How to write an online dating email that gets responses

How to write an online dating email that gets responses

Dating sites are created in order to bring people together. You can quickly find the girl who will become your friend, beloved and partner. But, almost every second man faced with a situation. What is this situation? Thinking of how to email online dating service works? How to start a letter to the one you like.

Everything seems to be done. Good mood, enthusiasm and little emotion. But the message text field is still empty. Once you wrote "Hello" - immediately erased. Whatever has not been written is deleted. It's not that. Sound familiar? The first thing you have to do is take a deeper breath, exhale and calm down. Relax. Your worries will soon recede. We are ready to help you make everything right.

    How to write an online dating email - 8 tips

    There is nothing terrible or complicated. You will be surprised how simple it is. First, make sure you are prepared enough.

    Profile photo

    The first thing a girl sees is not a text, but your photo. A girl can make the first impression of you looking at the photo. Acting intuitively, she understands how interesting it will be for her to communicate with you. So who are you? Prospective partner or uninteresting man? Everything depends on you. You know, that honestly saying, you look at the ladys’ pictures too. It is important that the photo is of high quality, if you do not have one - it's time to go to a photo session. Or ask a friend to take a quality shot. The avatar should show the face and part of the physique. You should know about the importance of the quality of the photo. If the image is blurry and with pronounced pixels, it can be difficult to know who you will be communicating with. Take a good photo, pay attention to clothes and accessories.

    Further, in what position are you standing? Are you smiling? Confidence and calmness should come from you. Be relaxed. Do not strain yourself like you are solving a trigonometric problem at this moment.

    Profile informativeness

    In no case, after registering on the site, do not immediately start looking for a beautiful girl. First you need to work with your profile, make it attractive and informative. A profile is your business card. By limiting yourself to the simple phrase “My name is Kevin, I'm great.”, You risk losing the girl's interest. You shouldn't post false information. It is advisable to mention more information about yourself. What do you consider as your personal characteristics. Your interests, hobbies, desires. You should knowr that she draws attention to the similarity of your interests. It is also important to her.

    Pay special attention to the subject line

    Throw away unnecessary panic. Don't overdo it. Keep the text short and interesting. Imagine yourself as a girl. She will want to know what the letter says if she is intrigued by the beginning. View her profile. Her interests and desires. That's a hint. She will be pleased that you were interested in her hobby and you wanted to know more about her. The secret is that every girl loves being interested in her personality. For example, if she likes a certain kind of art or genre films. Mention it in the subject line. Perhaps use a quote from a book she has read many times.

    Call her by her name

    Is it that important? Psychologically, a person is pleased with the mention of his name. By addressing her by name, you help her relax and open her soul and thoughts to how to respond to a dating site email. This creates the feeling that you already know her.

    Good first emails for online dating

    Think about traits, what attracted you

    Yes - yes, you need to overcome the desire to write your biography in short. You will have the opportunity to tell her everything later. Do you need her wish to continue communicating? Think about what attracts you in her profile. What was the reason that make you write to her? Perhaps she has beautiful hair or a dazzling smile. Ah, those lovely eyes! Did you notice her stylish and beautiful dress? Perhaps she has a beautiful and unique pendant on her neck. She is so beautiful, and still read a lot of books! 

    "It is needed to be a man to see just how marvelous you are"; "You have such beautiful blue eyes!"; “Let me give you happiness?”; “Do you sing in the choir? Me neither. I know we have a lot in common.”; “I'm writing a novel about what girls want. Can you share your secret information?”; “I decided to buy a costume for a pug. Can you help with the choice?”; “Do you think love is chemistry or something more?”

    There are many first contact email online dating examples, choose yours.

    Ask her about something

    This is one of the most basic ways to start a conversation. You can ask about everything or what does she like. It is worth to know the facts that she must give an extensive answer to your question. Otherwise, you risk getting a short "Yes". For example: “I noticed that you often visit art exhibitions. Which galleries do you like the most? Maybe you would like to go to some place? " or “I've seen a lot of football photos in your place. Do you have a favorite team? What game do you remember the most? ”.

    Don't write too much text

    First of all, you should strive to start a conversation with introduction email dating sites’ correspondante. Maybe, she will not like to read the second page of the message. No matter how informative you would like to start communication, you should not overload your letter with information. Try writing about general topics. Ask questions. In fact, a really short message is not a sign of bad communication etiquette. An interested girl will definitely look at your profile. Yes, this is where she can learn about your hobby of chess and golf.

    Don't forget about time

    We are talking about a time when you write it. Guess what is the chance that she will read your message on Friday night? Or Saturday? Most likely, both you and she need rest. Communication can start in the afternoon or evening, but not too late. On weekdays, it is not necessary to write in the working hours. You run the risk of making yourself an impression of a frivolous man. Wish her a nice day, a weekend or a great working time. Tune in to a positive mood.

