Who are the best matches for a Taurus man? Find out here!

Taurus man compatibility

If your astrological sign is Taurus (April 20 to May 20) - you are a calm and well-balanced person. You are used to analyzing everything and taking every issue bit by bit. Fountain of passions, spontaneous decisions and grandiose romantic deeds aren't typical for your behavior. It is hardly surprising, though - your element is Earth. That's what explains your constant craving for stability.

As a representative of this zodiac sign you are a charming, erudite and polite man. It's never hard for you to make a good impression on a woman you like. Since you have a strong nervous system and are not prone to conflict, you can get along even with the most fickle life partner.

Your excellent sense of humor and love to make fun of yourself should definitely be mentioned. This inborn talent helps to win the hearts of girls almost effortlessly!

Okay, we know what you think now. Considering so many amazing character traits, you might be a perfect boyfriend and husband, notwithstanding your lady's zodiac sign. It's not true, though. Astrologers say - your success with some of them is rather dubious...

So, what is the best match for a Taurus man, then? With whom could you live happily ever after? This is what we will talk about in detail in today's article.

    What do astrologers say? General recommendations

    The Taurus man perfect match must understand that you are not intended to shower careness upon her from morning to evening and sing serenades under her window. Because you are not capable of such romanticism at all! As a rational person, you are used to being guided not by emotions but by logical reasoning. Thus, your ideal girlfriend should realize that you are more likely to present to her a pillow with memory foam than jewelry. Just like a new washing machine as an anniversary gift seems more reasonable than any useless knick-knack.

    Also, the best woman for a Taurus man knows how critical for you is the comforts of home. Your apartment should always be clean, the home-made dinner wait on the stove, and the freshly-ironed bed linen be placed in the bedroom drawer. If a girl leaves dirty dishes in the sink - it's an absolute no-go for you.

    What do astrologers say? General recommendations

    As a representative of the Earth element, you take family and marriage very seriously. You choose a life partner, with typical for you, slowness. And if you get married at a young age - this experience, regrettably, turns out to be unsuccessful. Sometimes it even has a terrible effect on your future life. The heart wound heals for a long time - especially, if the family breaks up due to betrayal. Okay, we know that light flirting doesn't count. But you yourself decide what kind of tease can be considered appropriate.

    What else do you expect from your chosen one? Loyalty, constancy in the preferences, and readiness to work hard for better tomorrow. For sure, you won't be able to appreciate the changeability and permanent wanderlust. The opposite effect is the gratefulness for little things.

    Okay, who is compatible with a Taurus male? Let's figure it out!

    You may be seriously carried away by the enthusiasm of Pisces or Gemini women. The feelings, in this case, will definitely be mutual because you can give them a sense of stability, confidence in the future and inner peace.

    As a rule, Taurus man is sexually compatible with representatives of the Earth element. We talk about Virgo and Capricorn, of course. Since astrologers say that union with a Taurus female is beneficial at work - never in love, though.

    You can make a good couple with a thrifty and shy Cancer. Not calm but pleasant will be your romance with Aries. It is worth staying away from Lions and Scorpios - you risk falling victim to their selfishness. And Aquarius, as a rule, is too independent and unpredictable for Taurus either.

    The top-5 matches for Taurus: love, sex, and marriage

    What sign is compatible with a Taurus man? What do the experts say?

    According to them, representatives of your zodiac sign can build relationships with anyone. The only nuance is that such a person needs to teach you to compromise and never take your stubborn nature too much to heart. Then, in return, you will show your loved one how to appreciate the simple pleasures in life. We mean a picnic in the park, a day without social networks, or a delicious breakfast in bed.

    What sign is compatible with a Taurus man

    You strive for a relationship where both partners will feel comfortable and happy in each other's company. But don't let your serious intentions scare your potential girlfriend off!

    Anyway, no matter how down-to-earth personality you are - there are some things you can't plan. Love belongs to such impossible to arrange matters. But how do you minimize the probability of being broken-hearted? The compatibility rate can help! Check the top-5 to play it safe!

    Taurus man and Cancer woman: compatibility score 98%


    Cancer should certainly be named among the Taurus man's best matches. The love between you and a woman of this astrological sign comes as something natural. You both are adherents of a calm lifestyle. A Cancer lady, just like you, gladly stays at home and sentimentalizes her memories. At the same time, she will quickly realize that you are a reliable partner, the one she has always dreamed of. That you will support all her undertakings, give your love and care.

    Okay, what about the problems? The union of Cancer and Taurus might face some resulting from the character issues. First of all, your girlfriend may lack the determination and courage you can't demonstrate. You must agree, proving your seriousness again and again doesn't fit your lifestyle. On the other hand, it may be difficult for you to get used to your woman's mood swings. However, if you really love each other and value your relationship, your couple will cope with everything. Moreover, there are much more advantages to your romance than disadvantages.


