What is it like to date a girl bodybuilder?

Imagine walking into the gym where you usually go to lift some weights. Do you already hear the well-known constant metallic clinking of the dumbbells around you? Great, it means you immersed yourself in our story.

A few moments later, in addition to all average visitors in the exercise room, you discover a special woman. Oh yes, she clearly stands out from the crowd! This lady is significantly stronger than anyone, and her muscles not only appear to be noticeable - they are also perfectly symmetrical. Her focused gaze is a clear sign of her willpower and courage. It seems impossible to take your eyes off this outstanding girl...

So, dear friend, do you understand where we are going with this? Exactly! Today, we will talk about single female bodybuilders and the relationship nuances they bring with them. But before going to the depths of the subject, we need to clarify a few basics.

For a long time, there has been an endless debate concerning women pumping iron. Since (in the opinion of many men) muscular iron ladies are rather controversial in their beauty. When you are also not sure whether Arnold Schwarzenegger's female twin in a dress could become your soulmate - we have good news.

    It went without saying that Lenda Murray, Kim Chizevsky, and Iris Kyle serve as bad examples here. Namely, these three athletes invested unthinkable forces and a colossal amount of time in building their bodies, which led to the change of the golden age of lady bodybuilding to a different era. We mean - the time when muscles are trained in the name of mass and only secondarily for proportions. Ready for a lot, they inspire incredible respect but distort the concept of women's fitness on an unrealistic scale.

    When meeting female bodybuilders of this day and age, you will see girls who look like Nathalia Melo Moreira or Ashley Kaltwasser. They are moderately muscular and, therefore, do not lose their femininity. It is to say, they have toned bodies with pumped-up buttocks, but nothing more. Moreover, in such a contest as Ms. Olympia's - a six-pack on the stomach could take away points! Thus, don't worry - when deciding on dating a fitness freak, you won't get a girlfriend who looks like a mountain of muscles.

    Did our words make you feel better? Great if your answer is yes. Now you can move to the main part of our article and find out the rest of the exciting facts in this regard.

    Advantages of dating a bodybuilder-girl

    Advantages of dating a bodybuilder-girl

    A person professionally involved in sports, notwithstanding gender, is spirited and determined by nature. For this reason, in its pair types, like figure skating or ballroom dancing - marriages between partners are not uncommon. And this is absolutely understandable: constant training, camps, performances, and competitions take a lot of time for athletes. It's no secret: if one wants to succeed in sports - one must invest all one has into this. Therefore, apparently, it is easier to build a family with someone who accepts and lives in the same rhythm.

    Okay, but what about dating a female bodybuilder? Are there any advantages of such an undertaking or only challenges?

    We can assure you that there are at least three aspects to benefit from when starting a relationship with a muscular woman (even if your hobby has nothing to do with fitness).

    Reason #1. She takes care of her body

    One of the most clear-cut advantages of fbb dating is the appearance of such a girl. It is common knowledge that constant improvement of her body look is the top priority for the ambitious fitness athlete. So when you are in a relationship with a female bodybuilder - you can rest assured that you have the prettiest girlfriend compared to all you know.

    Of course, that doesn't mean that appearances should play first fiddle in a couple. Still, it cannot be denied that this characteristic is transferred to your lady's character, which in plain language, means that she always tries to bring out the best version of herself. Furthermore, you can assume that a gym bunny will not dramatically change her look after marriage and pregnancy - she will do everything to stay physically in great shape.

    Reason #2. She is very healthy

    Those who date female bodybuilders state that they are vigorous and strong. The explanation is apparent: each of such women has a goal - to keep her body as healthy as possible so that all physiological processes can work together optimally to ensure the best performance. Thus, when deciding to start a relationship with a muscular girl - be sure that you will be dealing with a strong-willed person who avoids junk food (at least mostly) and accordingly avoids all similar temptations.

    Conversely, this also means that preparing fresh food has a high priority in the life of a lady bodybuilder. Which once again guarantees that you can hope for active support in the kitchen (if your partner won't take the culinary things into her own hands).

    In addition, smoking or excessive alcohol consumption is not one of the guilty pleasures of strength athletes.

    Reason #3. She is wholehearted and devoted

    Bodybuilder girls often say that they have fun lifting weights for hours or choking down the blandest food for the fourth day in a row (before the contest) - that's not absolutely correct. The truth is that athletes just changed their attitude toward it! They develop their own ways and strategies to endure pain, deal with the monotony, and do something despite a chronic lack of desire.

    It's hard to disagree that this behavior leaves character marks that may be named among the reasons to date a bodybuilder. Furthermore, these qualities help achieve goals in sports as well as become ideal life partners. What are we trying to say here? Having a relationship with such a lady increases the likelihood that your girlfriend will invest in a romance with the same dedication as in sports, no matter what obstacles may be revealed over the months or years.

    Problems in a relationship with a bodybuilder girl

    Problems in a relationship with a bodybuilder girl

    Admittedly, not many guys have experience with muscular women dating. Their characteristics are, therefore, not distinct to everyone. So it's no wonder - you have many information sources and really don't know which statements are accurate.

