Gymaholic in your bed: how to find and build a relationship with a fitness-addicted lady

Gone are the days when slenderness was considered the benchmark of beauty and femininity. A healthy, strong, and well-toned body is now on trend. At the same time, sports are no longer divided into male and female - thus may be practiced by representatives of both genders. And that's undoubtedly great! Since more and more girls are finally allowed to perform strength training and hit the weights on an equal footing with guys. But wait: does it mean that "fit and single" are the features of the most sought-after bride of today? What do men think about this tendency?

If you check the surveys, which studied the favorite ladies' body types, until a few years ago, the front-runners were these three: model-thin, pear-, and hourglass-shaped ones. But, once again - it used to be like that. Nowadays, beauty ideals have significantly changed. For instance, the athletic female body type is gaining the highest interest among males. It's hardly surprising, though. According to experts, gymaholics symbolize good health, youth, and fertility.

    One of the best examples of such girls is Cheslie Corrinne Kryst - Miss USA 2019. She is a lawyer by profession - but looks like a fitness model! Cheslie has a relief belly (as well as pumped-up buttocks and arms). Her main secret of attractiveness undoubtedly is a healthy diet and strength training. Do you want your girlfriend to be sporty and hot? We can help! Check our article to find out all the secrets.

    Why do men want to date fit singles?

    Why do men want to date fit singles?

    The sociologists are sure: modern men prefer single fitness women for relationships and marriage. They interviewed thousands of males worldwide to discover the respondents' priorities and were surprised by the results! It turned out that 65% of unmarried guys would be happy to go out with a lady who easily distinguishes between barbells and dumbbells. Moreover, 78% of those surveyed said - watching girls using exercise equipment is their favorite picture in the gym.

    Celebrities are keeping up with the latest trends. For example, Margot Robbie and Cameron Diaz have repeatedly admitted to being addicted to sports. These and other famous hotties made guys change their ideas about female good-lookingness! Anyway, let's discover three more reasons why fit singles are so desired today.

    Reason 1. Sporty girls are more cheerful and sexually active

    Scientists state that after a workout, the woman's body actively produces the so-called happy hormones (dopamine and serotonin). The increased portion of endorphins comes next. So she starts feeling like she could move mountains after exercising in a gym. Mood improves, depression subsides, and the effect of stress decreases. These are the points that make her more cheerful compared to sports haters.

    And what about the sexual mood, then? The hormone of joy, produced under the influence of physical activity, is responsible here.

    After training, the testosterone level rises. True: the female body, as a rule, produces very little of it. However, it doesn't mean a woman becomes more masculine after all. The effect enhances her libido! It's all about biology, dear reader. Physical activity makes the heart beat harder, and the blood runs faster through the veins. Accelerated and enhanced blood flow contributes to sexual arousal. Interestingly, after a good strength workout, a man, on the contrary, doesn't feel like having sex.

    Therefore, asking out a lady after cardio exercises or high-intensity functional training is certainly a good idea!

    Sporty girls are more self-confident

    Reason 2. Sporty girls are more self-confident

    Women prefer self-confident men - this is widely known. But what about guys? Do they dream of dating a girl who is quiet as a mouse? Well, in most cases - no. If you think so, too - we have a solution for you. You can try your luck with fit singles!

    Why are these ladies so self-assured, then? Above all, after the first positive changes in the body shape, each of them starts getting more attention from males. Thanks to compliments and date invitations, her self-esteem rises - as a result, healthy self-love appears. What quality can be more appealing?

    Guys try to avoid timid girls because such females hate being in the spotlight. That's what makes them more jealous, for sure. At the same time, they often get hung up on problems and stop growing mentally and emotionally. Also, low self-esteem is reflected in their sexual life - the probability of getting bored is too high.

    Reason 3. Sporty girls are ready for serious relationships

    Unquestionably, not everyone can have a six-pack - you can't buy it on Amazon or get it as a Birthday gift. Neither do ladies. Impressive results in sports require a lot of time and effort. Do you understand what we are saying here?

    Exactly: fit cuties know what the saying "no pain - no gain" is about. And they use the same principle in romantic relationships. Athletic females are also better at setting priorities. Having chosen a partner, as a rule, they do everything possible to turn their romance into a dream come true.

    Instead of going to parties, fitness fans prefer cooking a healthy dinner for a beloved one (or just any other activity with him). Don't you think such a woman is ready for a serious relationship? In fact, we can bet she will become a perfect wife and mother one day.

    How to attract single fitness-women?

    How to attract single fitness-women?

    Love is one of the most powerful feelings a person can experience. Still, if we present it through a tasty dish - only its main ingredients appear somewhat universal. Billions of men and women don't know the right recipe with all nuances. Some think it doesn't exist, or is it?

    Before you join a dating site for fit people - we advise you to study the art of attracting athletes. Sure: each girl reacts a bit differently. But if you know a few essential components - she could fall in love with you. The tips below might seem simple - these tricks, like spices on a plate - play a decisive role. Increase your chances with sporty singles following them!

