you and can’t wait to become the status of your girlfriend.

Dating a Cancer Woman: a Comprehensive Guide

Therefore, the question raises itself: how to date a Cancer woman?

Well, our answer in this matter revolves around two essential criteria - what to do and what kind of actions you need to refrain from.

Let’s start it with the good stuff.

Cook for her.

It would be amazing if you find a secret recipe of your family’s signature dish and cook dinner for your girl by yourself. Many Cancer women love quiet evenings at home, where they feel most comfortable. 

If you don't have a family recipe to show her, pick something from a cookbook or the Internet. Above all, the dish you choose must suit her preferences. However, it doesn't have to be complicated. Cancer lady is usually not a big fan of Michelin-rated restaurants or molecular gastronomy. She prefers simplicity and straightforwardness to luxury.

Then a good option here would be something from Mexican cuisine. It is pretty easy to cook and tasty at the same time. Also, this woman will appreciate the efforts you put into making fresh guacamole.

Show your understanding if she sometimes gives preferences to her family and friends instead of your relationship.

Show the Cancer lady that you do care of her family and friends, and even if she changes plans to help them - do not demonstrate annoyance. Express your sincerity about the people who are important to her by asking about them afterward. 

For example, if she cancels a date to take her brother to the hospital, you can say, «No problem at all. I’ll get myself some pizza. How does he feel now? What can I do to help?» 

Actually, such a behavior illustrates the perfect answer to the question of how to make a Cancer woman fall in love with you.

Time over time, make a double date with some couples she is friends with.

Eating out, watching movies, or even playing mini-golf with your Cancer girlfriend and her friends - the idea, which will be warmly welcomed by such a woman. If you don't know her friends well enough to plan this, show yourself interested in suggesting this kind of date. 

As an example, you can say, «There is a great new pizza place near my office. The portions are huge, so we definitely need someone to share our order with! Do you have any friends who would not mind going on a double date with us?»

It's best to invite a couple who have been together for a long time and know your lady pretty well, so she would have no reason to be shy.

Try to get to know her better.

It is always a big problem when we are talking about how to understand a Cancer woman. Her personality is a little reserved: she doesn’t like to talk about her feelings and thoughts. In this matter, old family photo albums can be quite helpful.

Check them out together with your lady and try to get her talking. Then it would be a perfect time to ask Cancer questions about her relatives or simply listen to the stories from her childhood.

To start a conversation, you can say, «Is that a photo of you and your grandmother Anna? She seems to be a fascinating woman. What is the best memory you share?»

However, it is not an interview, so don’t be too curious.

Introduce her to your family and friends.

How to win a Cancer woman? Show this lady that you are ready to make her a part of your life, inviting her to spend time with your family and friends. It doesn’t have to be a boring tea party - find some activity that will bring all of you a lot of fun. 

For example, if your Cancer girl is a talented artist - together with your mother, you may organize a night of painting and cocktails at a local art studio. In case her hobby is cooking - order a group master-class for the relatives and your girlfriend. The list goes on and on - still, the key here is not the kind of activity but the people she will be introduced to.

Great, now you are aware of the things that you need to do. But, still, the information about the ways of how to seduce a Cancer woman would not be exhaustive without the top-four things you better don’t do.

How To Seduce A Cancer Woman: Tips For Getting Her To Fall In Love

Do not date with several ladies at the same time.

When trying to build a relationship with a Cancer woman, focus your romantic attention only on her. Loyalty and reliability are very important to this zodiac sign. If you are temporarily not planning to stop your search and continue going out with other girls - make sure that it is okay for both of you. 

In case you are not sure what is going on by her side, simply say, «I am really interested in taking our relationship to the next level. I'm not going out with anyone else right now because I consider it a sign of disrespect for what we are building. And what about you?». She will likely respond positively to that.

Avoid criticizing people who mean a lot to her.

It would be wise to hold back from being critical or giving your impression about her friends and family members if you don't know them well enough. In case you speak ill of someone who is important to your Cancer girlfriend - be very careful and delicate. Act like no matter what happens - you will be by her side, supporting and protecting from any crisis in the galaxy. Try to show compassion whenever you can.

Do not spend money like water.

The representatives of this star sign like to work hard. However, even more, they like to save money on a rainy day. If you want to buy something, ask Cancer - she certainly knows where to find the best possible price/quality ratio. 

This lady doesn’t like to spend money on unnecessary purchases and becomes angry when someone tries to buy her. Gifts for a Cancer woman often mean nothing if they do not bear the practical use. So, 1001 roses bouquet would not make the desired impression, in this case.

Do not overuse her kindliness.

As a sensitive person, Cancer always stands ready to help. She immediately notices the needs of others and offers her support. But be careful: this lady sees when someone wants to overuse her kind-heartedness straight away. It might be a real problem because Cancers are quite vengeful. So, don’t even think to step out of the line with her.

