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Dating A Leo Woman: All Things You Should Know

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Meet the Best Dating A Leo Woman: All Things You Should Know Here

According to astrology, if your lady was born between July 23rd and August 23rd, her zodiac sign is Leo.

Nobody can outshine this unusual personality. Wherever she appears: at a big event, on the red carpet, or in a conference room - all eyes are on her, all talks are about a Leo woman. Since this sign radiates the concentrated energy, mixed up with an extra portion of self-confidence: there is probably no one in the whole world who can resist her natural charisma.

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Sleeping with the queen: how to date a Leo woman?

As a rule, an appearance of such a lady perfectly fits her traits. However, Leo woman doesn’t like to rely entirely on the mother-nature. She often treats herself with fine beauty products, like expensive lotions with caviar extract. By the way, when talking about throwing an outfit - Parisian haute couture dresses take the priority. You can hardly find a female of this zodiac sign wearing no-name clothes.

Despite all her love for luxury, the generous Leo never forgets to help the weaker if necessary. But, the problem here is, nice guy gets taken advantage of, and that’s fine. Actually, it’s one of the learning tasks for Leo lady. She needs to absorb the life lesson named «Less can sometimes, in reality, be more.»

So, what about the typical characteristics of Leo woman?

Dating a Leo woman

Below you can find the most significant of them.

  • Strong self-confidence. This almost unshakable belief in her own strength ensures Leo lady that she really can move mountains and break rocks, even when other people have given this idea up a long time ago. Furthermore, such a trait gives her another benefit - obvious organizational talent. It means this zodiac sign doesn’t have to try hard to be a boss - in a case like that, just remaining herself would be pretty enough.
  • Empathy. Leo can usually detect what people around her feel, find out their genuine needs. With the help of this natural gift, she can do a lot of good things every now and then. The warmth of the heart, together with the harmony of mind of this zodiac sign - serves as a magnet to her constantly expanding social circle.
  • Loving-kindness. The sun, as a patron of this star sign, grants to all its representatives the overpowering desire of life, aspiration for creative self-expression, and strength to go the uncharted way. Everyone who appears loyal and sincere towards Leo, whether as a colleague or a neighbor - shall be immediately embraced like a long-lost relative, often for a lifetime.

However, understanding the Leo woman is not possible without knowing her expectations

The lady of this zodiac sign loves with all her heart. Moreover, she expects to feel the same from her partner. Leo cherishes and adores every little thing in her man: with a deep passion, she talks about him. But all her gestures should not be forgotten - appreciation of the deeds is another expectation in this case.

Such a female also hopes to meet a man who is willing to get involved in her extraordinary life. Someone who wants to participate in all the activities which make the life of this lady saturated. Even though, at first glance, it might sound crazy. 

Any Leo ascendant woman expects to commit her life to a trustworthy and strong-willed man. Spiritual strength seduces such a lady. In fact, it is the first thing she pays attention to when she sees somebody for the very first time. This star sign also counts on meeting a man who would be charismatic as well as she is. Although, without the appreciation and trust, as a basis of the relationship, it’s impossible to win the heart of the Leo female.

Another expectation of such a woman is that her partner would be independent and ardent. But he shouldn’t tell Leo what to do, instead - let his lady face her own decisions. She wants her man to think, create, and debate freely. Never forget, this sign of the zodiac is not just a pretty face - she is an individuality, first of all.

We bet you already are among the men who want to get the hands-on this beautiful lady and walk through the red carpet together.

How to Date a Leo Woman

So, how to attract a Leo woman?

Exhale, hold your breath - it’s not that hard as you think! Simply follow our time-tested tips: 

Tip #1 - learn how to treat her.

The element of this zodiac sign is Fire. It means your lady has a burning personality, but also a big kind heart: she is devoted and generous. Leo woman in bed will be one of the most romantic lovers of your entire life! 

She is radiant as the sun. Her warmth attracts other people like long-awaited summer days after it had been cold for a while. Leo tends to be popular everywhere. This woman is the majesty of all signs of the zodiac - that is why you should behave adequately. Such a female is not just a girl from next door - she is a diva. Moreover, Leo lady treats her partner with the greatest respect and will definitely bring him on a high pedestal. But, only on the basis of reciprocity, of course.

