Dating A Pisces Woman: How to Date a Pisces Woman

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Meet the Best Dating A Pisces Woman: How to Date a Pisces Woman Here

It’s not a secret that people who were born under the same zodiac sign possess a certain number of similarities. So who are those people whose birthday is between February 20th and March 20th? Let’s find out together!

It is necessary to start with essential Pisces woman characteristics.

The Pisces woman comes sweet-tempered and dreamy into the world. However, sooner or later, after a good dose of reality, she starts to discover the other side of life. As a result, Pisces lady can’t handle all the disadvantages this planet has, and at the earliest convenience, she tries to escape into the land of her fantasies and feelings.

As you are about to discover, the Pisces woman traits are sensibility and vulnerability. She is as tender as a flower. But be careful, to get to know her is like gathering rosebuds: either slowly, or your finger may be cut with a thorn. 

Anyway, you better hold back your protective instinct. This lady seems more helpless than she really is. She knows exactly how to get what she wants. Maybe without loud words, rather through the subtle hint. But wait, it doesn’t mean she is a shrewd strategist. This woman is just wise enough. 

Pisces can always trust her intuition. The gut feeling of this zodiac sign is natural and can unmistakably predict the best time to swing into action or wait a moment instead. You just need to learn how to understand her. 

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A Pisces woman in a relationship

Why Dating A Pisces Woman Is The Best Thing For Your Soul

If Pisces woman in relationships doesn’t like something, she will never say it out loud or even start a fight. Most likely, this star sign will try to bury those misunderstandings and act as nothing has happened. She hates long discussions and cleverly avoids them. But for her loved ones, Pisces woman has an open heart as-well-as is willing to hear and help twenty-four hours a day. This lady truly suffers when someone she loves is not feeling good and tries her best to bring a smile back to his face.

As an imaginative personality, a Pisces woman is particularly interested in artistic activities. Once she can live out her creativity - overwhelming happiness fulfills her. This is also what gives life meaning.

This unusual personality is often mistaken for ease, heedlessness, what is definitely wrong.

So, what does a beautiful Pisces woman want: affair or endless love? What about her expectations? 

The most important thing you should know - she is a girl and would like to be treated as a girl. Protected, cared, and loved. Forget about feminism: it’s a real lady in front of you. It means she is expecting you to move the chair away from the table before she sits, or open a door and let her go first. A nice chance to feel like a true gentleman. 

Pisces woman thinks: a real man doesn't share his bed, but his deepest thoughts. Mental intimacy and emotional closeness for her are more important than expressing love physically. You better don't feel too harshly against this sign, rather openly express your love, blended together with understanding. She wants to be surrounded by your emotions. Could you do this for her?

How to Attract a Pisces Woman?

If your answer to the previous question was yes, then we want to welcome you to the how-to attract Pisces woman section. Pay attention, here are our top five tips with an official guarantee of an excellent result!

  • Be the man of her dreams. Pisces lady believes in love stories set up like a Hollywood movie. Deep inside, she wishes to meet a prince charming and get married to him. It means, simply put, she wants to bring to her ordinary life the peace of a fairy tale. A romantic candlelight dinner for two, or go horseback riding on the beach, that's what she fantasies about. So, basically, you just need to show all the romantic sides of your character to attract this sign of the zodiac.
  • If dating a Pisces woman is what you want, then be self-confident, and radiate it all over your body. Gentlemanly behavior, gallant, and attentive gestures will make a strong impression on this woman. Since she wants to be together with a man who can solve the pressing daily problems; comfort, and protect her from the whole number of injustices of the world.
  • Catch her attention with a nice joke. Woman with the zodiac sign Pisces is usually full of humor and appreciates this trait in her man. Therefore, self-deprecating, having a laugh, making fun of the situation would surely attract such a lady. 
  • A bit of creativity is required. She is looking for a man who also has the impulse to create art. This sign doesn’t need a partner - Pisces needs a soulmate.
  • Let your intellect work for you: show your communication skills. She will be happy to listen to funny stories about your life and family because it open ups your personality for her. But please, if you want to attract her, avoid making promises you don’t know you can keep.

