Dating a someone 10 years younger than you: how to make things work?

Dating a woman 10 years younger than you: how to make things work?

As Mark Twain once stated, age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind it, it doesn’t matter. Some of us might have serious doubts about the relevance of this statement made by a famous writer and humorist. Still, the fact remains that more and more modern people reject prejudices about couples with a large age gap.

Let’s refer to recent US social studies to define this tendency. More than half of the male interviewees prefer a relationship with a significantly younger partner. Females who’ve taken part in this research, in contrast, like older lovers better. What’s interesting is only a few of the men and women have chosen someone their age. If you are asking yourself a question, «Is dating a woman 10 years younger than me, would be a good idea after all?», this article must be a real catch to you. Armed with expert knowledge on this matter, we are ready to dispel any doubt you have. Why don’t we get started right away then?

    Why men want to date a woman 10 years younger?

    Why men want to date a woman 10 years younger?

    If you look at history, it would be easy to notice that this kind of relationship is rather traditional. Parents were usually searching for a husband for their daughter, who would be experienced, strong, capable of standing on his own two feet. No surprise that only someone much older could meet those requirements. But why does an average man is still interested in dating a woman 10 years younger? What’s so special about it?

    Actually, the ultimate reason for it is the desire to enjoy the second youth. Believe it or not, even appearance changes if you start going out with someone younger than you. Dating a younger woman, you get that sparkle back in your eyes, then your back will straighten, shoulders and chest will open. Without stretching a point, very shortly after the beginning of such a relationship, you’ll realize that the numbers in the date of birth field of your ID card must be false. The desire to keep up with your girlfriend comes to the fore. And thanks to that, most likely, you’ll start taking your health more seriously: get checked out, follow the proper nutrition plan, play sports. By the way, the same goes for your style. There is no chance to look old-fashioned with a 10 years younger lady by your side! This woman will be a symbol of the new stage of your life. The one when a very respectable old man turns into an impressive gentleman in his prime. Isn’t that what you are looking for?

    Dating a woman 10 years younger: Pros and Cons

    Dating a woman 10 years younger: Pros and Cons

    Wait, attracting and dating younger women is not as easy as it looks. A lot of effort is needed to achieve your goal. Especially if your girl has quite a strong character. Therefore, before taking concrete steps, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons here. We’ve made it easier for you: there is no need to waste time searching for additional information on the Internet. Just scroll down and meet two lists: the first one with benefits and the second one with drawbacks of such a romance. Remember, love is no laughing matter - be honest with yourself.


    She keeps you up-to-date

    The pace of modern life is really fast. It’s not always possible to keep up with youth, especially if you don’t let many of them into your social circle. It’s worth noting, this is not your or your friends’ fault - that’s how the world works. However, if you start dating a woman ten years younger, a whole lot of new information automatically opens to you. Trends, technology, fashion, jokes - this and much more you’ll get from your new girlfriend. Some people tend to play down the importance of being up-to-date with all these things. Still, all kinds of new knowledge help you, notwithstanding your age and life-experience, to see the world from an alternative perspective. Say hello to broadening career horizons.

    You can learn from each other

    All of the ladies around your age have almost similar to yours, experiences and outlook on life. Isn’t it terribly boring? What kind of topics to talk about you two have? If you share common views on everything, how quickly you’ll get tired of each other? Well, it wouldn’t take much time. On the other hand, there is a romance with someone who is not so familiar, with a girl from a different generation. Chatting and flirting with her, obviously, brings a lot more fun. You definitely have something to learn from your girlfriend, and vice versa.

    Her ability to inspire

    A young wife inspires any older guy to get better day by day. New achievements and further success in his professional and personal life are always in the name of the beloved one. With the adoration and support she gives, even an average man can move mountains! He feels stronger, smarter, braver, fed by her energy. Unfortunately, a partner of the same age could never give a chance to feel like that.

    She gives you self-confidence

    «She’s 10 years younger than me. Why would such a girl ever like me?», that’s how the majority of men in your situation think. This is exactly the kind of thinking that demonstrates the lack of self-confidence, which is rather a pity, though. There are numerous examples of males and females who are mature but sexy. Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, Richard Gere: they all are over 40, however still charismatic and good-looking. By the way, your chances are as good as theirs! A young girlfriend can help you feel more confident about your appearance and behavior - just don't deny her at once. If such a nymphet finds you attractive and witty, why should you have any doubts about yourself then?