Tip #2 -  give her special attention.

This sign of the zodiac loves to be admired. In other words, your Leo woman wants to be praised to high heaven for her exceptionality. 

So, feel free to make as many compliments as possible, or even make her blush - this is what gives you extra points in the game of attracting such a lady.

However, do not tell her fake compliments and don’t try to show the things far from the way they are just to keep Leo happy. Instead, take your time to find something that would be really important to you, what makes her so extraordinary in your eyes. 

Still, above all, you need to be honest. If not - Leo female will be smart enough to pinpoint your lie from the very first words.

Tip #3 - take the initiative.

Someone puts it on the list of Leo woman negative traits, but she is tiptoeing away from falling head over heels in love. 

This lady knows that love is like kryptonite to her vulnerable ego. For this reason, she is usually very wary of giving someone the power to break her heart.

Don’t worry if this lady seems a bit cold and distant from the outside. She is hungry for your affection, but such a self-confident star sign is simply scared to open up the heart for someone who might not feel the same. Thus, Leo will definitely be happy seeing that you try to make the step forward. 

Important! The words I love you are something like a weak point to such a lady. So, you really should mean it when confessing to her.

Tip #4 - give her special attention.

Here we probably have the central element in the quest «How to get a Leo woman.» The typical representative of this zodiac sign is proud and doesn't like to whine when she feels like you do not give her as much love and attention as she deserves. Thus, you need to watch it over.

If her cat-ego seems to be neglected for too long, such a lady distances herself and becomes relatively grumpy. A Leo woman's pride remains fragile, and what she says doesn't really matter. 

When this female feels like she is giving her best without getting anything in return - she turns to be a girlfriend from a nightmare. Be careful.

Tip #5 - dazzle her with your intelligence. 

A Leo lady's partner should be emotional and intelligent. Actually, having a high IQ is the necessary condition. 

But how to impress a Leo woman with your intellectual abilities? Pretty easy! Females of this star sign love to make philosophical conversations: then in the company of such a lady, you should be able to debate, articulate, and advocate for your point of view. 

Her mind is sharp and bright; she is funny and very social. Therefore, Leo wants to be in a relationship with a man who would match her. If you seem insecure, unsatisfied with yourself, or just ordinary - she will quickly lose interest. But, you don't have to flaunt your knowledge all the time - just let her know that you are aware of the rules of this game.

Okay, we are done with the attraction part. The other not less exciting question certainly comes to your mind: how to date a Leo woman? Don’t worry: we know what to do!

Tips for Relationship with Leo Women

How to date a Leo woman (step-by-step guide)

Step #1

This sign of zodiac generally loves beautiful things. The style of its representatives is usually extravagant and regal. 

Make the inner kitty of your lady purr by presenting fine wine and exclusive chocolate or reserving a table in the fashionable restaurant. If you can not afford this kind of entertainment for some reason - your girlfriend will enjoy a picnic in the park or a nice dinner at home. She loves bright lights and wonderfully romantic situations - everything else is up to you.

But it does not mean that you can win her heart by showing up and buying expensive gifts for a Leo woman. Such behavior can’t lead you to a happy end. It’s important to show her that there is a deeper undertone behind all the fancy things you bring.

Step #2

The classic traits of a Leo woman are optimism and joy of life. She likes to have fun and will try her best to make you smile even on a rainy day. This lady is playful like a little kitten, so you should be able to accept her way of humor and joke back, as long as it does not hurt somebody's feelings. Thus, start carefully and let your girlfriend warn you before it did not go too far.

Another step here would be to propose to her to play some games which normally only children run. Such as playing catch, hide-and-seek, or twister. Trust us: it will be an unforgettable experience!

Take her to the circus or zoo. It may sound silly - but she is going to love the pastime like that! Leo lady doesn't like to be locked up at home, so going anywhere where she can catch some fresh air and enjoy beautiful views - will surely make her feel happy. By the way, those bright memories will come in handy if you wonder how to make a Leo woman miss you.

