Ukrainian Girl Names - Popular Women Names in Ukraine

Ukrainian Girl Names - Popular Women Names in Ukraine

The name of a woman in Ukraine (and indeed around the world) is an integral part of her personality. However, bearing in mind local culture, we should add that it also gives a person a holy protector, a patron, to whom one can turn in a difficult moment, whose virtues should be imitated.

Of course, as a foreigner, you probably find the way Ukrainians call themselves unusual or even weird. Since you won't meet Ashley, Tiffany, or Phoebe there. There is nothing extraordinary here, though. After all, your motherland and Ukraine have different ethnic and historical roots. Let us explain to you what we are trying to say here.

Different generations of this European land experienced various political, social, and religious influences. This may be noticed through names, above all. Since many parents wanted their children to be as successful, rich, and famous as the leaders of their time. We meant politicians, artists, scientists, and athletes.

    Until 1991, Ukraine was a part of the USSR. So it was a kind of obligation to demonstrate the mother's and father's loyalty to the totalitarian regime through the kid's name formed from the surnames like Lenin, Stalin, Gagarin, etc. We know: it sounds crazy nowadays.

    Current historical events must be mentioned when getting back to the common Ukrainian girl names of this day and age. War, coups, and victories affect their popularity. For instance, ancient ones are being revived again, as it is perceived as patriotic. Of course, something absolutely new and creative appears.

    At the same time, in connection with the globalization of society, the ease of pronunciation and understanding of the name on all continents of the Earth - its internationality is essential for Ukrainians now. Holy personalities of the world religions often serve as inspiration here. Since sometimes a child is named after such people.

    Okay, we guess you now have a clue of general tendencies regarding popular Ukrainian names. But keep reading - we have many interesting facts from Golden Bride experts to share yet!

    Which girls’ names are most popular in Ukraine in 2023

    Which girls’ names are most popular in Ukraine in 2023?

    What are the names of Ukrainian women which are popular nowadays? Certain external sources were needed to give you the most unbiased opinion here. Namely, our experts applied to official statistics of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to compile the rating. So here they are - the top 5 most common female names among children born in Ukraine in 2023:

    Анастасія (Anastasiia)

    This name comes from the ancient Greek word anastas, which means resurrected, immortal, or rebel. It very harmoniously combines reliability and tenderness, lightness and simplicity.

    Anastasiia's character directly depends on the season she was born. The one with the birthday in winter is distinguished by her sharp mind and extreme restraint. She is also very thrifty. Anastasiia (who came into the world in spring) - is genuinely romantic, sentimental, creative, and emotional. She is prone to some theatricality and tears. A summer girl is characterized by sociability, sensitivity, and friendliness. There are always many people around her who seek understanding and support. An autumn Anastasiia is rightly considered introverted. Since she is not particularly emotional and carefully hides her experiences from those around her.

    Марія (Mariia)

    One of the most loved female names in Ukraine - more than two million women in this country have it.

    Experts believe - it is derived from the Hebrew Miriam. The meaning of which, in turn, is characterized by significant contradictions. Some interpret this name as upset, bitter, stubborn, or rejected. While others say - it means desired and beloved. The traditional Orthodox definition of the name Mariia is a noblewoman.

    Of course, its meaning and origin undoubtedly leave an imprint on the girl's life and fate. Therefore it is hardly surprising that such a lady is very kind, compassionate, and self-sacrificing. She is always ready to come to the rescue in a difficult situation - not only to friends or close relatives but even strangers.

    Empathy, compassion, commitment, inner power, a sense of self-worth, and the ability to stand up for herself - are ideally combined in the name Mariia.


    Ганна (Hanna)

    This name came to Ukraine from Greece. And there - from the even more ancient land Judea. Thus, in Hebrew, Hanna means goodwill or affection.

    Professionals think it carries the most feminine features. Because Hanna is distinguished by pronounced tenderness, kindness, and sensitivity. Even though she is shy, such a woman has great strength of spirit. She is used to achieving her goals.

    The fate of a lady with this name is quite successful. Hanna doesn't miss opportunities for self-realization. Maybe that's why the best professions for her are a teacher and a doctor. This female has a big heart and evident mercy - the priority in these fields.

    You can also be sure that Hanna will make a wonderful wife and mother. She will be faithful to her husband since she knows how to keep the fire of passion in relationships.

    Вікторія (Viktoriia)

    The absolute favorite among Ukraine names for a girl through the years. As you might guess, it comes from the Latin word victory. However, this name is usually associated with the Roman goddess of triumph (in ancient Greek mythology - Nika). Undoubtedly, the mythological component takes a leading place in its interpretation nowadays. But in the Christian culture, it is customary to talk about other historical persons, also called Viktoriia.