    Your exciting sex life

    Young ladies have more energy not for daily routine only, but also for amazing sex life. They are open-minded, willing to try new things, give you the brightest orgasms in your life. If you are tired of scheduled sex and the same positions all the time - a 10 years younger lover will surely blow your mind in this regard.

    Dating a woman 10 years younger: Advantages


    The attention of other guys

    Young girls are beautiful and love to flirt. Generally, it doesn’t mean anything - they just unconsciously want to test their attractiveness. Still, some men may misinterpret such gestures as a clear message of interest. How to deal with that, then? Actually, just get on with it. You need to tolerate the inexperience of your beloved in this matter. Have the patience to explain what you feel calm since your emotional maturity seduces her, not your childishness.

    Your relationship may be criticized

    Choosing a relationship with a large age difference is often accompanied by worry about what other people might think of it. Criticism, some of your friends or relatives show, can be fatal to your romance. You shouldn’t think about it much, though. There is always a chance to explain to your dear friends and relatives what this girl means to you. Still, you might have to limit your communication with those who demonstrate the bald negative about her. As long as you love each other, who cares what others think?

    Her way of living

    Young ladies usually are real go-getters. They have enough energy for studying, working, partying, traveling, and so on. Therefore, dating someone younger is about keeping pace. Even if your girlfriend asks you to join her at some activities that are not suitable for your age - say yes, time over time. Never forget: couples without common interests have no future.

    Her big plans for the future

    There are so many things your girl wants to experience: buying a house, getting a dog, having kids… It is quite possible that you already have some of them behind and don’t really want to go through it once again. Therefore, you need to clarify those issues from the very beginning of your relationship. If you feel like radical changes are unacceptable to you, try dating a woman 10 years younger with younger children. In this case, her expectations for the future would not be that big.

    Different social and moral values

    A 10 year age gap is a fertile ground for conflicts. Due to the different social and moral values, arguments may appear every so often. Choosing such a relationship, you need to be ready to compromise. The unwillingness to understand and accept each other’s position leads to a breakup.

    Tips and advices for men who want to date someone 10 years younger

    Tips and advices for men who want to date someone 10 years younger

    Okay, we’ve shared the lists of essential advantages and disadvantages you are going to face, choosing a romance with such a girl. If you truly love her - it doesn’t really matter what logic dictates: your heart decides. What do you need to do then? How to find a way to make it work for both of you? The answer is clear: check out our tips for dating a woman 10 years younger! The expert knowledge of the best relationship advisors will help you avoid typical mistakes and make your love last forever.

    Things to do:

    Take leadership in your relationship

    This advice works particularly well for the majority of couples, notwithstanding the presence of age difference between partners. Still, when talking about a relationship with a significantly younger woman, the leadership factor plays a critical role. You need to represent yourself as a wise person with solid life experience; demonstrate your greatest strengths. In this case, your young girlfriend will be charmed by the moral power and self-confidence you have. A supportive, loyal, and understanding man - isn’t it a description of a partner every lady dreams about?

    Respect her hobbies and interests

    Respect her hobbies and interests

    A typical mistake an older partner in a relationship makes - is laughing about the hobbies and interests of the younger partner. It’s quite normal if your beloved one wants to try many things, all at once: she just wants to find herself. No wonder your girl sometimes gets a bit carried away. So, writing poems, playing piano, growing cucumbers, picking mushrooms - it’s just a shortlist of what a young lady would want to try. For example, Russian women at this age usually have passionate desires about changing their outfits many times a day. We know, for a man like you who already has this mess behind, such ideas may seem ridiculous. However, it’s important to demonstrate your respect for the efforts she makes.

