Asian Mail Order Wives - Best Single Asian Women for Marriage

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Meet the Best asian brides Here

Asian wife for a Western man: absolutely possible, we say!

It doesn't matter where you come from - the desire to marry a women from Asia the most attractive and intelligent woman is pretty natural for every man. And, for sure, the willingness to follow this wish of your heart can sometimes make you seek fortune abroad. Don't be surprised if your choice might seem a bit exotic for your friends and family. It's no secret that ladies from Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Asia are more seductive than females from the USA, Western Europe, or Australia. The advantages of their appearance, character traits - have been praised even by experts since the beginning of the century!

However, once you look through the girls' profiles of typical Asian bride services - you realize that, namely, these hotties should be top rated. In fact, when talking about intermarriages nowadays - the preferences towards Oriental brides turn out to be an apparent trend in the Western world. That is why we want to focus our attention on them today. So, if you want to know all the essential facts about these women - make yourself comfortable. Because the information placed here is really comprehensive!

❀️ Successful marriages 75%
πŸ’ Average age of Asian brides 25-34 y.o.
πŸ’° Average cost of Asian Mail Order Bride $2,000 – $9,000
🌏 Popular Asian countries with brides Japan, Singapore, China, South Korea, Thailand
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Asian wife for a Western man: absolutely possible, we say!

How to find an Asian Mail Order Brides without going abroad?

We decided to start with this point, considering that many single American men don't want to date Asians because they don't like the concept of long-distance relationships. They forget one thing, though: it's absolutely not necessary to go abroad to meet such girls in this day and age. Yes, you understood everything right: plenty of Oriental singles live in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, etc. Therefore, right here, you'll find out the best places to get to know these ladies. If you choose one of the locations from our list - we guarantee your search will be successful.

Asian folk festivals

Such events are simply ideal for those who want to meet Asian Mail Order Brides.

Actually, the ancient culture of this continent has various traditions and habits that are brightly demonstrated at numerous celebrations. Young migrants from Asia see these festivals, above all, as an opportunity to connect with their roots. In no way could they neglect to visit them.

We, however, advise you to consider folk fests more than just a place to make new acquaintances. As long as you are serious about your decision to start a relationship with an Oriental princess - try to find out about typical for her lifestyle, rituals, and holidays. After all, if your dream comes true - you will have to make those traditions part of your life.

To find out whether the Asian community of your region is planning any appropriate events in your area - check it in Google. Don't forget to add the information you will find in your calendar.

Language tandems

>Language tandems with asian girls

Well, we hope there is no need to explain to you that it's about something more than just learning a foreign language.

Courses or just private lessons with a tutor are a great way to meet new people - including beautiful Asian singles. Do you live near a big university? Write your request on the information desk - the teacher will be found within days. Or, even better - you can give lessons yourself! Find out from the university administration whether they know of Asians who would like to improve their English skills.

Alternatively, search engines on the Internet offer a connection to local agents for language tandems. You can also find groups of this purpose on social networks. The advantage of the language tandem is clear: you get to know both - Asian ladies and their mother-tongues.

Join special Facebook groups

Facebook is quite suitable for getting to know Asian singles. Type a request such as "Asian singles" into the search box. Then, the algorithm will find the most suitable online communities for you - often right near you! Join them and get to know Oriental girls.

If there is no group for this purpose in your area, make your request more general. Your local Chinese or Korean community may arrange meetings every Saturday - join them!

Asian Mail Order Bride Services in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc.

Join special Facebook groups with asian girls

If you are no fan of offline dating, online matchmaking platforms can help. They are perfect for lonely hearts who don't want to spend time on something uncertain. We mean only on the Web, you know the girl's marital status without saying a word to her! Still, there are two types of dating agencies for Asians nowadays, and they significantly differ in their services:

  • Dating websites offer their members full access to the female users' database. But you need to look for suitable singles yourself. Those who like to have more freedom are right there! Although, it is sometimes like looking for a needle in a haystack over there. Staff often lack the budget and time to delete inactive profiles. The same goes for checking new members' identities - which is why there are sometimes dubious intentions hidden behind many cute pictures by their women. In particular, exotic ethnic groups such as Asians or Latinos are often used for fraud.
  • Matchmaking platforms, in contrast, will make you suggestions about the ladies who might be your soulmates. But before this, you need to answer a few questions. What you say helps the cupid to recognize singles with whom you could create harmonious relationships. So if you have little time to search for a partner - then you are in good hands with a dating agency of this sort.