    Remembering what we said, it isn't surprising that this name is primarily connected with success. Viktoriia is usually very purposeful, persistent, and even arbitrary. She is energetic and always ready to challenge or enter the fight against global injustice. This woman clearly sets a goal and confidently goes towards it: no one and nothing can influence her choice.

    Victoriia is usually a good-looking lady who easily attracts the attention of men. She is aware of her attractiveness and makes full use of it when it is profitable.


    Софія (Sofiia)

    This one is relatively new in the rate of popular Ukrainian names for a female. It has Greek roots and may be translated as wisdom. The name Sophia came to Eastern Europe together with the adoption of Christianity. Nowadays, it is primarily associated with the mother of Christian saints Vira, Nadiia, and Liubov, who died martyr's death.

    Key characteristics of the name are perseverance, endurance, and responsibility. They make Sofiia an active and goal-oriented woman who (anyway) knows how to compromise. She is smart enough to be able to constantly change and not be afraid of this. If the need arises, Sofiia can transform her profession or field of activity - and succeed again. In fact, everything she undertakes - she necessarily brings to a logical and victorious end.

    A girl with such a name is attentive to people, open-minded, sincere, and ready to give constructive advice or discuss other people's problems. She will unquestionably be the most interesting person in the room!

    Common Ukrainian girls’ names

    Common Ukrainian girls’ names

    There are, of course, many Ukrainian female names common in this day and age. And, no hard feelings, we can't provide you the meaning of all of them. Otherwise, this article would be simply endless!

    Still, there are three more extremely popular girls' names in Ukraine we want to tell you about. Because you will, most likely, meet such a woman in this country.

    Okay, here they are:

    Дарина (Daryna)

    There are several versions of the origin of this majestic and mysterious female name. So experts still cannot agree and come to a solid decision about its true history.

    According to one, this name has ancient Persian roots. In this case, they go back to the reign of the great king of the Achaemenid dynasty of Darius. Another version reduces the whole story to the female variation of the Irish male name Darren. And the third one - explains its formation in Old Slavic times. Allegedly, it appeared as a shortened, diminutive form of Bozhidar.

    Since we talk about Ukrainian women's names - Daryna is interpreted in local culture as blessed. Linguists also define it as gifted by God or given by life.

    A lady with this name is a bright leader by nature. She usually has many friends and loves increased attention to herself. Daryna is also very self-critical but can't stand critique directed at her by someone else. Because of this, she tends to surround herself with easy-to-communicate people.

    Daryna has a special energy that allows her to charm those around her, so men always flock to her. However, not every guy can win her heart...


    Катерина (Kateryna)

    This name has a long history, but its true origin has an aura of mystery. According to the generally accepted version, it appeared in Ancient Greece and sounded like Haykaterina (which meant "always pure"). It became known to the whole world thanks to the Christian Saint Catherine of Alexandria (287-305 AD), who lived and suffered for her faith in Egypt. The country belonged to the Roman Empire at that time.

    In Slavic culture, Kateryna is usually interpreted as immaculate, chaste, or unstained. Therefore, above all, such a woman must be an embodiment of spiritual purity and courage. The energy of the name is powerful but calm.

    If you meet Kateryna, you will immediately notice how strong-willed, prudent, ambitious, independent, and demanding of herself and others she is. This lady has a masculine mindset combined with feminine intuition and rich imagination. She is undoubtedly gorgeous and has excellent taste in clothes.

    Юлія (Yuliia)

    This one of the common names of a Ukrainian woman has at least two versions of its origin. As stated in the first variation, it comes from Ancient Greece. The second one says that Yuliia has Latin roots. Some also believe that the name appeared during the reign of Julius Caesar.

    From Greek, it is often translated as curly, soft, or wavy. According to the Latin version, the name Yuliia means July. As well as the family of the Juliuses - this was the name given to girls in the family tree of the famous Roman hero Dziga Ascanius. In some Scandinavian countries, girls born in December are called like this - because of the similarity with Christmas (jul) in the local language.

    A woman with such a name is very warm-hearted and gentle, but at the same time, she is very touchy and capricious. She takes everything too personally and can be offended even by trifles. Yuliia is also prone to sudden mood swings that are difficult to control. But nonetheless, she is a sincere and trusting girl.

    This lady has a tender and vulnerable character. So she must be guided and put on the right path. Maybe that's why she can't live without superstitions and horoscopes. Her favorites are fantastic literature and books about supernatural things.

    Traditional Ukrainian names for girls

    Traditional Ukrainian names for girls

    In Ukraine, female names, traditionally, were connected with saints or biblical characters of Jewish, Latin, and Greek origin. In local culture can be found some with Scandinavian roots, which were brought to Eastern Europe by the Varangian knights. Such names, for example, were given to the first princesses and their retinues.

    Slavic folklore also includes many names of pre-Christian gods or those made up of concepts or signs that parents wanted to pass on to their children because they believed that the name had magical power.

