Dating A Capricorn Woman: How to Date a Capricorn Woman

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Meet the Best Dating A Capricorn Woman: How to Date a Capricorn Woman Here

If your lady was born between December 22nd and January 20th - it means you will have to deal with a very interesting and complex personality of Capricorn.

We want to start with the key Capricorn-woman characteristics, you need to know before dating her.

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Capricorn Woman Characteristics

The very first thing should be mentioned, such a lady has both feet on the ground. Her mindset, sense of reality is extremely pragmatic, especially when we talk about life goals. Thereby she receives a reputation of a high and mighty person, but it is far from being a reality. Once you get to know her better, you will see how wrong those judgments were. 

The Capricorn-woman is just careful since she doesn't want the wrong people to come into her inner circle. Unknown situations, as well as strangers, are disturbing for her. She always wants to make a proper assessment of the situation before taking any action. 

But once you make the right impression, this lady will turn into sympathetic and warm. Simply don’t rush these things, if you want to see this Show-Queen unshackled from her shyness. She will be absolutely loyal and willing to do anything for her beloved one. Marrying this sign of zodiac would be like winning the lottery.

You will have to forgive the Capricorn for being a little materialistic. It’s necessary to save some money for a rainy day, she thinks. Instability breaks her down. This lady just likes it when everything is as it used to be. In other words, she hates unpredictability and is definitely not about chasing rainbows.

Essential Capricorn lady traits are ambitiousness, discipline, and courage. She is not the one who rests on her laurels! Once her goal is achieved, the other destination immediately comes instead. 

Success means a lot for her, though, we are talking not about career only. 

Like a real perfectionist, she strives for balance between her professional and personal lives. Effectively, by the way. Do you remember those typical happy families from TV commercials? Keep them in mind, that’s how the Capricorn sees her future. 

If you want to picture a typical Capricorn lady, then you need to think about famous representatives of this astrology sign - Michelle Obama or Carla Bruni - presidents’ wives, who lead their husbands to triumph. Incredibly, isn’t it?

Dating A Capricorn Woman: Things You Should Know

How to Love and Understand Capricorn Women

Understanding the Capricorn lady is not that easy as you think. Due to the natural cautiousness, she may keep her thoughts to herself. However, below you can find typical expectations, for this sign, about love and relationship.

She needs you to respect her personal space. 

It might be the most many-sided personality you have ever seen: a huge number of hobbies, interests, and all those synonyms. So, no offense, but sometimes she spends her Friday evenings with a sommelier club or visiting some paintings exhibition. 

On the positive side, your personal space will be highly respected as well. Another bonus - you will always have something to talk about.

She wants you​ to love her.

Some men have difficulties showing their affection. They don’t think open communication about their feelings is something necessary. Well, not with the Capricorn. This sign needs to know for sure, with no doubts. We don’t mean long and senseless day-to-day conversations, a simple «I love you» in the morning would be enough.

She expects you to be serious.

Capricorn-woman is very family-oriented. She will never consciously choose no strings attached thing. Friends with benefits are not about her at all. So, if you only want to have fun - better look for someone else.  

Hopefully, Capricorn woman personality is a little bit clear now. You are already interested, but still have no idea how to attract her, right? Catch up our top-5 tips, which will surely help you in this regard.

5 Tips to Attract a Capricorn woman

  • Women usually want men to make the first move and start flirting. It is also true for this sign of the zodiac. So «do it now» would be a perfect motto for such a situation. Approach her with your self-confidence, but do not try to be someone you are not. If she feels insincerity - it will definitely push her away from you. 
  • Since a Capricorn woman is very picky, your first step should be very carefully considered. A tactless pick-up line will be just as unsuccessful as a meaningless conversation or a monologue about your talents.
  • Make her laugh and show her that your possible future date is worth it. But you should be really attentive: don't make fun of this lady! She usually takes herself very seriously.
  • Don’t try to buy her. This star sign is not interested in finding a crazy rich man. It's more about the fact, she feels comfortable and safe with her partner. Material things are also important, but not the first priority. So, even if you have a lot of money, don’t try to show your big thick wallet.
  • In most cases, it is not possible to win the heart of a Capricorn woman at the very first meeting. It takes a few rendezvous, each time carefully planned, so she realizes the seriousness of your intentions.