You better don’t question us how to seduce a Cancer woman through text because, without real actions, she would not take you seriously. So, as soon as you are ready, just go and ask this lady out. Besides, the next thing we want to tell is a description of her perfect date!

Dating a Cancer Woman: New Things to Learn

Ideas For Your Perfect Date with a Cancer woman

Cancer ladies usually feel most comfortable in an environment they are familiar with. So if you can find some nice and cozy place close to the house of your new girlfriend - that would be ideal. The next thing that helps to win her heart would be the awareness of her habits. Try to find out what she likes, especially what is her favorite food. Since dinner or lunch as a first date is particularly suitable for the Cancer, you can’t lose choosing this option. Here you have an excellent opportunity to get to know her better. On the other hand, if you start with breakfast or lunch, and things are going very well, you can go straight on and extend your date to the late evening.

Anyway, a soft and homelike atmosphere would be the best choice here. Therefore, a quiet bar would be a brilliant alternative to a restaurant. As long as the Cancer lady likes the place and feels comfortable in it, everything will be fine. By the way, another essential factor: the longer conversation, the better.

You should at all costs avoid noisy and hectic places when you ask such a lady to go out for the first time. Night clubs, loud parties, concerts, etc. should be forgotten for some time. Leisure parks are not a good idea too.

Also, spontaneously planning something would not be welcomed by a Cancer woman. Give her time to think and decide. She needs to make clear if the place and idea of your date are okay or not. So, it would be nice to give her a few options so she can choose the most suitable one.

How to talk to a Cancer woman on the first date to make her interested in you? Considering the fact that the representatives of this zodiac sign are a bit narcissistic, they love to talk about themselves, their hobbies, what they like to do, eat, and so on. You can use this knowledge and offer your Cancer to tell about herself. Still, be careful not to ask the most intimate questions straight away, rather give her time to open up. Try to respond to her feelings and make your girlfriend aware that you recognize and respect her sensitive side.

There is no way you appear without a present on the very first date. We are ready to share some gift ideas for a Cancer woman, which will make a long-lasting impression on her.

Such a lady usually has an enormous sweet tooth. You may say that chocolate doesn’t solve problems - apple can’t do it either, replies Cancer. So, soft caramels, gummy bears, white or milk chocolate will definitely put your girlfriend in the right mood. Another gift Cancer girl will be happy to receive - perfume. Fragrances she loves have fruity, fresh scents or powdery, flowery notes.

Of course, it takes more than one date to win the trust of such a careful lady.

But how does a Cancer woman in relationships act? 

How to date a Cancer Woman

She has the natural talent of compassion that allows her to understand what her partner is going through. That makes Cancer a very good listener since she is able to put herself in your shoes. 

This woman has a need to protect the people she loves. Unfortunately, it can be a little too much if you won’t stop her in time. Cancer girl carries the maternal instinct in every inch of her body and wants to protect her "child" from all evil of this world. Do we need to notice that for now, you are her kid? 

When everything is fine, both physically and emotionally, relationships mean for Cancer, something incredibly powerful, indestructible. And, like in a typical happily ever after, she will want to do what "normal" is - get married and have children.

Talking about what Cancer woman sexually likes, we need to notice that she is not the person who can’t live without sex. In a sense, her zodiac sign takes away the instinctive sexual desire and makes her dependent on sensual, tender, and emotional lovemaking. For this reason, she can have difficulties expressing her feelings in this matter. Such a girl needs the right partner who would be patient enough to help Cancer feel confident enough to develop this side of her personality. 

This woman can be extremely passionate and open-minded, but only with the special one. She will be one of the least likely ladies in the zodiac who choose to leave a partner with whom she finds true sexual intimacy.

The main Cancer woman's erogenous zone is her nipples. She wants her partner to give them special attention. However, kisses and tongue games on the earlobes should not be missed if you like to put this lady in ecstasy.

Still, astrologists are sure that some zodiac signs know how to love a Cancer woman better than the number of others. Let’s check your chances together.

Cancer Woman Compatibility With Men From Other Zodiac Signs

Cancer and 





















































Most compatible with a Cancer woman is a Scorpio man. It’s love at first glance: both can feel the attraction immediately. Ultimately, she knows how to soothe the explosive Scorpio in a subtle way. Finally, he gets the inner harmony and doesn’t want to show aggression. In the best case, their relationship is meant to last forever.

Compatibility between Pisces man and Cancer woman is almost that high as with the mentioned above zodiac sign. Two dreamers meet each other in this case. The gentle Cancer and the soulful Pisces understand each other without words. Together they can build a castle to protect themselves against the rest of the world. He is a true master when it comes to tenderness and closeness; his desire to pamper her is stronger than anything else.

It’s not a surprise, but Cancer woman and Cancer man compatibility is also high. Together they create an ocean of feelings - Cancers greedily suck up the romance and sentimentality with every sip. Well, it’s great to feel like a teenager again, but a realistic counterweight is urgently missing.

