Dating a woman 15 years younger than you: is there a future?

Dating a woman 15 years younger than you: is there a future?

The age difference is not an obstacle to building strong relationships and creating a family. Do you agree with that statement? According to current statistical data, approximately 8 percent of all couples worldwide consist of men and women with an age gap of 15 years and more. As you can see, such spouses are no longer rare to see. A while ago, only men had the privilege of choosing a younger partner. Modern society, in contrast, allows mature women to look for their happiness out of the group of age-mates too.

In this article, we are going to talk about the benefits of dating a woman 15 years younger and the difficulties you will have to face entering such relationships. In addition to general information, our experts will give you the lists of dos and don'ts in this regard. Wow, there are so many things you have yet to discover! Let us begin now.

    Why men choose a woman 15 years younger?

    Why men choose a woman 15 years younger?

    But wait for a second… Why do so many men, mostly over forty, choose relationships with younger women? What’s giving them the push? Unconditional love or just powerful physical attraction? It’s all possible. However, most likely, the reason is far more prosaic. A young girlfriend for a mature man is a desperate attempt to make up for something he has missed in all previous relationships. It might be, for example, feeling precious, wise, and skillful, as well as the ability to take care of a less experienced partner. On the other hand: these males usually want to have an opportunity to enjoy the second youth. «All the age stereotypes have nothing to do with me. I’m definitely not old. If I look like my peers, how would I make a girl 15 years younger than me interested?», that’s what they, as a rule, think.

    At the same time, many men who have marriages behind them need to deal with their own insecurities imposed by ex-wives of the same age. A young girlfriend here is a way to fight psychological problems. Still, in this case, there is a chance to move the relationship into parent-child form - so, be careful. If you do everything right, your 15-year-age-difference-romance could serve as a model of a relationship full of love and mutual understanding. The one where the older partner gets inspiration along with a breath of new life, just like the younger one - support and care.

    Dating a lady 15 years younger: Advantages

    Dating a lady 15 years younger: Advantages

    By the way, at this point, we probably need to identify the pros and cons of dating a 15 years younger woman. Read it closely since this part of the article poses questions you need to answer honestly before taking the active initiative in this matter.

    Helps to extend your lifetime

    Here we need to refer to recent research made by Max Planck Society. It claims, men who share their lives with significantly younger partners tend to live longer than their peers who are married to women of the same age. In fact, the younger your girlfriend is, the more tangible is the effect she has on your life expectancy. Actually, no one should be surprised to hear that because it’s common knowledge young partner gives her older lover’s life a fresh coat of pain and helps to stay active for a longer time.

    Better sex

    It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? Still, having sex with a younger woman automatically means openness to new experiences, active engagement in the process, and no taboos. When we are talking about lovemaking at the age of 35 and over, an absolute satisfaction - that’s what gets the high priority. After all, you already had a chance to learn a lot about the female’s body and the ecstatic moves to make. That’s the perfect time to combine your experience and her enthusiasm to get an unforgettable pleasure.

    Her appearance and body

    15 years younger women has good appearance and body

    Well, when you’re lying on the beach, who do you prefer to see in a bikini: a 25-year-old girl or a 65-year-old madam? And, once again, the answer is quite clear. Just keep in mind, you don’t have to feel guilty for choosing younger ladies since they are more attractive. It’s nothing else but a natural desire caused by the fact men usually are a very visual type of people (need to be captured by how the partner looks). On the other hand, young girls pay more attention to their appearance. It includes: playing sports several times a week, getting facials, making hair... Older women often neglect those procedures.

    Peer-to-peer prestige

    We mean your male-friends of the same age, of course. The fact you are dating a lady 15 years younger alone is a call for a discussion mixed up with admiration. They might pat you on the back, say some piquant jokes, or even call you an old rascal. Still, deep down inside, they realize that now you’ve decided to live the life they are not brave enough to choose. Your woman, compared to their wives, is much more beautiful, sexy, open-minded. And, she is in love with you, not with someone her age. Well, man, you definitely have some hidden bargaining chips in your back pocket!