What do Asian singles look like?

When you find Asian women's pictures on the Internet - only one thought definitely comes across your mind: is it legal to be so gorgeous? Moreover: when you see them in real life, these females usually look bright and attract lots of attention with their natural charm.

What do Asian singles look like?

On the other hand, Western people are almost always convinced that their beautiful skin, perfectly smooth hair, and shining eyes are like this only because of genes. However, when talking about Asians, it's not always the case.

But let us, at this point, find out what Oriental hotties actually look like. What makes them stand out from the crowd, then?


Women from Asia, as a rule, have long and shiny black hair. From nature, it is also smooth and thick. Only rarely can you meet such girls with creative haircuts since they tend to classic beauty standards.


It's just perfect, dear friend. This is especially true for Chinese and Japanese females with their passion for snow-white skin that does not know rashes and wrinkles. Meanwhile, the secret of it is always in careful and thoughtful daily care. This includes many phases: from matting toners and moisturizers to nourishing serums and base oils.

Asian girls have attractive skin


The Asian type of appearance entails not only a typical eye shape. But, at the same time, it is also about the most common eye color - brown. There are exceptions to this rule, though. That's why when scrolling the profiles of different Asian dating sites, you can see even blue- and green-eyed ones!

Body hair

Interesting fact: Oriental girls almost don't have body hair! It probably makes all Latinas jealous.

Body shape

The absolute majority of Asian Mail Order Brides have a good metabolism. So eating pizza and soda for dinner can go unnoticed, and not only for youth. However, ladies with Asian roots, especially in the advanced age, don't do this. They prefer healthy food and do sports regularly.

Why are hot Asian women so sexy and beautiful?

Why are hot Asian women so sexy and beautiful?

Women from Japan, Korea, and China became famous around the globe for their unique oriental kind of beauty. They not only manage to maintain their natural youth for many years but also remain seductive and charming. It is, in fact, sometimes problematic to determine how old the representatives of the nations of Asia are.

We, however, are willing to reveal the little secrets of their attractiveness. So, what helps them in achieving such fabulous results?

Why #1. Healthy nutrition

Like we have mentioned before, such ladies from a young age prefer proper nutrition before junk food. A healthy and balanced diet is beneficial for their good-lookingness. For example, the menu of Japanese and Chinese women consists basically of seafood, rice, and vegetables. One of the favorite drinks of Asian hotties is green tea. It fights the aging process and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body that spoil the females' beauty.

If you want to date a hot Asian mail order brides in the long run - remember one thing. A lady like this rarely eats dishes prepared by frying. She makes up her nutrition from steamed or stewed dishes without adding a lot of spices.

Why #2. No to dehydration

Asian women try to adhere to a suitable drinking regime

Everyone knows how crucial drinking clean water for our bodies is. And, in contrast, how devastating dehydration is. So Asians are not only aware of it - they follow this rule.

Therefore, Thai and Korean women try to adhere to a suitable drinking regime no matter what. They also remember to moisturize their skin throughout the day. For these purposes, it is appropriate, in their opinion, to use thermal water.

Why #3. Yes to sunscreen

The experts of a famous international dating website claim - these ladies don't leave home without sunscreen. They don't dream of getting a tan like Western females but use cosmetics with a strong SPF instead. This habit helps to protect their skin from the aggressive effects of the sun, which is the reason for rapid aging.

Why #4. Daily face gymnastics

Girls from Asia know how essential regular face gymnastics is. Such exercises can improve the contours of the face, solve the problem of worry lines and tighten the skin a little.

On the other hand, the best way to look young even at an advanced age is to be calm. The less the muscles of the face work, the fewer facial wrinkles are. And it is also one of the beauty secrets of Asian single women.

What are the typical characteristics of Asian brides?

In addition to their attractive appearance, which men find simply breathtaking, ladies from Asia are also clever. We guess you won't argue that so many Western guys want to date Asian women because they have a lot to offer. But, unfortunately, men are often too superficial and don't want to look deeper into their souls and minds. We, on our part, wish to right the wrongs and make you aware of typical for such a girl character traits.