    At the same time, many men have been left by passionate female athletes for inexplicable reasons. It's from their point of view, though - since there seemed to be nothing wrong in the relationship. Even if standard excuses are often used in such situations, the actual motivations are usually different.

    Thus, we asked experts to share the common problems when dating someone who loves sports. The results of this small survey are presented below in this article.

    Problem #1. They care about their appearance more than their partners' feelings

    It's indeed a sad fact concerning female bodybuilder dating... After having such a girlfriend, each one may state: if it's your birthday and, at the same time, her "leg day" - sorry, dear friend. You can't spend the evening together because she will go to the gym.

    A lot of men do not understand the deep passion an average strength athlete has for training and healthy nutrition. But she won't eat ice cream and watch Netflix with you in the evening, skip fitness sessions if you ask, or go to dinner with your parents instead of exercising. You will have to deal with the point her gains always come first!

    Problem #2. They often have no time for committed relationships

    Yes, that's what makes dating female bodybuilders particularly challenging.

    How do they frequently see serious relationships? Unfortunately, their idea of the thing - a guy tries to steal their valuable time, and it isn't seldom. The same goes for calls with no practical reasons (just to tell a few funny stories that happened to you during the day). Such romantic trifles tend to keep your beloved one from work or training - and you simply can't imagine how difficult it is for a sportswoman to reconcile everything.

    Successful bodybuilders don't have time for idle talks - nothing is more important than working for their goals. And the impression that you can't call your lady with some trivial story is not beneficial for a relationship in the long run. So think twice about this issue...

    They hate howling around

    Problem #3. They hate howling around

    Many women, like men, have burdens of past problems and mistakes. Some had an unhappy childhood, others were bullied by classmates - the list may continue. But it's, indeed, almost always something. Although when on a typical fbb date, getting very emotional talking about your troubles is not welcome.

    Actually, this sentence can be used as a highlight of a relationship with a bodybuilder woman. It's something she can't do anything with. Just put yourself in her shoes: she comes home from hard training and wants to eat her boiled chicken in peace. The last thing your girlfriend needs is you complaining about your boss... That's why many bodybuilders prefer to remain single.

    Problem #4. They, in many cases, think their boyfriends are dragging them down

    Athletes are very time-efficient creatures. Every meal, every pause, every workout - each of the female bodybuilder sessions must be carefully planned, especially if she also has a serious job.

    Sad to say, plenty of modern guys (in the opinion of these ladies) seem to take more than they give. This may be easily noticed after moving in together. So the attitude when you expect your girlfriend to do everything for you while being continually busy to help her - may bring you in trouble. Do not forget - she is not a tender little girl.

    Problem #5. They are not romantic

    Most men got used to the typically female attitude to romanticism. They feel comfortable when their girlfriends arrange candlelight dinners, continued by passionate nights in the bedroom. That's not the case if your lady is a sportswoman - no time is wasted on unnecessary things.

    Gym bunnies don't have the luxury of being Mrs. Romance anytime and anywhere. Even in communication on an average bodybuilder dating site, can hardly be found a place for sentiments. Yes, the chats there, most often, are about chicken, rice, and broccoli.

    Bodybuilder girls in relationships and love

    Bodybuilder girls in relationships and love

    Modern guys usually find girls with a couple pumped muscles particularly attractive. Obviously, they don't think that regular training is part of the everyday life of such a person - which may bring certain difficulties. But how to date a female bodybuilder, then?

    We asked experts to share their opinion in this regard. Although you might not like what they said, we must acquaint you with the truth. Since after years of observation, only two types of relationships seem to work with muscle women dating. Here they are:

    • Type #1. Athlete + Athlete

    You don't have to be a psychologist to realize that nobody understands a sportswoman better than a sportsman. The challenges of the contest preparation must be gone through at least once to know what it is actually about.

    It is often problematic for a guy (who has nothing to do with fitness) to comprehend why the athlete's goals are so crucial. A man with the same passion is perfectly aware of what it's all about - and, therefore, can support his woman in her great undertakings. He knows not to mind every phrase his partner says while she is tired or hungry. Because mood swings are caused by high expectations and should be justified.

    Undoubtedly, such a man can successfully date a female bodybuilder. One thing ought to be reviewed, though. When both have competitions in parallel, it can become fertile ground for a scandal. Joint preparation is definitely possible - but not easy!

    • Type #2. Athlete + Carer

    A carer, in this case, is a person who is very devoted and enjoys supervising someone. To start dating a bodybuilder, such a guy doesn't even have to be interested in sports! His primary interest is the well-being of the beloved one. The goals and wishes he has - should be forgotten (at least for a competition period). This partner usually does not or only rarely complain about the unfair distribution of love and energy.

    A man like this ought to take on a kind of papa role for his girlfriend or wife. Sometimes it involves also: cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, making sure her training bags are packed, driving her from place to place, etc. Yes, these are the routine things that parents usually do. Still, for an athlete, this is a perfect match. Because when preparing for a competition, every helping hand means quite a lot.