    A whole new way of looking at the world

    We usually want to learn something from older people who have seen quite a lot. It’s not totally right, though. You may argue, «What are you talking about? Do you want me to be guided by a young girl? I’m a man 15 years older than her!» Yes, exactly. The absence of internal limits and inner freedom - that’s what she has. Your girlfriend wants to do everything her way: she is open to the emotional exchange. Many men of your generation lost touch with reality and can’t move with the times. Choosing a young girlfriend for a relationship or marriage will give you a chance to get on the same page with youth.

    Dating a lady 15 years younger: Disadvantages

    Very different visions for the future

    15 years younger women has good very different visions for the future

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, «To love is not to look at one another, but to look together in the same direction.» Think about it when looking for younger partners. We mean, couples with a significant age difference between a man and woman often have to deal with the problem of different visions for the future. For example, she wants to travel the world for the next three years; you prefer to stay home. Your girlfriend desires to have kids one day; you are happy with the son and daughter from a previous marriage. She plans to spend the next vacation learning how to surf in Bali; you - enjoying an all-inclusive hotel in the Dominican Republic. The list of differences you may face can continue for much longer. Unfortunately, in many cases, it’s easier to break up than make a compromise.

    Her pleas to cut the contact with your past

    It may happen that your young girlfriend pleases you to cut the contact with your ex-wife and reduce to a minimum time you spend with children. This is all because of her jealousy. She doesn’t have any similar experience and can hardly understand what it means to you. In your lady’s opinion, kids are something like a bridge that connects you with your ex. In most cases, this misunderstanding becomes a stumbling block in the romance with a young girl.

    Fear of losing her

    If opinion polls are right, the majority of mature men suffer from an underlying fear of being rejected by their young partners. The 15 years difference provides a ground for constant worry of being left in favor of someone her age. Yes, you have experience and social status. Still, your potential competitor is young, strong, forward-looking. He has his whole life to live yet! So, no wonder that all males around your woman will provoke stress and jealousy in your heart. Plus, it’s useful to remind you that she won’t be happy to see how you behave regarding her male friends and acquaintances.

    Rejection of your loved ones

    Family is a delightful, complex, and ever-changing world. Each one has its own values, beliefs, traditions, morals, jokes… There are conflicts and quarrels between relatives. And, this often happens when some family member challenges any of mentioned above standards. Let’s just say, hypothetically, a certain man is dating a woman 15 years younger (not you, but from their circle of friends). Would they be happy about his decision? We’re betting - no. The same goes for you. It won’t be the easiest task to convince your relatives that your lady loves you, but not your money or status in society.

    Reproaches on both ends

    Reproaches on both ends

    The age difference causes all sorts of reproaches. For example, your girlfriend begins to notice that along with financial security come particular health problems of the mature boyfriend. You can’t go jogging with her because your back hurts in the morning. Or, her favorite rock-music, how can someone be so loud? For damn sure, you two will mess around each other’s way of life. The main thing is a compromise, once again. Both of you need to learn how to implement the give-and-take policy for your romance to make it successful.

    Tips and advices for men who want to date someone 15 years younger

    We still need to give some advice if your desire to date someone 15 years younger hasn’t disappeared yet. Enough has been said to understand that you need to find common ground. But how to do it? What about the things you surely need to do? Is there also something you need to avoid? Yes! Just keep on reading the article to find out more.

    To-do list:

    Form an emotional bond between the two of you

    Strong emotional connection is the key to success, especially when talking about partners with 15 year age difference. A young woman needs a man who would be by her side when she needs it. He must take care of his beloved one, respect her, and listen to what she says. So, that’s what you need to do. Give your beloved one your undivided attention. It means, for example, if she wants to talk to you - put your laptop or cell phone away, be all ears. Actually, no matter what you do, try to demonstrate how important your lady is as often as possible.

    Make compliments

    Dave Barry, a famous American author and columnist, said once, «If your woman wants to know, does she look fat in that dress or no: hit the floor and fake a heart attack.» In case you don’t want to play dead till the rest of your life, remember the one correct answer to such questions, «You are the most beautiful girl in the whole world no matter what you are wearing!» And, you’re welcome. Young ladies are often extremely insecure about their appearance. Therefore, you need to make loads of compliments to be happy in relationships with one of them. By the way, forget about jokes about her body or looks since nothing can hurt a woman deeper than criticism about her appearance.