If you have met a lady with this zodiac sign, and she wants to continue your acquaintance, it’s really awesome how far you’ve come. Because, as already mentioned, Capricorns are very picky and don't just let themselves be wrapped around someone’s finger. So let’s talk about dating a Capricorn woman, about the things she likes and hates.

Just imagine, you two set up a meeting, but how exactly do you need to behave, to steal her heart? Follow our actionable recommendations to guarantee your success.

Dating a Capricorn woman

How to date a Capricorn woman? 

Step one: You need to suit up.

This rational and sensible lady likes men with style. The right outfit will help you to make a good impression. By the way, you don’t need to have one of those killer bodies from crunch machine commercials, but a well-attended appearance is an absolute obligation.

Don’t worry if you are not looking like a young George Clooney, Capricorn just wants to see that you care about your face and body.

Step two: Follow your intuition.

She likes to be seduced, but it shouldn't be clumsy, rather chic and elegant. This sign wants to feel loved. You can show your attraction though compliments, looks, touches, or even small gestures like holding hands!

She clearly wants someone with a good sense of humor. A Capricorn female loves to be able to laugh with her man, to make jokes, that only you two can understand. It’s like a symbol of the unity of your souls.

Step three: Tell her about your job.

Make her sure that you think about tomorrow without forgetting to live today.

And then you can even share the career perspectives you have, including the opportunity of becoming a boss one day. Already a boss? Tell about the positive trends in the development of the projects you lead. The Capricorn woman would be happy to have a man who has a real stake in the success, just like her’s.

Step four: Show the seriousness of your intentions.

But how? What to say to a Capricorn woman? Tell her that your biggest dream is to get married, but of course, to make this dream come true, you also need the right woman by your side. However, it’s not that easy to find a special one. The one, who would be serious enough, someone with a kind soul, wise, who cherishes traditions, a bit down-to-earth, valuable, and meaningful. A mature partner, a partner that you can rely on over the long term. Maybe not word for word, but close enough to the speech the Capricorn woman wants to hear. 

Step five: Look into her eyes.

Deeply, long, meaningfully, emphatically. Doesn’t matter, she holds the gaze, or looks away at some moment - you keep looking. That’s the intimacy level she wanted to achieve. The sign Capricorn wants to feel accepted by her man, to be taken for who she is.

Sometimes, unfortunately, it is not enough to know what your lady likes. So other tips on dating a Capricorn woman will be focused on the things she can’t tolerate, so you may avoid them.Capricorn Woman in Love: How to Date a Capricorn Woman

Check out the list of aspects this zodiac sign hates:


Generally, Capricorn doesn’t need much time to make a decision. Indecisive people who simply cannot decide or take a risk, when it is needed, drive her nuts.


Socks, lying around the house, empty pizza boxes in the kitchen... All this mess will certainly cause stress if we talk about the Capricorn. She hates any kind of chaos - either in the apartment or at work.


For Capricorns, punctuality plays an important role. They don’t want to keep other people waiting and are annoyed if you show up after the agreed time. If you want to escape an argument, you better always come on time for a rendezvous with a Capricorn.


As for the true realist, Capricorn woman doesn’t understand the word "daydreaming" at all. She thinks people who live aimlessly or build castles in the air merely waste their time and energy. After all, Capricorn is a doer, action taker. All dreams must be realized, or it makes no sense.

Looks like we’ve figured out how to deal with the captivating personality of this zodiac sign, but what about the perfect date? The beautiful Capricorn woman has a clear vision of how it should be.

The Best Date Ideas for a Capricorn ladyy

Standard restaurants or bars are too banal for her. You need to lighten up this sign and take the shyness away. Modern dance events are particularly suitable for this. Nice couple dance will help you to overcome the protective barrier of this amazing lady and can prove your gentleman qualities.