This Is How You Date A Pisces Woman

This Is How You Date A Pisces Woman

Well, it was a little complicated, but we’ve dealt with the seducing part, but how to date a Pisces woman? We have a rich compilation of facts, which you will certainly find useful. 

What you really need to do:

  • You need to have a good outfit. With a little bit of flair, of course. After all, it is the very first impression you can make. So, it would be nice to learn some extra points right away, since the Pisces woman wants her man to look fresh and properly dressed. Then just take your time to look good for your sweetheart. However, you don't have to overdo it, neither with deodorant nor with perfume. As for clothes, you better choose something classic and elegant. It is not enough to show up in your jogging pants to conquer this zodiac sign. Get a nice shirt out of the closet, together with good pants and suitable shoes. The Pisces woman will surely be charmed by such a gentleman.
  • The Pisces woman is really thin-skinned, and not only towards the most trusted friends and family, but also regarding everything that surrounds her. She may be very touched and even moved to tears by something you haven’t even noticed! However, this sign expects her man to be willing to help and open his heart for the suffering souls. Please don’t let her down.
  • Make her feel wanted and special. Show her how much she means to you with small gestures and surprises. For example, perfect little gifts for Pisces woman would be her favorite flowers (usually, this sign loves modest wildflowers), or a nice heart-shaped box of chocolates (this lady has a secret sweet tooth). But don’t wait for a special occasion, a spur-of-the-moment gift is even more delightful.
  • Knightly behavior, and most important, surrounding care should be your high priority. As mentioned before, this lady has a tender spirit. That means mean jokes or biting remarks should preferably stay out of hearing. The whole thing with roughness can quickly destroy your relationship. 
  • Accept her for who she is. Do not try to change her or devalue her desires and goals. Doing this, you not only hurt the feelings of this lady but also lose her trust. The Pisces female has lofty ideals and is rarely satisfied with less. But don't let this small habit stress you out. With a little empathy and enthusiasm for her dreams, the loyalty you give will be highly appreciated.

You better forget about it dating a Pisces woman:

  • Don't make her feel like she is the hub of the universe. In fact, quite the opposite impression would be the right one. You need to create a small lack of your presence. Let her be the one who needs you and wants to see you rather than vice versa! Don't call her too often, don't respond too quickly to her text messages. She will miss you and will definitely want to see you. Let this lady languish a little bit, so your rendezvous would be unforgettable.
  • Woman with the zodiac sign Pisces hates egoists and narcissists. That’s the weirdest thing she has ever heard about since this sign likes to support others, completely selfless. So, you better try to put someone’s interest ahead of your own. At least, sometimes. 
  • Don’t lie. Like never. Honesty is highly respected by the woman of this zodiac sign. If the Pisces lady believes that you are honest and open with her, she won't hesitate to become your sweetheart.
  • Never stop surprising her. The worst thing that can happen to the Pisces woman is to go down the drain of routine. She just can’t survive that. So be creative and keep coming up with new ideas for your free time. Remember, going out and meeting new people - is always a good idea. She should be constantly amazed.

Dating and Loving a Pisces Woman

Dating a Pisces Woman: The Tips to Conquer her Heart

Tips on dating a Pisces woman would not attempt to be exhaustive without talking about the perfect date. 

You are all suited up, ready to pick up your Pisces woman. But where will you take her?

Which place do you need to choose to have the perfect date?

The Pisces’ element, as you may know, is water. It means, your lady loves all water-related activities. So the best place to go with this sign of zodiac would be some outdoor pool or thermal springs. Aquapark is the best option for all adrenaline lovers. However, that may only be an option for summer. The simple winter alternative would be indoor pools, saunas, or SPA.

But there is a catch: The Pisces woman would have to show up in a bikini. Some women don't like to do it right away, so we advise you to schedule it for later.

For the first date, you can choose a classic restaurant. It is an elegant and generally accepted place for people who want to look and listen to one another. It doesn't have to be very expensive; the Pisces woman dating is not about the underlined luxury. She is not interested in anything material. This lady wants to know who you are, not how much money a week you earn.

Museums or art exhibitions are also a good idea as they are quiet and creative places.

What Is the Pisces Woman Like in Love

If you’ve been lucky enough to win the heart of this zodiac sign, then you will find out how romantic may be the Pisces woman in love. You just need to reciprocate her feelings, and such a lady will give all the warmth she has to her partner. 