Feature #1. They are family-oriented.

For women in Asia, from ancient times, the family has always been the highest priority. That's how they were brought up - this attitude is in their blood. So if you are looking not for a one-night stand but for someone to create a family with - meet Asian girl for marriage. Each one of these cuties will be happy to become a wife and a mother. She will sacrifice her career for her loved ones if necessary. But that doesn't mean you should take this for granted!

So even if you met such a girlfriend on an Asian dating site, you need to move your relationship into real life as soon as possible. Once you are convinced the things might work for you two - don't delay with this step.

Feature #2. They are devoted and caring.

It is fair to say that mail order brides from Asia are very caring - especially concerning little kids and old relatives. And regarding the financial matters - you can rely entirely on your wife if she comes from Asia. She won't spend money on rubbish - only on something you really need.

If you are lucky enough to have an Asian mail-order brides who loves you, you can bet that she will get through thick and thin with you. It is, however, hard to describe how devoted such a girl is. She won't see any reason to leave you in tough times - she will rather stand by you and remain loyal instead.

Feature #3. They know what privacy means.

An average Asian woman will never shame you, both: in public and privately. She knows that it is not okay to interrupt or provoke conflicts between you, your family, coworkers, or - even your ex! But you still need to be totally honest with her and try to make her happy in a relationship with you.

On the other hand, a girl from Asia is considered to be quieter than Western ladies. Due to her calm character, the majority of empty arguments could be easily avoided. Remember: she always prefers to save face. Furthermore, the gender roles are more clearly distributed for representatives of these nations. It means no to emancipation and yes to traditions!

Feature #4. They are intelligent and independent.

It should definitely be mentioned that adoration of ancient culture and rituals doesn't involve the denial of modernity. In other words, Asian beauty dating doesn't imply that your girlfriend has no interests except for the family.

Asians, in their majority, go to college after school and take an active part in social life. The interests of loved ones still have the highest priority. But, if possible, they prefer not to quit their jobs completely. And, in fact, many Oriental women hold high positions in international corporations. Trust us, they are in no way less clever than their male colleagues.

Myths about Asian mail order brides

Myths about Asian women

People can't forget about certain stereotypes about representatives of different nations. Even though in this day and age the society worldwide is much more open-minded than ever before.

Notwithstanding that, recently, the general interest in the culture of these countries has increased. And, actually, many Western guys know what Asian mail order brides is from their own experience - the prejudices still live in their minds. For this reason, we decided to highlight here the top-three most widely-spread myths about brides from Asia. We hope this knowledge will help you to get all cliches in this regard out of your head.

Myth #1. All Oriental ladies look alike.

Don't laugh, but even in such multinational countries as the USA - lots of people live with this belief. However, the reality of the situation is absolutely different. To be honest, it is much more difficult to distinguish between the ladies from France and Belgium or Australia and New Zealand than between Korean and Japanese girls! We don't even say a word about Indian, Indonesian, or Thai females!

If you take a closer look, representatives of various Asian nations differ in facial and body features. But, what is even more fascinating, women from the same country don't all look alike. For example, in China - northerners are considered to be tall and whiter-skinned. While southerners are usually smaller and darker.

Myth #2. All Asians are brilliant - almost geniuses.

Yes, sure - there are some studies that prove this statement. According to them, Asians have a higher average IQ coefficient than others. But, at the same time, it does not mean that all of them are brilliant. And among them, of course, are people whose intellectual abilities are lower than average. On the other hand, recent research confirms another cliche. Namely that students from Asia are superior in their skills in mathematics and other exact sciences. But this does not depend on race - the secret of success is only in the teaching method.

These stereotypes were imposed by Americans and are still maintained. We are sure that you have seen the typical image of an Asian in various series and movies more than once - a genius who knows everything or an excellent student aiming at Harvard. For example, the character Mouse from the "The Carrie Diaries" series immediately comes to mind. Although, not all of them are like her. Just meet an Asian ladies for marriage in real life to be convinced of that.

Myth #3. Asians have strange dietary habits.