Step #3

One more thing from the list of qualities of a Leo woman is a free spirit. As a consequence, this lady wants to be in a relationship with a man who is as self-reliant as she is. But don't try to impose your will or tell her how to act and what to do. You can definitely help your woman with advice, but only when she needs it. This star sign hates to be overprotected: it means you will be immediately attacked whenever you try to boss around her.

If you want to happily date a Leo girl - show her how strong and independent you are. Otherwise, she will dominate you too much and lose all respect, which would be fatal for your romance. In fact, paradoxically, it is true that such a female loves to control her boyfriend or husband. However, you can give her what she wants without being wholly under control.

Step #4

Leo lady can be very impulsive and dramatic when she is upset. The best thing you can do at this point is to allow her to hold onto her pride, apologize, and move on. Even if she is a little dismissive and cold - never mind. When the fight is behind - your girlfriend will be really grateful to you for such behavior. 

How do you know if a Leo woman likes you? When after the argument, she tries to make everything work fine again. This sign of the zodiac always shows gestures of loyalty to people who matter in the world. So, get used to the fact that a Leo woman dating is continually about ebbs and flows. By the way, it’s rarely monotonous and bland when talking about such a lady.

Step #5

Family is her life and pride. That is why you can expect your Leo girlfriend to induce a tear at relatives’ weddings and celebrations or when looking at the photo album with old pictures. 

Leo cherishes family ties. Therefore, even if you are not ready to have children of your own yet, you should still be family-oriented. For example, don't say no to her offers of spending time together with your or her relatives. This unity is critical to a Leo woman, so for better results, it is highly recommended for her partner to feel the same way.

Well, now you know what to do, but what not?

Dating a Leo Woman - What You Really Need to Know

How to love a Leo woman so she would not run away?

Don’t think you can buy her.

Even if it is not a problem for you to dig deep into your pocket to make a present for your Leo girlfriend, it doesn’t mean you should simply buy her. For this lady, gifts themselves mean less than the feelings you are putting away into them. 

The majority of Leo women adore romance in any of its forms and manifestations. In particular, don’t waste your breath planning the candlelight dinner with a jazz quartet. Instead - take her to go for a walk and share how happy you are to be in a relationship with such an amazing lady.

Don’t try to cloud her eyes.

Leo female usually has an exquisite taste for the fine things in life. Well, how could it be otherwise when talking about a queen? So if you want to build a relationship with a representative of this star sign - don’t try to pretend to be someone you are not. In other words, you shouldn't assume that she won't notice the difference between an expensive Pinot Noir and the 99-cent wine from the tetra pack. 

What Leo woman wants in a man?

Sincerity, of course! So, unless you are willing to spend a lot of money, you don't necessarily have to impress her with material things. Show this lady your excellent taste in any area of your choice: travel, music, art, or food.

Don’t let her get bored.

Leo woman in a relationship wants to be with someone creative and captivating. If you want to enjoy the company of such a beautiful lady - don’t bore her. 

Once again, this zodiac sign loves to be surprised. So, try to be a little spontaneous - Leo needs challenges and adventures. If all these things sound too exhausting for you - better don’t even attempt to woo her.

Don’t be jealous. 

Leo woman is awesome, and she knows that. There are constant glances at her, and what is adding more fuel to the fire - she seems to get enjoy it. 

You will hardly be able to stop a Leo lady from flirting. If such a life attitude concerns you - forget about a relationship with this zodiac sign. But if you want to continue your romance - you will probably have to deal with the jealousy somehow.

You are already aware of the positive and negative traits of a Leo woman. Do you still want to be in a relationship with her? If your answer is yes - read our instructions about the perfect date in the eyes of this zodiac sign.

The perfect date for a Leo woman

Things You Should Know Before You Start Dating a Leo Woman

Some restaurant, as a place for a very first date, would be the right choice. Pick the one with an untypical, exotic menu. Such a shared experience will definitely make your rendezvous even more memorable and exciting.

Actually, Leo woman usually lives social life, so it should be easy for her to choose a location on her own if you can't think up one. Trust us: she is aware of all the hip spots in town. How to know if a Leo woman likes you? When she is happy to serve as an agent of the high society and introduces you to her influential friends. 

Other funny alternatives to the restaurant option are sports activities or night clubs.