    Golden Bride reviewed the three most interesting of them.

    Параска (Paraska)

    This is a traditional Ukrainian name derived from its ancient Greek variation Paraskeva. Although, in these two languages, the interpretation sounds a bit different. The one from Greece may be translated as the holiday eve. While Ukrainian has many meanings: Friday, pre-holiday, not long before winter, on the eve of Saturday, etc. Moreover, the venerable martyr among Orthodox Saints Paraskeva of Rome is honored there.

    As an adult, Paraska is usually cheerful, talkative, prudent, attentive, and responsible. Thanks to her pronounced intuition, she understands people well.

    Purposeful, hardworking, and appreciative of both her own and other people's work, Paraska is fair and honest concerning others. At the same time, she is outwardly beautiful. But she prefers dating a potential life partner for a few years before saying yes to his proposal. As a wife, she is loyal and loving. Still, Paraska is absolutely unable to forgive her husband's betrayal...


    Зоряна (Zoriana)

    This one of Ukraine woman's names has Slavic roots. Literally, from the local language - it could be translated as "bright star." Meaningful international analogs of this name are Star or Aurora. The character of such a girl depends on the season she was born.

    Zoriana, who celebrates her birthday in winter, is down-to-earth and reliable. She knows how to achieve recognition at work because every task she completes is always treated conscientiously. This woman knows how to be independent in her judgments, can make non-standard decisions, and shows herself perfectly in extreme situations.

    Spring-Zoriana is a sensitive person. She treats nature with special trepidation. On the other hand, such a girl is charming and straightforward. But to be utterly happy, she needs to feel the love of people from her social circle.

    When born in the summer: Zoriana is open-minded, naive, and selfless. It's typical for her to trust others without a second thought. This girl is always ready to come to the aid of her friends and relatives.

    Zoriana, born in the autumn months, is characterized by stubbornness, independence, and willfulness. She knows how to defend her own opinion. Her great leadership qualities let this lady become an excellent entrepreneur. A woman with this name remains attractive and young for a long time.

    Мирослава (Myroslava)

    It is one of the ancient female Ukrainian names of Slavic origin. There are, once again, two interpretations of it. The first one states Myroslava was formed by combining the words world (myr) and glory (slava). The followers of this theory explain it must be "she who glorifies the world" or "glorified by the world."

    However, linguists are not sure the mentioned above opinion is correct. They believe - the name Myroslava is created by two roots: myr (peace) and slav (glory). So it's logical to assume that it synthesizes the lexical meanings of "absence of war" and "wide popularity as evidence of general approval."

    A woman with such a name is the life of the party. She is always surrounded by many people, attracted to her femininity, energy, and optimistic perception of life. Still, Myroslava does not have many devoted friends. As a rule, she is an attractive lady (fully aware of this fact) and willingly uses this. Perhaps that is why Myroslava finds a common language with men much faster than with women.

    Ukrainian girls’ names that are popular abroad

    Ukrainian girls’ names that are popular abroad

    Nowadays, in Ukraine, women name their children with the desire to follow globalization trends. That's why they often prefer something international. But we should mention that there are also typical Ukrainian names well-known worldwide. In this section of our article - we'll focus on the three most commonly seen ones, as our experience shows.

    Єва (Yeva)

    Yeva is an ancient female name derived from the name Hawa. Its roots go back to the distant past and have many legends. Although plenty of experts think it was created by Jewish people. In this case, we can use the translation from Hebrew and interpret the name as giving life.

    The main characteristic of such a woman is a wayward character with notes of stubbornness. This conclusion can be made, even based on the biblical origin of the name! After all, Eve (Єва/Yeva) disobeyed the Almighty and tasted the forbidden fruit...

    A girl with this name is usually attractive to men. She just can't go unnoticed, so admirers constantly show up! If she does not get married at a young age, she decides to wait for Prince Charming. Also, free and independent life is more to her liking.

    Yeva must not choose a cold, prudent person for marriage - otherwise, separation is unavoidable. An ideal union will appear only with a charismatic and cheerful guy. The temperaments should also match.


    Аліна (Alina)

    This one belongs to the international Ukrainian girl names. Therefore, in different countries, Alina is interpreted in different ways. In Scotland, the name - means honesty, while in Scandinavia - it is a form of Adelina (so translated as majestic). In Greece, it is considered one of the variations of Helen and stands for a sunbeam. The ancient Slavs believed that the name Alina comes from the word "red" and is associated with a red flower and red sails.

    Such a girl's mood is changeable and unpredictable: now she is crying, and a minute later - she is laughing. Alina has a great sense of humor and is a sociable person. She makes new acquaintances effortlessly, but we can't say this woman has many friends. Alina is responsible. Still, she lacks discipline and self-organization (which sometimes leads to uncomfortable situations). Despite her controversial character traits, Alina is romantic and dreamy and likes to build castles in the air.