It is important for Pisces to feel intimately connected and fully understood by the man she adores. As soon as she gets what she needs, this woman starts to read even the smallest wishes from the eyes of her man. But the Pisces herself is shell-like, she opens up slowly. At the same time, her desire for a perfect relationship and harmony with the partner is strong enough to subordinate everything else to this dream.

For a woman with the zodiac sign Pisces, love, unity, and devotion are essential components of amour. But everyone who has ever tried to catch a fish in deep water with his bare hands has an idea of how difficult it is to hold it. This is also true when we talk about the relationship with the Pisces woman. You have to be ready that one day your gentle lady can react impulsively and even a bit sarcastically if something gets on her nerves. As an extremely freedom-loving individualist, Pisces won’t let you do something she can’t accept.

However, generally, the Pisces woman's personality echoes the mermaid from the famous fairy tale. The one, who saves the prince from drowning, gives up her ocean life for him, and with great sacrifice, becomes a human being to be closer to him. In the end, she surrenders her life for his happiness. Pure unconditional love. Probably, no other zodiac sign is capable of this.

Pisces Compatibility Guide - Dating an Pisces Advice

The Pisces Woman In Bed: What To Expect?

Pisces woman in bed is bold and uninhibited, she enjoys the majority of erotic games. It doesn't take much to turn this lady on. An adult movie or a book like «Fifty shades of Grey» would be pretty enough to make her hot. Furthermore, she will probably want to try out the most exciting things from those videos or stories! Adventure in an unusual place may spark the Pisces imagination too.

She loves to be loud: to scream and moan at the top of her voice, and it’s all to fire her lover's appetite up. When your fantasies match each other, the sex you have will be absolutely groundbreaking. 

Pisces lady likes to create a special atmosphere: low lights, alluring perfume, soft silk linen, various toys - everything that fits her lover's taste. Once she knows your erogenous zones, her imagination will be used to play with all of them and make each time you are together breathtaking.

Pisces Woman Compatibility - Love, Sex, Communication

Some signs of the zodiac get together better than the number of others, but what about the Pisces woman love compatibility? Find out your perspectives through the information below. 

Pisces and 





















































The best sign for a Pisces woman undoubtedly is a Scorpio.

She is extremely attracted to his mysterious aura. Pisces believes that Scorpio has some magical power that she can’t and doesn’t really want to resist. Anyway, such a man is not only seductive but also gives support to this sensitive lady's needs. His reliability is another bonus she is happy to get. This couple is one heart and one soul right from the start.

Another soulmate for Pisces is also a Water element’s sign - Cancer.

Nothing can be more fairytale-like! The affectionate Cancer and the love-hungry Pisces are a match made in heaven. They spend endless romantic evenings together, whispering love vows in each other's ears - the passion that will last a lifetime.

Pisces Woman: Dating Secrets

An alternative best match for Pisces woman would be Capricorn.

Their elements - Water (Pisces) and Earth (Capricorn) - go well together. There may appear some small misunderstandings, but both signs can work out a solution. The strong, dominant Capricorn knows how to give the Pisces a feeling of harmony and security. She, for her part, brings a piece of romanticism to his harsh soul. Their differences complement each other, it means a happy marriage is ensured.

Taurus is cute and careful enough not to pressure a Pisces lady.

He is realistic, though, and will definitely try to keep his woman grounded in reality. On the other hand, he feels strangely attracted to the temperamental and artistic Pisces. The physical interest is also clearly noticeable. This extraordinary team can fight all life’s troubles together.

Pisces man is good at understanding the Pisces woman.

Finally, these two have found a proper partner, another passionate dreamer. However, this is exactly where the danger lies, because they both have difficulties in separating fantasy and reality. This relationship is clearly a risky game with an uncertain result.

The Pisces lady has a tender soul, while Leo is flaming and not really delicate.

He can energize Pisces, motivate and, if it’s necessary, protect her. But the powerful sexuality of Leo is sometimes just too much for such a woman. Terrified by so much vigor, she may run away and look for a more sensitive partner. Surely, Leo is not the best match for Pisces woman.

Pisces woman compatibility with Virgo is not very high.