Adrenaline producing performance is also a good idea. Roller coaster in the amusement park? Sure, why not! Sounds like too much extreme for the first date? Then take her on the Ferris wheel! This lady loves men who are a little bit risky and are not afraid to try something new. Show her that you can be brave. 

Talking about the rendezvous with such a wonderful girl, we can not forget about the presents. This girl likes to pamper others with gifts and is usually glad to receive something extraordinary in response. 

Leo is a huge fan of delicious food in good company. That's why for the first date you can bring a nice gourmet gift box; for example, a set of French cheese and fine wine.

In addition to delicacies, gifts for Leo woman can be found among beauty products. Such a lady takes care of her body and face, so wellness items from famous brands can not leave her heart cold - just like an exclusive perfume - another great choice. 

Royalty adores jewelry. It means you can make a Leo female happy with a beautiful necklace or graceful earrings. Do we need to notice that it must be gold?

After a few dates, you have done it: such an amazing lady is ready to give you her heart. But how to behave in the Leo woman relationship? What can go wrong? Let’s make it clear together!

When this lady falls in love, the entire world begins to revolve around her partner. Astrology describes Leo as a pretty self-centered personality, but not when talking about romance. She will give everything to this man: her heart, soul, and body - without any exception. Love of such a girl is warm and passionate: you will fight, put up with each other, make love, and, simply, laugh.

However, it is not always easy to be with her. Too many expectations from the side of your girlfriend can be frustrating. In other cases, she might not be interested in a serious relationship and instead keep on focusing on herself, career, or other exciting things of this life. 

Only when Leo is deeply in love, she turns to be gentle and warm. If this sign knows what she wants, nothing can change her mind. But we cannot call this lady stubborn, rather strong-willed. She won’t conform to someone's rules or needs; also, Leo will rarely be flexible when it comes to her partner's irresponsibility or lack of respect.

That’s all good, but what about the Leo woman sexology?

Okay, when it comes to sexuality, this sign is one of the most open-minded in the zodiac. She loves her body: presents it in creative poses and moves. Such a lady usually doesn't care about trifles like a bra, which doesn’t go with panties, to enjoy the process. 

Leo treats lovemaking as something logical when she is in love. In her opinion, it is about the unity of bodies and souls. How is that possible to show your affection without physical contact? Well, maybe it is, but not for this sign.

Astrologists say some signs of the zodiac have better chances of a successful relationship than others. What do they suggest about Leo? 

Leo Woman Compatibility With Men From Other Zodiac Signs

Leo and 






















































Leo woman compatibility with Gemini is almost ideal. Such a charismatic partner as he is, will certainly never bore Leo. This man exactly knows what kind of stories his girlfriend wants to hear and is happy to give her his all-round attention. The two of them can make a great family. By the way, the erotic part of this relationship will be an equally absolute joy.

The compatibility between Leo lady and Libra man is high too. On a cultural level, they complement each other perfectly. Style and elegance are no less important to Libra and Leo. However, arguments have their own place once in a while: it all because of Leo’s burning temperament. On the other hand, it promises hot nights full of passion.

Sagittarius male and Leo female compatibility is nevertheless high. These two begin to like each other at first sight. She adores his hooligan charm; he is happy to have a romance with such an extraordinary woman - at least in the initial phase. In the long run, however, Leo may appear too demanding for easy-going Sagittarius. Therefore, they need to work hard to maintain a relationship.

Aries man and Leo woman have excellent compatibility. Aries is not afraid of Leo's power: after all, he is a star himself. The tendency towards glamor is common to both - modesty is a foreign word for them. They laugh a lot and enjoy the pleasures of life together - an ideal basis for a fulfilling relationship.

The compatibility of Leo man to Leo woman is fairly high. But, two leaders at once may be a bit too much. A relationship between these people - whether marriage or romance - lasts either forever or just for a few weeks. The theater they make from nothing is pretty exhausting, but the Leo woman's sexuality is something that makes him stay. 

Leo woman compatibility with Aquarius man is quite good. He sets her free from the corset of etiquette and takes on a journey into completely new worlds. Moreover, Leo will certainly discover some new sides in the erotic field. Aquarius appeals to the adventurous side of his girlfriend and helps her to fight the laziness.