    The best Taurus compatibility in sex is, without a doubt, with Cancer. Furthermore, this experience could be pure bliss for both!

    Above all, you two are very slow - when it comes to the foreplay. While the process itself is absolutely breathtaking - you equally love details.

    It is unnecessary to explain what and when to do, in what rhythm and pace, both your Cancer woman and you feel these things subconsciously. Although, your special lady, of course, perceives them much better due to her well-developed intuition.

    Your sexual life will be genuinely intimate: both of you are quite secretive and do not want to share the details of your personal life with strangers. Tenderness, affection, and reasonable mischief - that's what you love.


    Cancer lady is not just a great wife - she is the best mate for a Taurus man. Why? She is really altruistic, warm-hearted, gentle, and prefers saving money instead of wasting it. You, a representative of the Earth element, will become a wise husband for a romantic and shy Cancer.

    Your family will be traditional. It is quite possible - that the wife will be busy taking care of the children and the household chores. While the husband earns money and takes care of the financial well-being, of course. You two will undoubtedly decide on having children - the Cancer woman has been dreaming of it since childhood!

    Taurus man and Cancer woman

    You will probably buy a house somewhere in the countryside and live far away from the big city noise.

    Taurus man and Libra woman: compatibility score 94%


    Libra could be called the best love match for a Taurus man. These two astrological signs are ruled by the planet of affection. This means their main goal is - the search for romance and harmony. However, a woman in such a couple is responsible for mental balance - her feelings are airy. In the meantime, the guy is in charge of the physical side of the relationship.

    Thus, you will willingly fall in love with a Libra female. The fact you can spend a lot of time together without feeling discomfort is the decisive factor.

    But problems in a couple are still possible. Both of you are somewhat indecisive and do not like to take the initiative - it is Venus's fault. And in a situation where the choice still needs to be made, no one will take it upon themselves. Of course, Taurus suffers from this uncertainty more since it's his job to be more courageous and decisive. Although you can learn to understand and accept each other. Then, triumph is unavoidable.


    Libra is, for sure, one of the best matches for Taurus man in matters of sex. These two zodiac signs perfectly complement each other! Intimacy between them is not devoid of sensuality. Still, at the same time, the process itself will be well-thought-out in terms of each move.

    When dating such a lady, you will discover new heights of pleasure. And, you will definitely become a boss in your couple. It will be your job to set up this aspect of life.

    And what about your special one? Your Libra girlfriend can be very charming! She will create a lovely atmosphere, seduce you with her outfits, and love games. Art will play an important role in your couple's sex life: it will serve as an exciting factor for both.


    Who should a Taurus marry, you ask? Libra girl - is our answer!

    Your marriage will be happy and peaceful - just the embodiment of the dream of ideal family life.

    You, as a typical Taurus, will become an excellent husband. The one able to provide the loved ones with everything necessary. However, don't expect your Libra soulmate to become an outstanding housewife. She will be a muse in the house instead. Despite that - astrologers don't consider this specificity of her character to be toxic.

    Children in such a family will be brought up in a warm and calm environment, and parents will make sure that their talents are revealed.

    Taurus man and Capricorn woman: compatibility score 89%


    Why do we say that Taurus is best compatible with Capricorn? Because representatives of these two astrological signs understand each other from half a word, half a gesture, and half a look. The style of their relationship could be described as moderately passionate, reasonably slow, and generally gentle.

    Capricorn is another best mate for Taurus, from the prospect of the mindset this time. Your great attachment is self-development - just like her. Also, while you have a talent for saving the given resources - your lady knows how to distribute them in the right way. But where is the romance, you wonder? Well, when you two take enough care of the material side of life - you finally relax. And this could also be called the starting point of eternal delight. There is only one drawback here, though. Taurus and Capricorn are very suspicious and need much time before they decide to trust each other completely.


    Capricorn is the best match a Taurus man may have in sex. In particular, this statement concerns singles of the advanced age. These two zodiac signs simply suit each other! Their desires are earthly, concrete, and material.

    Taurus man and Capricorn woman

    You two feel physical attraction quite strongly - both perfectly know what is satisfying and what is not. The Capricorn girlfriend needs a delicate and affectionate partner. While you want a sensual, passionate woman who does not hide her desires. So, we can say with confidence: your sex will be unforgettable.


    When talking about marriage, Taurus matches best with Capricorn. We hope our explanation will help you to understand why. A man and a woman of these zodiac signs usually create a strong family where everything is planned for years to come. They are both rational, practical, and even pragmatic.