Above all, Western people often think that Asians eat rice anytime and anywhere. Yes, they do prefer this sort of side dish - but not always and everywhere. It's a kind of potato for Americans or corn for Mexicans. Oriental ladies have been accustomed to eating this product since childhood. But it's still a matter of taste, though. Some eat rice every day, others only with certain dishes, and the rest simply do not like it at all! In general, Asian cuisine is known for its variety. We guess you won't argue that noodles and rolls are really delicious.

Also, many men are afraid their Asian mail order brides will cook scary dishes - for example, with dogs' and cats' meat. Well, earlier, this custom was widespread in South Korea and China. But modern youth are actively protesting against the whole concept of it. Now all kinds of "pet dishes" are just a relic of the past. Even if you travel to these countries, the meat of these animals can be found only rarely and in crazy expensive restaurants. It is in demand among middle-aged wealthy Asians who honor ancient customs.

How do I get an Asian girlfriend? The only right way

How do I get an Asian girlfriend? The only right way

There are a lot of guides and tips on the topic of attracting a guy's attention written for women. Although, it's not much information on how to win a girl's heart. Especially when it comes to particular nations, such as Asians, Latinas, and Slavs.

Maybe, it's all because males usually don't search for dating advice on the Web. Moreover: the majority of them are sure - they are relationships gurus themselves. Is that really so? Well, not always. For this reason, we decided to help those who want to achieve the best possible results in the shortest possible time. So how to begin the Asian girl dating just in three steps? Let's figure it out together!

Step #1. Attention, attention, and ... attention

Experts of the best Asian dating sites are united in their belief - these women love attention. And, no matter how paradoxical it sounds, even if an Oriental lady, initially, is not fond of you - your courtesy can change her attitude! Yes, you can say it out loud: Asians like gentlemen.

Therefore, specialists advise starting an acquaintance with such a lady with a pleasant and ordinary conversation. The topic of it is pretty apparent - your potential girlfriend herself. Give her a chance to tell you about how she is appreciated at work (or, on the contrary, her boss is a crazy jerk), what she dreamed of in childhood, or what kind of traits her cats prefer.

However, chats on purely feminine topics - such as outfits, beauty procedures, etc. - should be avoided. A man who gladly talks about cosmetic brands or fashion trends is a bit strange, in an Oriental girl's opinion. It implies either a man with these interests is gay or mama's boy. In the best case, he can turn out to be just a narcissistic metrosexual.

To win a heart of an Asian woman, experts recommend listening carefully to everything she talks about, making it clear that you understand how she feels. If the dates continue - great. Then at the next rendezvous, it would be nice to pay attention to the change in the girl's mood. Does she look particularly joyful or, conversely, tired? Maybe sad? Be caring enough to ask what the reason for it is.

Talking about inner sensations will bring you two closer - advises a psychologist of an Asian dating website. Thanks to this, the woman of your dreams will feel that you are attentive enough to her. That you worry about her, you are not indifferent to her concerns.

Another way to demonstrate your attention - is by talking on the phone. Yes, this part of courtship is so hated by most Western men. Keep in mind, a guy who calls his chosen one not only when he wants to invite her somewhere is in a win-win situation. So spend a few minutes to find out how she feels or how her mood is to get a reputation of a caring and attentive gentleman. Because these two traits, as we have already said, are very much appreciated by Asian females.

True, it is crucial not to overdo this strategy. One or two such calls a day will be more than enough. Otherwise, instead of being attentive, you can be considered nosy. Moreover, the most independent of Asian beauties may decide that in this way you are trying to control them! And on this basis, each of them would try to get rid of a relationship that promises problems.

Step #2. Mean what you say

Asian date sites experts claim - women with these roots love self-confident men.

On a subconscious level, an average lady from Asia is driven by the search for strength, confidence, and certainty in men - specialists explain. She needs protection and guarantees - everything will be fine. An Oriental princess needs to feel that there is someone stronger than her near - the one who can always help.

That is why to win the heart of such a girl - you need as much self-confidence as possible. Another thing is not to end such relationships in mutual disappointment if it's not who you are. But, nevertheless, when dating an Asian female, you should try to behave more boldly. Do not under any circumstances complain to this lady about life and do not ask her for help.