He will surely want to bring a system into the chaotic life of this woman. She either likes the fact someone wants to help her to sort out all creative mess, or Pisces disappears. But where should she go with all these feelings?

The beliefs of Libra are not stable at all, and Pisces also has to conflict with her moods.

When both feel depressed at the same time, things can get uncomfortable. On a creative level, however, these two have a lot to share. A small romance is quite possible, but the relationship will probably not withstand the rough of routine.

The Pisces woman marriage compatibility with Aries is extremely low.

His enormous energy is simply too much for this sign, so she would probably want to stop such a relationship. After all, Pisces wants to be pampered tenderly and gently, otherwise, her sensitive soul may easily be damaged. Aries should preferably continue his search and don’t waste time with Pisces.

The Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

The Pisces woman in relationships needs a delicate man, who will help her to get out of the cocoon and turn into a butterfly. The light-minded Sagittarius is probably not this special one. His direct manner is seen by Pisces as rudeness. A good idea for a month-long crush, but without a serious effect.

The Pisces woman and Aquarius man

Aquarius is so amazingly original and is always in a good mood. It is easy for Pisces to fall in love with this freedom-loving person. But what next? What to say to Pisces woman when she wants to move forward to creating a family stage?They both are too easy-going to create something serious together. So, we would advise them to turn to the friendship-stage, if it’s not too late yet.

Pisces and Gemini.

Perhaps, no-one of them will ever find out with whom they really have to deal. Imaginative fantasies are their strength, but what about reality? After all, who is supposed to gently bring the partner down to earth when they run away into the world of their dreams? Well, next question, please!

So much information behind, but still have questions?

The rest of the important facts about Pisces woman you can find in our FAQ section.

❓ Are Pisces smart?

Yes, sure. This sign of the zodiac is very smart. A Pisces woman in her free time usually likes to read books or learn something new. Her interests in the field of psychology and natural science are especially strong.

❓ Are Pisces good kissers?

And again, yes. Pisces close their eyes when they kiss and love to do it tenderly. Slow, gentle kisses are also welcome to go down to the neck or shoulder. But you need to stimulate your lady, whispering how much you love her before taking any action.

❓ How do I know if Pisces woman loves me?

She will show through her gestures and behavior that you have received a place in her heart.
Typical signs a Pisces woman likes you a lot:

  • She compliments you, even if you have a bad hair day.
  • She appears naive with you.
  • She finds reasons to see you more often.
  • She trusts you.

❓ What sign should Pisces marry?

Pisces woman clearly states that Cancer is her best match for marriage.

❓ Why are Pisces so flirty?

Well, they didn’t mean to be so flirty. With their gentle, often almost delicate charisma, they are just very attractive to other signs of the zodiac.

❓ Why are Pisces so secretive?

The main Pisces woman's weakness is her vulnerability. That’s the main reason for this secretive character. It means a lot of things in her life never come to light. On the other hand, she will respect your privacy too.

❓ Whom are Pisces attracted to?

A perfect match for Pisces woman is a self-confident man. Someone, who can take care of her by bringing a bit of stability into the chaos of life. This lady can’t create relationships with men who constantly show their insecurity and fear.

❓ Are Pisces good girlfriends?

We may safely say - yes, they are. The Pisces woman can be really happy and satisfied with her spouse or boyfriend without looking at other men. But she needs to be sure that her partner is faithful as well. In that case, this lady will be a perfect wife and creative, spiritual friend.

❓ What attracts a Pisces woman?

Such a lady wants to find not just a boyfriend, but a soulmate. Spiritual unity attracts her most of all. In other words, the way you communicate is very important. But in the modern world, we don’t like to call, we rather chat. So how to text a Pisces woman to seduce her? We advise you to write a funny SMS, like: «I want to go to Las Vegas to rob a casino ... would you mind going with me? All possible help is highly appreciated!».

❓ What is dating a Pisces woman like?

It’s not easy, but absolutely worth trying! Dating her, you can find a partner who is always by your side, with her intuition and wise advice. Even in difficult times, she won’t even think about leaving you.
Now you know all about Pisces woman. Once this unusual personality comes into your life - other women will definitely be overshadowed by her charm. It does not have to be painless when you truly love someone, so stop hesitating about the magic she has over you and commit yourself fully to your relationship.

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