    A lady with this name is in no hurry to get married, although she has hundreds of admirers. But if Alina loves, she gives herself completely and dives headlong into her beloved one. Because of her jealousy, she can throw scandals and tantrums, though.

    Олександра (Oleksandra)

    This one of the Ukraine girl names was mentioned for the first time in the written monuments of the Cretan-Mycenaean culture (XV-XII centuries BC). It became popular in Ancient Greece. According to myths, the daughter of the last Trojan king - Cassandra, possessed the gift of foresight and was also called Oleksandra. With the adoption of Christianity in the countries of Europe (and later the world) - the memory of the holy martyr Oleksandra made this name international. Translated from Greek, it means valiant defender and patroness.

    According to numerous observations, Oleksandra's character is contradictory. She is clever, strong, and charismatic - while excessively hectic and energetic. Sometimes it seems that Oleksandra cares about nothing, but this is false. A rich imagination and increased sociability often force her to go to extremes. Although this lady, as a rule, achieves her goal.

    Oleksandra enjoys the company of men but marries at a mature age. In marriage, she becomes an exemplary wife and a mother. Such a wife is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of the family: she becomes a faithful friend to her husband and an excellent parent to her children.

    Names of famous women from Ukraine

    Names of famous women from Ukraine

    Without exaggeration, we can state that there are legends about women from Ukraine worldwide. They became queens, influenced the politics of great states, appeared on the masterpieces of world-famous artists, and created iconic canvases with their own hands. These beauties made scientific discoveries, performed on world stages, founded schools, and wrote books. Female representatives of this nation are, for sure, proud to have such ancestors and contemporaries.

    At the end of our article, we want to give you some Ukrainian girls' names and their personal stories so you might get excited about them just like we are!

    Роксолана (Roxelana)

    This famous Ukrainian woman of the 14th century is also known as Anastasia Lisovskaya, Rushen, Roksoliana or Roxelana, and Haseki. In Turkey, her name is Hurrem Sultan, which means Joyful Sultana. Anyway, she was the brightest ruler of the Ottoman Empire, able to turn the course of history the way she needed.

    When Roxelana was 15, fate brought her to the Sultan's harem. Although the girl conquered him not with her beauty - her intelligence and education level was equal to her future husband's. She freely corresponded with foreign monarchs, held audiences, and became the de facto sovereign of the Ottoman Empire. The woman was no longer destined to see her motherland. But she did not forget about her home: Suleiman, for the sake of his beloved Haseki, the mother of his six children, forbade the Tatars to raid Ukraine.

    Sultan Suleiman and Hurrem Sultan had been married for 40 years. Because of her, he abandoned his harem and was faithful to her to death. In the thousand-year history of the Ottoman Empire, she was the only one honored to be buried next to her husband-emperor.

    Леся Українка (Lesia Ukrainka)

    In Ukraine, the female name Lesia remains common, not least because of this outstanding woman. Locals call her "our Mavka." It's a spirit in Ukrainian folklore that symbolizes purity. Without a doubt, she remains an embodiment of the nation's soul!

    Lesia Ukrainka is a remarkable authoress, poetess, translator, and cultural figure. Her creations are recognized as masterpieces of world literature. She wrote her first poem at the age of 9! Throughout her not-long life (in total), Lesia Ukrainka wrote about 270 poems and dramatic works. She was the co-founder of the Pleiades literary circle.

    This lady is so loved in Ukraine because she acted in the field of folklore. Just imagine: 220 folk melodies were recorded from her voice. At the same time, she was one of the first feminists in this country and took an active part in the Ukrainian national and women's movements.

    the favorite Ukrainian girl names

    Яна Клочкова (Yana Klochkova)

    Thank this woman, Yana - is among the favorite Ukrainian girl names for years.

    The biography of Yana Klochkova is full of set records. Among them are 50 on the country level (in individual swimming, freestyle, relay swimming, swimming on the back, and butterfly in distances from 100 to 1500 meters). In addition, she set a world record for 400 m (at the Olympic Games in Sydney) and a European one (for 200 m) in integrated swimming.

    It is worth noting the large number of awards this lady has. She won five medals at the Olympic Games (four gold and one silver). At the beginning of her sports career, Klochkova was a silver medalist and two-time winner of the European Junior Championships. She also repeatedly won the titles of European champion (Lisbon 1999, Helsinki 2000, Valencia 2000). As well as silver and bronze medalist of the European Championship (1997). In addition, she was awarded Ukrainian national orders: the Order of Princess Olga, "For Merit," "Hero of Ukraine," and others. It is difficult to enumerate them all, though.

    The desire to win, perseverance, freshness, and joy from every workout - that's what makes Ukrainians love Yana Klochkova so much.

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