As we have already written more than once, don't overdo it! Asians hate extremes. So, for example, there is no need to hand over the initiative to women's hands, timidly wondering whether you two can go somewhere tomorrow evening. And, if yes - where exactly. In such a case, it's better to decide the most decisive time and place of the meeting by yourself. If it turns out that your Oriental woman is not available at this time, you can suggest another day for the rendezvous, demonstrating your flexibility. If your daily schedules don't really match - don't worry. You can always invite her to call back when she is ready.

It is important not to confuse confidence with overconfidence. A self-estimated person is well aware of his strengths and weaknesses. He is also able to admit his mistakes and draw conclusions from them. While men with overconfidence perceive any mistake as evidence of their own imperfection. And therefore are very afraid to admit their flaws. They see any disagreement as a personal offense. Such people simply cannot consider themselves to be guilty of failure. Simply said - romance with the second category of males can't be promising in the eyes of Asians. And overconfidence is usually the flip side of an inferiority complex, by the way.

A bold man is not concerned with the problem of self-affirmation. And For this reason, he has the opportunity to be attentive to the world around him and his girlfriend.

So never forget, a woman wants to see protection in her boyfriend. Any foreign man who manages to give an Asian girl a sense of security can believe that he has won her heart. Well, at least a half of it!

Step #3. Compliments and gifts

Women from Asia have a genetic need to hear compliments 24 hours/7 days a week. It is similar to their natural desire to please their loved ones and be more attractive than other females around them. Therefore, according to psychologists, listening to the words of affection to these ladies is a kind of addiction.

Thus, a guy who can communicating with many Asian brides beautifully at the initial stage of a relationship can sometimes really have advantages by Asians. In this case, compliments must be made wisely. For example, if a girl is stunning, then it is almost useless to simply state this. Obviously, she has heard all this more than once. Here you need to say either really subtle and sophisticated compliments to her appearance or, instead, be focused on her rich inner world.

Another challenge of Asian girlfriend dating is if she is pretty, but for some reason - does not fit into the established standards of beauty. Then you need to be even more attentive and praise her small breasts or insufficiently long legs. It is more than necessary to tell such a lady how gorgeous in your eyes she is.

However, there is a category of women with Asian roots for whom actions are more important than words. Furthermore, they become alarmed by the abundance of compliments! They begin to think a man with this approach keeps sugar coating his phrases for the ladies nearby. So, it is still better for men not to overdo it with compliments and try to confirm beautiful words with no less breathtaking actions.

Another weakness of Asian females is their love of showing off. Keep in mind that these women can't live modestly in the social networks era. By the way, photo shootings with friends or colleagues are just a holiday for most of them! Therefore, if you correctly use this knowledge, success is guaranteed!

Still, Asian date experts only partly agree with the mentioned above statement. In their opinion, plenty of Asians are in a state of subconscious rivalry with the rest of the women of the world. They just always want to be the best - matters of love are no exception. Namely, for this reason, a man should not forget about generous gestures in public. But know your limits, dear friend! Excessive demonstrativeness can impress only inexperienced young girls, but older ladies can be warned - you want to buy them. Representatives of this ancient culture, with time, become aware that such shows are rarely sincere. Because sincere feelings do not need to be widely demonstrated.

Dating Asian girls online - typical mistakes

Dating Asian girls online - typical mistakes

The last, but definitely not the least important, topic we are going to highlight today concerns your communication manner. Since, when talking about Asians, it means a lot.

Without any doubt, chat itself is an absolute improvisation. But following some basic rules can speed up the whole process and please your online girlfriend. But we don't want to give you tips in this respect. We find it would be better for you to learn from the most common mistakes.

For example, if you always write trivial things, make grammatical mistakes, or even worse - use foul language - it is fatal. In this way, you will represent yourself as a vulgar, narrow-minded idiot. Is that what you need? Of course not! For more typical mistakes - keep on reading the text.

Mistake #1. Making a love confession after a few chats

What would you think if a girl with whom you had just little contact and never met in real life confessed that she loves you? Most likely, you would think this lady is an irresponsible and frivolous person who doesn't know what she says. Do you know what we are trying to say?

If you ask psychologists, they can explain why such a wish comes into people's minds. Most probably, they naively believe that it's a way to become closer - to make online romance more real. But, unfortunately, the final result is usually the exact opposite of this goal.