    Although, don't think your couple will suffer from a lack of romance. Deep inside, you are extremely sentimental. This will help to awaken hidden emotions even in a reserved Capricorn!

    Your children will be brought up as decent people. You and your spouse will do your best to give them everything they need to achieve the highest success. It seems like the perfect family, isn’t it? Well, that's the real state of things.

    Taurus man and Virgo woman: compatibility score 83%


    Perhaps you two will not immediately attract each other's attention. Since the representatives of both zodiac signs hate to be in the spotlight. But when your eyes finally meet - it clicks.

    Indeed, a Virgo woman could be the best match for a Taurus man because they are terribly similar. Both don't care about trifles - do not like to sacrifice their comfort zone and well-being in favor of chasing something in the future. The excessive emotions seem unappealing for one and the other. Their romance cannot be called passionate - rather, it will be a flame that flares up slowly but stably.

    You need to remember that Virgo's heart is sometimes hard to win. She is not the one you can buy with an expensive wellness weekend in a fancy resort. But you don't like to give up so easily, right? As soon as your special lady realizes that you are a reliable partner and gentle lover - she is yours.


    Why do we think that the Taurus man's compatibility with a Virgo woman is high? Well, sex between representatives of these astrological signs will be just excellent!

    Both of you know a lot about physical pleasures - in particular, it's your strong suit. Lit candles, massage oils, lounge music - atmospheric, isn't it? Your Virgo will be gentle and modest first - you will do your best to liberate her.

    However, it can get boring if your girlfriend won't take the initiative herself from time to time. Give her a few lessons - all this will help Virgo relax and immerse herself in the world of sexual pleasures that she adores. But, once again, communication is the key to success.


    Among the most compatible signs for Taurus man, in the context of marriage, should definitely be named Virgo female. These two might make the perfect family! Well, almost perfect, to be completely honest.

    Taurus man and Virgo woman

    The Virgo girl will become an awesome wife for you: frugal and loving. She will patiently take care of her husband and children, not expressing claims and not complaining about everything that goes wrong. You, meanwhile, will be an amazing husband for such a lady. Your talent for providing the family with everything necessary and even a little more is fascinating!

    Your family will be strong, and the feelings will be based on mutual respect. However, you may always lack brightness and sensuality in marriage. And it would be nice if you two do not look for it somewhere else...

    Taurus man and Pisces woman: compatibility score 82%


    Is Pisces the best sign for Taurus man for relationships and love? No matter how surprising it sounds - yes!

    The relationship between representatives of these signs of the zodiac can be very tender and romantic. They both are quite sentimental - it will help in finding common ground. These two share each other's craving for calmness and comfort (mental and physical).

    From the first date, you will experience what meeting your soulmate means. It might even seem that you have finally found a partner who understands you one hundred percent! The point is not to get bored with all this ideality...

    Is there, in fact, something that prevents Pisces from being the best match for Taurus? And the answer is also - yes. It will be difficult for you to handle the extremely high emotional level such a girl desperately needs. This is not a sentence, though.


    When considering the signs compatible with a Taurus man in matters of intimacy - a Pisces woman must be mentioned.

    It is essential for you that the partner can quickly switch from one position to another, invent something new, and make her sexuality manifest freely and skillfully. That's what the representative of the Water element can give you. She loves that you don't press on her - Pisces hates being pursued and prefers lightness in sex.

    Taurus man is compatible with a female of this zodiac sign because her tenderness and devotion ensure the highest level of pleasure. Oh - and orgasms will be memorable!


    Without a doubt, Pisces is the best match for a Taurus man if he is ready to settle down. If these two get married, quiet family life is guaranteed. Both astrological signs try to avoid all kinds of changes.

    Although the Pisces woman is very anxious and dreamy inside, she often thinks about how things could be different, but thoughts are only fantasies. She is simply too inert to start to change something. And you, as a Taurus man - are even more slow and stable in your habits! Just like in your attitude towards people.

    Simply said, if you marry her - it will be for a long time, if not for life. Still, forgiveness is what you two might want to work on.

    Who should you choose, then?

    Who is most compatible with Taurus? Astrologers know the answer, and it's pretty unexpected!

    It sometimes happens - that you get tired of a stable and predictable way of living. You feel the need to change your typical emotional background. This desire brings you to the best match ever - a representative of the Water element. We talk about the Cancer girl, as you might guess.

    Taurus man and Pisces woman

    In such a relationship - sensations, like waves, will come and go. Also, a woman of this astrological sign will be a perfect conversationalist for you. The one with whom you can talk until the morning every day and discover something new all the time. She can inspire you like no one else!

    Still, it won't be all fine in your romance with a Cancer - you will have to face difficulties, either. But together with this girl, you will grow spiritually and intellectually. So why don't you give this love a try?

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