    Grow up together

    A woman who is dating a man 15 years older than her already knows that he has more life experience and, probably, knowledge in particular areas. In other words, you don't need to demonstrate your intellectual superiority all the time. Still, there are many things in the world you two can learn together. For example, you two can read books by choice of your partner and vice versa. Or, as another case in point, share hobbies. Your girlfriend loves to go skiing, isn't she? Great, you can join her in December. You are a big hockey fan, right? Super, you can watch the next game together.

    Stick to your word and always fulfill promises

    Stick to your word and always fulfill promises to your women

    Never forget that a woman 15 years younger than you often fears that you see her as an affair only. You need to convince her that those thoughts have nothing to do with reality. Therefore, if you talk about love, support your words with some real actions. Don’t send mixed signals, always do what you’ve promised. Your lady doesn’t want any drama: just let her be sure of your feelings.

    Take care of your appearance

    Just so you know, trying to look good no longer means questioning your masculinity. So, there is nothing improper about that. Young ladies, pay attention not to your appearance as a whole but also to those nuances you, as a mature man, may not even be aware of! For example, a modern guy can’t be ashamed for plucking hair between the eyebrows (it’s better to separate them from each other). And what about the anti-wrinkle cream? You might be surprised, but it’s also effective on men’s skin as well as by ladies. Don’t be foolish: use the recent advances of the beauty industry to look like a million bucks. Not-to-do list:

    Don’t try to change her

    This girl is not your child - she is an adult person you love. Her outlook on life, values, and interests are already well established. So, your attempt to change her, in the best case, wouldn’t do any good. At worst - it would lead to a breakup. Dating a lady 15 years younger doesn’t mean you need to teach her life 24 hours/7 days a week. If you want to avoid disappointments in the future, better clarify all things that are critical to you at the very beginning. It makes sense to continue your relationship only if you two are on the same page.

    You shouldn’t overreact to her tears

    Tears are an integral part of every young lady’s life. You just need to accept this fact and learn how to deal with it. Actually, her crying can be caused by a wide variety of feelings: from delight to deep sadness. Mature men don’t really know how to act in such situations. The most important thing you need to remember is never overreact to her tears. Still, behaving as if nothing has happened is also a bad idea. Make your woman some tea, sit nearby, and hug her: your concern will be highly appreciated.

    Stop trying to control everything

    Jealousy is a part of love, explain psychologists. Of course: you don’t want to lose your beloved one. However, your worries in this regard can go too far. If you spy on your girlfriend, try to control where she goes and what she does - that’s no longer normal. You need to trust your woman: otherwise, it all will leave you two with nothing.

    It’s not about your money only

    Over the years of previous relationships, you have learned how to be a gentleman (flirting and making compliments belong to your persona too). You understand that a bunch of flowers for Valentine’s day is not what a young woman wants. The same goes for the rest of the holidays: no food processor, but a beautiful piece of jewelry, for example. Still, your romance is not about your money and expensive gifts only. Don’t try to buy her love.

    Don’t be intrusive

    It’s extremely hard to remain cool when you are in love. That’s what you need to do, though. Don’t send your woman thousands of SMS in one hour, don’t call her all the time. In general, your goal is to show your interest, not obsession.

    Don’t be intrusive with 15 years younger girl

    In conclusion, we want to say that it’s nothing wrong if you dream about dating a girl 15 years younger. However, no studies or articles will give you full information about the woman you are in love with. One thing is sure - she is an amazing person with her own unique character traits, talents, and values. If you want to find the key to your beloved one’s heart - try to understand her, listen carefully to what she says, be honest. Remember, true love knows no age!

    Dating a 15 Years Younger Woman FAQ

    Is a 15 year age gap too much in a relationship?

    To be honest, couples with a 15 year age gap often raise eyebrows. And even so, does it change something about your feelings? If you and your lady love each other - forget about the age gap you two have.

    What attracts a younger woman to an older man?

    A woman who is dating a person 15 years older than her usually wants to feel loved and desired. She is pampered by her mature boyfriend, feels emotionally and financially secure. Besides, such a partner, with the help of his experience, knows how to give her physical pleasure. In bed, he is not focused on his satisfaction, like the guys of her age.

    Can a relationship with a younger woman last?

    A relationship with a girl younger than you need constant work, as you will often find yourself in situations where you both need to look for a compromise. Only in this case, your love lasts forever.

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