Regarding the Capricorn man and Leo woman compatibility, astrologists say that their future is quite positive. They usually have mutual respect and admiration for one another. Furthermore, Capricorn knows how to calm the burning temperament of Leo a bit down. If everything goes fine, these two will build a powerful team. However, the ambition of the Capricorn can also make his girl annoyed.

Leo and Cancer compatibility is not the best one, but they have a chance. She wants to press her gentle partner to achieve the goals. His big heart can accept many things in relationships, but not selfishness. However, Cancer is not as weak as expected - he is stubborn and won’t let her win without a fight. By the way, he knows how to get a Leo woman to chase you.

The compatibility between Leo and Taurus is far from being perfect. She needs to be in the limelight; he likes to spend evenings staying home - what could be more different? But despite the mentioned above contrasts, their erotic vibes are fantastic. However, this is certainly not enough in the long term: sooner or later - she will run away.

Virgo man and Leo woman compatibility may not be called a complete disaster, but still… He is intelligent and always looks nice - she likes that since the partner’s appearance is significant. However, Leo’s carefulness is too difficult to understand, so Virgo takes it only as an affair. 

Pisces and Leo compatibility is not good too. He likes to swim in the ocean of emotions, but with time, she needs something more than empty words. Unfortunately, Pisces is an absolutely wrong choice in this case. With great sadness, Leo has to let him go.

Astrologists call compatibility between Leo and Scorpio a complete disaster. The passionate Scorpio and the fiery Leo make an explosive couple because they both have a sharp temperament. Sparkling eroticism is guaranteed anyway, but what next? These signs of the zodiac can’t understand each other, just like aliens. 

We honestly hope that you’ve enjoyed reading our article and now know all about Leo woman. Yes, it is not easy to win the heart of such an amazing lady. Actually, not everyone is ready to deal with the difficulties of the temper of this zodiac sign. Although, if you are lucky enough to finally call her "my girlfriend", keep in mind that she is something special. If you are on the way to happiness - follow our advice to attract a great partner to your life. 

Leo dating traits


How to tell if a Leo woman likes you?

This star sign has a big, warm heart. So, how do you know if a Leo woman is interested to know you better? Well, it would be pretty clear then! She will show you her affection. It is typical for this girl to take care of the people who are in her heart. Simply pay attention to her actions.

Can I trust Leo woman?

It is very difficult for this zodiac sign to keep secrets. They are simply too open and talkative for that. However, Leo would never cheat on her partner or betray a friend.

Do Leo females get jealous?

Unfortunately, yes. Like every queen, she wants her man to belong to her only. So, the partner’s affair can never be forgotten.

What are Leo’s weaknesses?

Brand fetishism, ego, and mannerism are just a few of her little disadvantages. Leo cannot live without luxury: astrology calls it her major weakness.

Who should a Leo woman marry?

When it comes to marriage, Sagittarius or Aquarius would be the best match for Leo. Fantastic sex and long-lasting feelings in relationships with these signs are guaranteed. Their love is filled with passion and based on mutual respect.

Do Leos fall in love easily?

Like it was mentioned in our article, Leos are pretty careful when talking about falling in love. They want to do their best to avoid heartbreak. So, if you are not interested in a serious relationship and wonder how to get a Leo woman in bed - better forget about this idea because she will definitely find a way to get revenge.

What makes Leo happy?

Continual personal development makes Leo woman happy. She needs to blow the steam in a creative way off to achieve harmony. On the other hand, this lady hardly tolerates restrictive conditions. The more options you open to her - the better it is for the well-being of your girlfriend.

Who is the soulmate of Leo?

This sign is not actually searching for a soulmate, so it would be better to ask what kind of man does a Leo woman want. 

Her perfect man needs to be ready to give all attention and care to his girlfriend. It is even more important than expensive gifts and luxury trips.

What does a Leo woman want in a relationship? 

Leo has enough energy to move mountains and expects the same from her beloved one. You may say this lady is very demanding, but in fact it depends on her background and the way she grew up.

How to impress a Leo woman?

Leo lady wants to be proud of her partner, so the best possible way here would be to impress her with your intelligence and all-round development.

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