Another possible date option would be, for example, sports activities such as golf or tennis. What initially seems a bit distant, although, can easily be turned into a romantic time together. Just show your girlfriend how to properly hold her golf club or tennis racket. Explaining this, stand behind her, and guide her hand, but don't be too pushy. Trust us, it would be the adventure she never forgets!

Anyway, the Capricorn woman is not the one who falls head over heels in love with someone. Affairs, vacation flirts, or constant partner changes are not her style. On the other hand, this lady begins relations with somebody only if she is fully and completely convinced that this love has a future. Otherwise, the sign prefers to stay single. For this reason, Capricorns are often considered to be late bloomers. But once she has found the special one, the chances to grow old together with him are pretty high. This lady loves with all her heart, neither one of the other zodiac signs is as loyal as she is.

Capricorns in relationships do everything to ensure a beautiful and comfortable life with their partner, which also includes prosperity and financial security. She wants to lay the world at the feet of her sweetheart. The other side of the coin - your woman works a lot, sometimes overtime. She won’t stay home and be your desperate housewife. Here, however, it is also important not to throw in the towel over a minor mishap. Slowly teach her how to create some more space for love and family in your lives.

For her darling, the Capricorn is so reliable, like a rock. She watches your back, never lets you down. It is not going to be any hysterics around your relationship. But hard shell - soft core, remember that.

As a partner, you just need a little patience, empathy, and, please, go easy. If you will be there for her, this sign of the zodiac will be happy to open up her heart and reveal the diversity of her feelings.

Here's What You Need To Know About A Capricorn Woman

Capricorn Woman Compatibility With Men From Other Zodiac Signs

Capricorn woman love compatibility with the other zodiac signs will be presented as a table.

Capricorn and 





















































Capricorn woman and Taurus man

The best sign for a Capricorn woman is Taurus. These two have the same rhythm. Capricorns can find their happiness with a Taurus because both of them want to achieve prosperity and value traditions. By the way, his seductive skills are also impressive.

Capricorn woman and Virgo man

The other perfect match for a Capricorn woman would be Virgo. Their needs are very similar: both have the same ideas about life, and they get along well. In other words, two elegant and sensible workaholics - a couple that has a good future.

Capricorn woman and Scorpio man

Capricorn woman’s best match for marriage is Scorpio. As a talented analyst, Scorpio loves the challenge of unraveling the secrets of Capricorn. Both have a remarkable temperament and find each other extremely sexy.

Capricorn woman and Capricorn man

Capricorn and Capricorn: of course, these two understand each other without words! But there is a risk they will get bored since someone has to provide variety and new experiences from time to time, but which one of them?

Capricorn woman and Pisces man

Tactful Pisces helps Capricorn to come out of the dugout and become a major player on the field. Capricorn, for her part, offers support and confidence - exactly what Pisces needs.

Capricorn woman and Libra man

Capricorns like the elegance of Libra, these impeccable manners, and the fun way of catching people. And he is also impressed by her charm and likes to have such a lady by her side. But if they are so much the same, how come they’re so different?

Capricorn woman and Cancer man

Sensitive and emotional as he is, Cancer wants to have a broad shoulder - Capricorn is happy to offer that. What can go wrong? Cancer wants to spend a lot of time together with his partner, Capricorn is a real workhorse. A difficult mix.

Capricorn woman and Leo man

Capricorn woman compatibility with Leo is rather good. In sexual life, at least. These two are genuinely very fond of each other. But it can be just a torrid affair, nothing more, really disappointing for a Capricorn.

A Guide to Dating a Capricorn Woman

Capricorn woman and Aries man

Aries is strong and independent, just like Capricorn. A hot flirt is heating them up. However, this partner could turn up a little overenthusiastic to the Capricorn. Alarm, he wants too much too fast.

Capricorn woman and Gemini man

Gemini is attracted to the Capricorn, and wants to crack her hard shell. But in the long-term debt, he is probably too lively for the quiet personality of this sign.

Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man

Sagittarius is absolutely not the best match for a Capricorn woman. He is too hectic. In the long run, this alliance is probably difficult, since the Capricorn awards priority to reliability. An exciting adventure is definitely possible but without walking down the aisle.