    How to date a bodybuilder girl?

    How to date a bodybuilder girl?

    According to dating experts, common interests are among the unquestionable advantages of a happy relationship. But what if you are not a bodybuilder and want to start a romance with a woman with such a hobby? What are the essential prerequisites for a couple like this?

    In the closing section of our article, we want to provide you with the best tips on this subject. Bear them in mind to triumph.

    Your woman's interests are in the first place.

    If you voluntarily choose bodybuilder dating, you should get the picture that a career and success in sports will always be a priority for your woman. After all, she became a professional athlete, not yesterday but for quite a while. Her life is subject to a certain schedule: she must follow what her coach says, prepare for competitions or performances, and merely do her best to become a winner.

    In connection with all of the above, the relationship for an athlete periodically (during preparation) fades into the life background. And even if your girlfriend works as an accountant and bodybuilding competitions are what she does in her free time: this activity of hers should be in the first place for you too.

    Accept that she won't always help you with the household chores.

    Sure, each of us has our own model of relationships in our heads. Remaining a team on all fronts is critical for someone. We talk about going to work, getting back home, cooking dinner, doing the dishes - and it all together. Unfortunately, this system doesn't unite bodybuilding and dating.

    It is to say if your lady professionally plays sports - everything changes. Most likely: she will need you to take on most of the duties (in particular, during the competitions). Since she will physically have no time to deal with the household chores.

    Still, this does not mean that your sports-gifted girlfriend will be a life partner. This tip only applies to professional athletes. Although ordinary gym bunnies would also prefer to spend their free time training rather than cleaning, right?

    She constantly needs your trust and support

    Psychologists often say a happy relationship is built on mutual trust and respect. This statement is directly related to bodybuilding dating. Just imagine: constant training, gatherings with other athletes, competitions - your girlfriend is always not at home. In fact, she is far from you, and it may seem (especially if you are jealous) that you can't be sure about what she is doing there. At the same time, you both have to find a minute for a FaceTime call or, at least, text through another online messenger.

    In such situations, bitterness can quickly destroy the fragile harmony of your relationship. Thus, to build a strong couple with a girl who plays sports, you should learn to deal with jealousy attacks. You ought to trust her completely, support her in all undertakings, and share her goals (we mean the idea of victory).

    You ought to look handsome

    You ought to look handsome

    People, who are professionally involved in sports, as a rule, lead a healthy lifestyle. As we have already stated: appearance is always in the first place for them. It is not in vain that the ranking of the sexiest and most beautiful women in the world is always headed by athletes. One look at Fatima Diame, Paige Spiranac, Michelle Jenneke, Alysha Newman, or Camille Leblanc Bazinet is enough to make sure.

    What we are trying to tell you - for a female bodybuilder, the partner's appearance is crucial. Her significant other must be a match for her. It is about an active lifestyle, sports, etc.

    Do not forget about personal growth

    When going on a bodybuilder date, be prepared that your potential wife's engagement in sports will not last forever. With time, she will either begin with coaching or something similar. It is to say, she will be seeking development in other areas, so your complete support is needed.

    Often, husbands of female bodybuilders are internally happy when their loved ones finish their athletes' careers. After all, now they can devote all their time to the family. The whole thing is not easy, though.

    Throughout the initial phases of the new life stage, your woman will need your understanding, care, and help. It is you who will have to be patient and show your best qualities, including once again proving that you really love her. Namely, during this period, you will be required to be a breadwinner in the family. Therefore, be ready to take this role one day. Constant personal growth would be essential here.

    Are bodybuilders good in bed


    Are bodybuilders good in bed?

    All people are different - so it would be a mistake to reduce this answer to a single stereotype. In other words, you can't know how good (or bad) a girl in bed is before having sex with her.

    There is one thing we can state here, though. Getting physical with a bodybuilder lady might seem a bit awkward at first. Especially if you have no experience with muscular females. Still, after a few nights together, you will be able to relax and enjoy the moment.

    Do female bodybuilders have bigger breasts?

    It is no secret that weight training affects breast size. But there is no clear opinion in which way.

    Some experts say - if a woman does her exercises correctly, her breasts might appear bigger. While others think busts' size doesn't change much because not muscles - but fat mainly impacts them.

    Therefore, our conclusion is: the bodybuilder's breasts may get larger, although not always.

    Are bodybuilder girls attractive?

    It's a matter of taste, dear friend. Some guys love bodybuilder girls: they find their muscles and sporty body very sexy. Others, in contrast, prefer tender women without six-packs.

    Does being a bodybuilder matter in dating?

    We can tell you for sure: it doesn't matter. Sporty singles represent a small part of all love searchers. Moreover, finding a profile of a female bodybuilder on dating sites may take a while. So don't worry about it.

    Do bodybuilder girls even consider dating a fat guy?

    Unfortunately, they won't do this. Bodybuilders date only those guys who look equally attractive.

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