Of course, it all depends on what kind of person you are communicating with ... If she loves these gestures and is easy-going enough - it would be okay. But a serious person may get scared and simply disappear. So better don't make this mistake in Asian dating, even if your soul is full of passions.

Mistake #2. Giving your communication the highest importance

If you make an Oriental woman realize that you are constantly sitting near the computer waiting for her reply, this is very bad. Like we already said - Asians love attention. But when it is too much of it, and a man expects something from them in return - these cuties become cold and stop communicating with him. Well, they are right - it's nothing healthy in being obsessed with someone.

Do you remember what attracts you to your conversationalist? Some understatement, mysteriousness ... You need to appear and disappear. And there is no need to tell everything about your life in detail - a couple of funny stories together with a few general facts will be enough.

So, send a letter and forget about it - the girl does not have to answer you right away. You two have your own offline life - do not get hung up on another person.

Mistake #3. Showing off

Some Western guys, when they date Asian ladies, think that there is only one way to arouse fondness and interest - by talking about their hobbies, career, successes, etc. They start to boast, describe all their best qualities and hope for success. However, a woman from Asia will most likely write a couple in response to these showing off lines.

The reality is that your achievements and positive qualities are not needed by anyone but you. Okay, maybe your parents love to hear such things too - certainly not Asians from the Internet, though. Therefore, in chats with them, you need to be pretty modest.

Asian Dating FAQ

Why do Asian women seek Western men?

There is a lot of prejudices about why women from Asia set up accounts on dating sites. Many believe that these women only want to meet American and European men because they dream of leaving their homeland. But that's not true because it is common knowledge that Asians can't live without their loud families.
Another cliche is that Asian women are only after money. They are poor and just look for an easier way to get funds from future husbands. And this is also the reason why they prefer much older boyfriends. Although everyone who knows these ladies in the real world can confidently say - it's not true. A typical Asian woman works very hard and usually has a decent job as well. She can take care of herself and also support her loved ones in difficult times.
But why do these girls register on dating sites? Because, just like Western females, Asians are looking for a serious relationship that may lead to marriage.

How is dating an Asian girl different from dating an American girl?

Asia, even nowadays, is still considered an exotic and mystical part of the world for many Western men. Different cultures come together there, which, at first glance, appear to be beautiful and alien at the same time. Incidentally, this applies not only to culture - but also to Asian women. They combine many positive characteristics such as friendliness, self-discipline, grace, and good-lookingness.
And, this apparent difference is obviously something that attracts Western guys. But, at the same time, it is also the point that creates the contrast in relationships with your local and Oriental beauties.

Do white men find petite Asian women attractive?

The answer is yes. How else would you explain why so many white Western men create profiles on free Asian dating sites as well as paid matchmaking platforms?

Why do a lot of guys like Asian women?

The reason is - their super attractive appearance, of course. Asian women are very body-conscious and always try to present themselves to their partners from their best sides. This means that many Asians are active in sports and also spend a lot of time doing makeup or manicures. Many men appreciate this and are particularly attracted to their breathtaking beauty.

Why do so many white American men date and marry Asian women?

Well, it's apparent - having an Asian wife for an average white American man is a kind of dream. If you wonder what makes them so special - the answer is simple once again. These ladies have traditional views, are willing to take care of their husbands and kids. Together with fascinating career perspectives and natural intelligence - better life partners couldn't be imagined.

Are Asian mail order brides real?

Yes, Asian mail order brides are real women who are seeking serious relationships with men from Western countries through legitimate dating services.

What are the benefits of online dating for finding an Asian bride?

Online dating platforms allow you to connect with Asian brides from various countries, offering a convenient and effective way to find your potential bride.

How do I marry an Asian bride?

To marry an Asian bride, you typically need to go through a process that involves meeting, dating, and eventually proposing to the woman you wish to marry.

Where can I find Asian girls for marriage?

You can find Asian girls for marriage on specialized dating websites that focus on connecting Western men with women from Asian countries.

What are the popular Asian countries for finding brides?

Some of the popular Asian countries where men seek brides include China, Philippines, South Korea, and other nations known for their beautiful women.

What is the process of finding an Asian mail order bride?

Finding an Asian mail order bride involves signing up on a dating site, browsing profiles, communicating with potential matches, and eventually meeting in person.

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