Capricorn woman and Aquarius man

A chaotic Aquarius is full of energy and fresh ideas. It can be inspiring for the Capricorn and may have a positive influence. But it gets on her nerves that Aquarius often doesn't really know what he wants.

Finally, we are ready to give the proper answers to all frequently asked questions about dating a Capricorn woman.

âť“ What Capricorn partner needs in a relationship?

Capricorns are generally known by the fact they are very energetic, dynamic, and active. This sign of the zodiac just can't sit still. It means they need a partner who would not be like a sleepy fly. 

Capricorn woman in relationships is too often held captive by stereotypes about traditional family values, and she also expects the same from her partner.

Gifts for Capricorn woman are not very important, but if you want to present something, get focused on the quality. It is better to give a small but first-class thing than knick-knacks from the market. Jewelry or home accessories will surely bring out a smile to her face.

Whats It Like Dating A Capricorn Woman

âť“ What do Capricorns like in sex?

Despite their sexual charisma, many Capricorns seem to be emotionally unavailable. Only with the right partner, their sexual intensity comes to light.

Like a typical Earth-sign, Capricorn wants to learn what her man likes. She needs to understand his reactions to her soft caress. 

Capricorn woman in love is really open-minded when it comes to new sex practices and techniques, as long as her man is excited about it. The more she gets involved with a person and gains confidence, the merrier this lady gives. Basically, a Capricorn woman likes to set the tone in bed, press on the special buttons of her partner’s body to make a lasting and satisfying experience for both.

âť“ Can I trust a Capricorn woman?

Yes, absolutely. Capricorn woman dating is about honesty. There is no reason she would lie to you since you’ve come into her inner-circle. 

âť“ What is the dark side of Capricorn?

Capricorn woman weakness is fear. She is afraid of getting hurt. That’s why this sign often hides her real personality and shows it to a limited number of people. Again and again, Capricorn builds a wall between her soul and the world around to save herself.

âť“ Who should Capricorn marry?

The down-to-earth, ambitious Capricorn woman actually benefits from the mystic Scorpio. He tries to make her life more exciting, to get her out of routine. The other argument for this alliance, he easily puts her stubbornness away, not everyone can do it. But also Capricorn woman marriage compatibility with other Water and Earth signs is pretty good. Cancer, Taurus, and Virgo offer Capricorn security and strength that she needs.

âť“ Is Capricorn woman good in bed?

Capricorn woman in bed with her beloved one is tireless, she just can’t get enough of him. This lady loves it long and hard. In general, she likes to set the tone in everyday life, and lovemaking is not an exception. Capricorn women exactly know what they want, and that is also what they get. This astrology sign knows how she wants to be touched and what brings her to orgasm.

How to text a Capricorn woman, when we talk about sexting? Sms with text: «Any plans for this weekend? Hopefully, we won’t have to leave our bed», will definitely turn her on.

âť“ Do Capricorns fall in love quickly?

Well, it’s not true. All facts about Capricorn woman show us how cautious this sign is. This lady is not an easy-going one, so if she decided to tie her life to yours - it was not thoughtlessly.

âť“ Who is Capricorn’s soulmate?

Someone quiet and reliable would be the best match for Capricorn woman. A friend for life, the one who keeps her secrets safe. Instead of having wild parties, her soulmate prefers to read a good book or talk over a glass of wine.

âť“ How to attract Capricorn woman?

If you meet the Capricorn lady through a dating app, then it can be good to write to her daily, to ask about her life, and to be generally friendly. 

If we are talking about the accidental meeting in a cafe - casual conversation spiced up with a charming smile will easily attract her.

âť“ What is Capricorn’s favorite color?

Capricorns usually like warm colors, like beige, brown, green, yellow.

In this article we tried to tell all about Capricorn woman, every small detail you need to know about dating her. Of course, her personality is rather complicated, but who wants to have an easy win? Signs a Capricorn woman likes you may be non-obvious, but your intuition undoubtedly shows the right way.

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