Virgo man compatibility with Cancer woman is significant. She is impressed by his intelligence and foresight. Such a man has an impressive appearance and is only interested in a serious relationship, just like Cancer. Besides, these two can talk to each other days and nights - a great couple of two like-minders. 

Taurus man and Cancer woman compatibility is also among good ones. A loyal, peaceful Taurus is a real treasure for such a soulful lady. He, loving a Cancer woman, can calm her down when everyday life appears too stressful. The physical side of their romance also works. These two can become a real dream couple because the feelings they have, are based on deep friendship and hot love.

The compatibility between Capricorn man and Cancer woman is pretty good. He wants to be successful and strives to achieve his lofty goals. Unfortunately, in this case, Capricorn will not have much time to notice all of the mood swings of his lady. This man offers stability, but she needs more, namely loving words, tender touches, and so on. However, he knows how to make a Cancer woman miss you.

Cancer woman and Leo man compatibility is not the perfect one, but still okay. Their romance looks like a Hollywood movie. As different as day and night, they need to work hard to feel happy in such a relationship. The emotional Cancer and the adventure-hungry Leo can hardly imagine getting old together.

What about the Gemini man and Cancer woman compatibility? She can have a lot of fun with the playful Gemini, as long as he holds her heart tight. However, after the first fights, these two realize that they were not made for each other. At least, Gemini knows how to text a Cancer woman to turn her on.

Aries man and Cancer woman compatibility is pretty low. These signs of the zodiac are simply too different. Cancer is subtle, a soft tone lady. She is careful with her feelings and wants any further steps to be taken slowly. The impatient Aries, instead, has a habit of jumping into things too quickly. Is it worth trying?

Compatibility between Sagittarius man and Cancer woman is also low. He is characterized by the thirst for freedom and adventure - not exactly the qualities that a Cancer wants from her partner. Their romance does not promise much, and in the long run, it will hurt somebody’s feelings, accept it.

Libra man and Cancer woman compatibility is almost the lowest one. Such a charming man attracts Cancer on a sexual level - due to his natural lightness, she seduces so quickly. But Libra doesn’t want to take any further steps, while Cancer wants to create a family. On a friendship level, however, these two form a real dream team.

Compatibility between Cancer woman and Aquarius man shows the eventual failure from the very beginning. She is likely to be impressed by his lively nature. For a certain time, although. When Cancer finally wants to settle down and have kids, Aquarius prefers to move on. Such a relationship is too boring for him in the long run.

We hope your sign of the zodiac is the one with the highest compatibility. Also, now you are aware of all the facts that will help you to win the heart of your dream lady: from how to know if a Cancer woman likes you to the variants of gifts she loves to get. Follow our advice to make the chances of bad luck slim to none.

Secrets About Dating a Cancer Woman


How to make a Cancer woman chase you?

The best possible way here is to be kind to her. You need to treat this lady like a tender flower, with care and discretion. Let your Cancer girl know that no one can understand her personality like you, and she will fall madly in love with you. 

Who are Cancers attracted to?

Cancers are usually attracted to Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces.

How do Cancers act in relationships?

Cancer woman in love may have difficulties controlling her maternal instincts. While she may not be able to differentiate between sexual and parental relationships, real feelings can confuse her.

Who is Cancers soulmate?

Without a doubt, we can say that Pisces, as another Water sign, is a soulmate of a Cancer woman. These two are full of dreams and can understand each other without words. 

Are Cancers private?

Yes, it’s true. You need to earn the trust of this lady -only after that, she can try to open up her heart.

Who should a Cancer woman marry?

As you can see from our zodiac signs compatibility chart, the best possible partner, in this case, would be a Scorpio.

Do Cancers fall in love easily?

They don’t want to get hurt. That’s why they don't let themselves fall in love quickly. So, this lady is absolutely not a sitting duck for pick up games. 

How to tell if a Cancer woman is in love?

Representatives of this zodiac sign show their love through protection and care. Therefore, if you see your Cancer woman trying to help you in every possible way - there is no other option except she loves you.

How do Cancers act when jealous? 

Unfortunately, jealousy is a common characteristic of a Cancer woman. When she feels this way, her heart hurt. You may actually overlook if something goes wrong in this matter because she tries to keep these emotions to herself.

How to talk to a Cancer woman? 

Cancers are difficult when you are just beginning a relationship with them. Often they do not pay attention to the things people say and appear shy when someone speaks to them directly. Try to be around your loved one as often as possible so that you can get her attention. How to know if a Cancer woman is interested? When she begins to lose her shyness with you. Talk to your lady about everything she is interested in. By the way, it is quite simple to find the first theme. Cancer is the most self-centered sign of the zodiac and therefore likes to talk about herself above all else.

Are Cancers good in bed?

Sex with a Cancer woman, like a good wine, becomes better with time. She needs to loosen up to show her hot and naughty side.

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