    Tip 1. A smile costs you nothing

    If you want to try fitness singles dating and be successful in it - you must make a good impression on such a lady from the start. What does it mean? Smiling and maintaining eye contact, of course!

    Carry out an experiment. The next time you are in the gym - put a smile on your face. Without a doubt, that will make you stand out from the crowd of all the serious faces - so the girls will definitely notice you! Why? Women usually associate laughter with positive emotions that they all like to experience. In addition, nowadays, almost everyone lacks optimism...

    Okay, you might be beaming - it won't work without eye contact, though (it shouldn't be confused with staring). Such behavior shows your self-confidence, while lowering your gaze and looking away in embarrassment, on the other hand, conveys shyness. And it's not really attractive to the strong-willed sporty females.

    Start talking

    Tip 2. Start talking

    You have already dared to take the first step (we mean eye contact and smile). The further actions depend on how your athletic crush reacts. If she looks away - sorry, she isn't interested. But in case your lady returns your gaze or even winks - the way is clear for all sorts of flirting.

    Now comes the most challenging step for many guys - you must start talking to the woman you like. Don't worry about the used words - that's not what impresses her. Just go and introduce yourself! That's enough as a rule - the chemistry will take care of the rest.

    What is the best tactic here? For many, small talk is the epitome of superficiality. That's not the case when you try to attract a girl. The initial conversation, even a short one, is a perfect tool to show the finest sides of your personality. You ought to present yourself as a witty and charming conversationalist. The absolute taboo with sporty females is flat-flirting sayings from the Internet. Use your creativity instead!

    Tip 3. Be yourself

    The first two steps were winning, and now you worry about how to act on a date. Once again - don't study topics your lady might be interested in. It's time to win her heart just being yourself: no to pretending, yes to being natural. Honesty is crucial in fitness dating.

    It might sound like the most obvious thing in the world - we'll tell it anyway. Nothing turns sporty women off more than a man who doesn't know what he wants. They are self-confident and strong enough to demand an equal partner. Neither one of them would voluntarily become a second mother to her boyfriend. Therefore, be clear in your decisions - don't let them contradict your actions, even in the small things.

    Show genuine interest and be attentive

    Tip 4. Show genuine interest and be attentive

    It is to say - you shouldn't demonstrate the turbo-macho side of your character to impress a fit girl. Thus, avoid boasts like "my cool job, my new car, my enormous ego." This won't bring much in flirting with her.

    The same goes for fake interest - women notice such falseness immediately. And in contrast, sincere enthusiasm results in mutual fondness - the basis for everything else.

    Okay, let's focus on the communication rules with sporty females. These hotties appreciate it when men listen to what they say, not focusing only on the image. So ask questions on topics your crush only mentions in passing. Notice which subjects bring a smile to her face and steer the conversation toward them. This is how you show interest and indicate that she is important to you.

    At the same time, a good compliment never hurts. Then even a seemingly banal thing (like: "Wow, you have beautiful eyes!") works. However: it's always better to be more inventive and see something subtle. The way she pushes her hair behind her ears when she's nervous or her nose wrinkles when she laughs...

    Tip 5. Behave like a gentleman

    You already shower your single fitness goddess, so it's apparent that you're interested in her. From now on, it's all about the little details - if you want to captivate this lady completely. For instance - we mean your good manners.

    Yes, this may sound a little old-fashioned. But it's not about holding the door open for your girl or moving all the weights she has used in her training. These gestures emphasize your intentions toward her. By the way - don't worry: these aren't attempts to make your potential girlfriend less emancipated.

    In addition to the main strategy, you may put your efforts into small surprises. Learn to read between the lines to learn what your sporty woman wants. If she mentions that she loves a certain type of flower - buy it! Send her sweet messages during the day, or do anything else that comes into your mind. The point is to remain a gentleman.

    Best places to meet fit girls

    Best places to meet fit girls

    Single ladies nowadays are a dime a dozen. Representatives of athletic dating illustrate the most desired of them. So it's no wonder you have questions concerning getting to know these beauties.

    Perhaps, at this point, you feel ready to start the search for your sporty soulmate. Thus, now you're sitting in front of the laptop's screen and wondering where it's easiest to meet her. No problem, buddy! Regardless of whether you are looking for a steady girlfriend for a relationship or someone for casual dates - we can help. In this part of our article, we'll share the best places to look for your fitness baby.


    If you open your eyes and look around, you discover that the gym offers all possibilities to meet fitness singles. Someone would even call it a paradise: you can flirt there ad infinitum.

    How about, for example, the beautiful blonde on the stepper, firmly taking the steps with her damn long legs? Or maybe the cute brunette who is so busy doing her butt exercises? Not forgetting about the team of aerobic power women, who perform their graceful gymnastic dance in unison to the stomping music. Without a doubt: in the gym, not only testosterone and the smell of sweat are in the air - also a lot of affection.