    Become her sex guru

    Actually, a younger woman dating an older man concept is so popular nowadays because it helps both people in the couple to bring their sensuality to a qualitatively new level. So, you need to become her teacher in bedroom games. Use all your knowledge and show your inexperienced lady what genuine pleasure is. In other words, you should act a bit altruistic. Don’t be focused on your satisfaction - put your girl to the fore. Remember the first point from our to-do list? Well, sex is no exception to your leadership. Set the pace and rhythm, let your partner lose herself in you. Becoming a status of your girlfriend’s personal sex guru is what you need to make this relationship work in the long run.

    Talk about how much you love her

    Young girls want to hear the words of love as often as possible. You can feel free to contradict us and say that saying empty words doesn’t make any sense. Still, the fact is, you need to do it to make your woman happy. She lives in a world of feelings, so old love confessions lose relevance without a constant reminder, in her opinion. Especially after a long day, when your lady is tired, upset, or angry: give her your care and attention. It’s the best medicine humans have ever invented.

    Listen to her

    The most valuable thing you can give to your young girlfriend is your attention. Carefully listen to what she says, let her speak out, try to understand her worries. However, wait a while before giving any kind of advice since it’s not required at all. Women, who dated men 10 years older, often pointed out that those tips were highly unwelcome. Learn not to impose solutions - it’s important.

    Listen to your women

    Things not to do:

    Don’t be jealous

    Just so you know, jealousy is a sign of weakness. A twenty-year-old guy can be forgiven for such immaturity, but not a serious adult man. Making a scene each time you are not happy with something cannot keep your woman interested, rather the opposite. You must stay calm and learn to trust your special one.

    Don’t act like you are her father

    Never forget that you are a boyfriend and a lover of this lady, not her father or any other relative. Sharing your experience is great. If you are into dating Ukrainian women, for example, it’s even recommended. Just keep your lectures to a reasonable minimum, don’t overdo it. Actually, the desire to teach your girlfriend life on an everyday basis is not about showing wisdom but a know-it-all attitude instead.

    Don’t try to mix up groups of her and your friends

    Imagine your friends partying hard with your girlfriend’s mates. Here are the simple questions that will surely come across their minds, «Who are these people? Why are they so weird? What are they talking about?» Okay, now let’s try to see the situation the other way around: just as bad as the first example, isn't it? That is the major lesson to be learned from this point - never mix up groups of her and your friends. The best thing you can do here is to find time for each of them separately.

    Don’t focus her attention on your age

    Sure, a bit of self-irony never hurts. Still, you have no reason to overemphasize the age difference between you and your lady. Paying too much attention to this nuance, you demonstrate how much it bothers you. The more you worry about it, the merrier your girl doubts about the future of your couple. So, don’t let your imagination run wild for no reason at all.

    Don’t try to be someone else

    If you want to attract a lady who’s 10 years younger than you, don’t try to sell yourself as something you are not. It applies to all your beginnings: from style to the manner of speaking. It looks terribly ridiculous to pretend someone else - better give up on this idea right away.

    Don’t try to be someone else with lady 10 years younger than you

    Summing up all information we’ve put in this article, it’s necessary to mention that couples with an age difference of 10 years have to face many issues, like public opinion or different outlooks on life. However, all relationships need constant work. You two just need to learn how to get along with each other (seeking a middle ground belongs to it). If your feelings are genuine, there is no chance something will go wrong!

    Dating a 10 Years Younger Woman FAQ

    Is it okay to date a woman 10 years younger?

    It’s nothing wrong or shameful with dating a woman 10 years younger than you. If you know that she is your special one, is it necessary to take into account the opinion of other people? Everything happens for a reason, and you make your own luck.

    Is the 10 year age gap okay for marriage?

    Sure, why not? Your family will represent a great combination of experience and youth, logic and enthusiasm, wisdom and beauty.

    Can a 10 year age difference work?

    According to famous psychologists, the age difference between man and woman in a couple doesn’t have such a strong influence on their relationship as an ability to listen to each other. It doesn’t matter how old you or your partner is - the unwillingness to make compromises could be fatal for your love.

    Is the 10 year age gap too much?

    «Dear friends, I’m dating a woman who is 10 years younger than me. Do you have any idea what our chances are?» It’s just a typical message our experts receive quite often. The answer is no, it’s not too much. By the way, if you are truly in love, don’t be afraid to fight for your happiness.

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