    Men are wondering how to approach all these gorgeous ladies during the training. Fortunately, flirting is much easier than a cross-fit session. Therefore, use all chances to get to know the sporty girls - after all, you lose nothing if something goes wrong.

    Yoga Studio

    Yoga Studio

    It's clear that men often practice yoga to get to know fit women. Good news: many yoginis find guys practicing it sexy too! Because of the tight pants, we guess. In addition, we don't know any other place where spirituality, relaxing music, physical activity, and sexy outfits meet a romantic interest. However, be aware of a few aspects if you want to try your luck there.

    Above all, a yoga studio is not a matchmaking platform. So in case you see it that way - you should, at least, plausibly pretend you want to learn something. Make an effort: try all asanas and chant as loud (and well) as you can. Because nothing is more off-putting for yoginis than a man who obviously doesn't want to participate while they are highly motivated in the flow.

    Also, don't rush! Going to one exact yoga school, you always meet the same girls. Take time to become friends with them before inviting someone to go out.


    Parks, indeed, offer an extremely favorable atmosphere for flirting and dating. Unlike a hectic train station or loud shopping mall - it delivers more time. Since your sporty lady isn't rushing to the next appointment - she does yoga or sits relaxed in the countryside (be careful with joggers, though). For this reason, it won't be challenging for you to immediately gain her attention and strike up a conversation.

    Similar to gym dating, that's the location women enjoy spending their time in. Therefore, they are usually in a good mood and much more open to flirting than anywhere else in the city. By the way, in the best case, you can count on long conversations. During this, you can get to know your crush more intensively. Your chat may even turn into a spontaneous picnic date in the meadow!

    Dance classes

    Dance classes

    There are a lot of fit women who like to dance. So, we think our suggestion is apparent. But not only because of the significant number of hot ladies there - in the long run this could be an advantage for you! A guy who can swing his hips is incredibly sexy.

    In fact, there is always an acute shortage of males in dance schools. Thus, you won't get many competitors. Moreover: each girl will be begging you to choose her! If you are a shy guy - this is a perfect opportunity to get to know pretty females without saying many words.

    Not only do you effortlessly get to know a great woman when you are assigned a dance partner. You also immediately establish body contact while dancing. A better icebreaker can hardly be found! So sign up for a dance class and use the lessons to flirt with hot ladies.

    Dating sites

    Matchmaking platforms and apps have flooded the Internet in the last 20 years. So online partner search has been on everyone's lips not only since Corona times.

    Unfortunately, nobody can say which portal is the best (who can know them all, though). Therefore, determining which one to join may take time. To meet sporty singles - you can choose an average fit-life dating site. On the other hand, you can become a member of a platform for everyone and filter the profiles of the sporty ladies. From our experience, the second option is much more promising.

    Notwithstanding what you decide: pick a website with paid services or a subscription fee. The reason is simple. If you invest money in your search, you are genuinely interested in a relationship and don't just want to get likes or check your attractiveness.

    Can you meet a girlfriend at a gym?


    Can you meet a girlfriend at a gym?

    Of course, you can! It offers wonderful conditions for getting to know the woman of your dreams. Also, you have much time between warm-ups, strengthening, and endurance exercises. Training breaks invite you and your lady to talk. For example, you two may get yourselves fitness drinks at the counter, start chatting, and then exchange cell phone numbers.

    Expert tip: if you and your crush exercise regularly, use this opportunity to offer her joint training sessions. That's how you can get to know each other better.

    How do you flirt on a gym date?

    When you are in a gym and want to flirt with a lady - follow these rules to win her heart:

    Test the waters

    You shouldn't speak to the woman in the exercise room instantly - watch her first. It's not a fitness dating site, so she might be taken. What if her boyfriend is there too?

    Wait for the perfect moment

    Your crush is single - great! Still, you ought to wait until she finishes her session. Is she taking a break now? Or does she wait until the next training device becomes available? Fabulous, then you can finally approach her.

    Start the flirt casually

    The topic you should start a conversation with is pretty apparent. You can say something innocuous that fits the situation. Is your girl just waiting for the next stepper to be free? Explain to her that your favorite equipment is also busy right now - then ask her something trivial about her training plan. For example, how long her cardio exercises usually take, and so on. A little sports chat is a super beginning for a talk - more topics will come.

    Stop when it's most exciting

    After a few minutes of conversation, you must leave her alone again and continue your workout. That's how you intrigue your lady and show that you're not chasing after her. It's better to leave when the flirtation is at its peak (and she is in a good mood). This will help her remember you and want to see you once more.

    Chance meeting

    Do you remember your potential girlfriend told you she always goes to the gym on Wednesday and Saturday evenings? Wonderful! Because precisely at these times, you accidentally appear there too. You will approach the woman again and flirt with her - and thus further deepen your acquaintance. After that, you may arrange a date.

    Good luck!

    Is approaching a girl at the gym a good idea?

    Yes, sure! Actually, the gym is one of the best places to approach fit singles.

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