    First of all, think of writing a first email on dating site as something pleasant. This is not a reason to get nervous or worry. A truly inspired, you write the correct letter.

    Online Dating First Message Examples That Get Responses

    First email online dating example

    Theory is great. But it is much better to understand the information through the dating email examples. Everybody knows. Even after reading how to do it, there are questions about the specifics. How can you avoid getting into a situation where you will not be interesting for communication? Of course, it is necessary to know how many people are searching for the soul mate. This shouldn't scare you.

    You know the importance of being unique. You shouldn't be one of those who doesn't use your imagination. Believe me, she is your main assistant. Why? Let's look at example of standard letter.

    Subject: I saw your profile.

    Letter: Hello, Katya. I looked at your profile on the site. It is worth you to know I found many common interests. Like you do, I like being at the seaside and view the mountains. I like drinking tea by the fireplace. Have you seen my profile? Maybe you will be interested to get to know me better. Waiting for an answer.


    Here's the clearest first email online dating examples of how NOT to write. It is these messages that the girl receives most often. It is possible that she does not even read them. To review and remove. There is no spark. There nothing like interest. It seems that is the template message. Emotionless. She will definitely read a letter that will intrigue and attract at the same time. This is the case when she will stop exactly the letter that you wrote. It will whisper to her that she should continue to communicate with you.

    Online Dating Email Tips You've Never Read Before

    Have you seen errors yet? Let's fix them together!

    The subject line should be intriguing. It might be worth trying a little provocation. But if you are not sure about this, it is better not to use provocative words or phrases. Where is the mood? Where is the radiant goodness and warmth? It is worth attracting her with a compliment or good wishes. Positiveness and humor always act like a  magnet for women. They relax and start smiling. Add some fun details about yourself. So you will interest her and she will look at your profile. It is possible that something interesting has happened recently. Show your interest in her with confidence. Your question about the girl will help. Take a step towards getting her to talk about herself. Do not forget to introduce yourself or say your name. At first glance, it seems obvious, but it is necessary. Let's move  from theory to best first email online dating examples?

    Subject: What are the names of the flowers?

    Letter: Hi Alina,

    I am not a professor, but I have enough knowledge. But as far as physics is concerned, a lot remains incomprehensible to me. What are the reasons why matter and energy interact? I admit, it was one of my queries in Google. It's funny, but I'm curious about it. What's your last request? We can talk about any topic. Tell me about was the last movie saw. What did you like the most? I watched Venom, pretty good.

    The same as for you, it was important for me to create a quiet atmosphere at home. I like to spend time calmly. When it's cozy and warm. By the way, you have such a lovely backyard garden. I can help you with plants and flowers. By the way, what are the flowers called? Very beautiful. They probably have a wonderful scent.

    The day after tomorrow I am planning to visit a new exhibition of paintings in a local gallery. Grand opening is planned. I think it will be interesting. And you? What are your plans for this week?

    I'm waiting for your answer. I wish you a sunny and bright weekend.


    At first glance, the letter is quite long. But it covers almost all the points that are important in writing the right letter. As an example, you can compare them and correct mistakes.

    First email FAQ

    The first letter is the foundation of your further communication. It should certainly get an answer. You can use the tips to write the best opening emails for online dating and increase the chance of a relationship with the lady you like.

    What should you not say on a dating site?

    We have already talked with you about online dating email examples and what is worth talking about in the first letter. So what's better not to say?

    Avoid platitudes. "Hello how are you?" is your enemy. Most likely, she would not even pay attention to it.

    Don't use sexual connotations or innuendos. That's rough. Even if a girl has posted a photo in a swimsuit on her profile, you should not write: “What a beautiful swimsuit! Can I take a closer look at him? ” She won't take a compliment about how beautiful her S size soul is.

    NO slang and rudeness! Don't write this under any circumstances. You will immediately turn her against yourself.

    Illiteracy. Check what you wrote.

    Do not lie. She will not show any serious interest in a profile without a photo or with a fake name. Yes, the idea of using a photo of Johnny Depp in your avatar is very bad.

    How long should you wait for a reply online dating?

    Consider that she also has things to do and may be busy. Most often, the expectation does not take more than three days. In case if she is on vacation or has gone somewhere, the response to your letter may take more time.

    Why do I get no replies on dating sites?

    Let's not talk about accidents. What happened and why did she not answer? Do not be surprised if the communication was pleasant and it seemed to you that she liked you, but in an instant the lady you like disappeared. Maybe, you know some mistakes were made.


    Do you want to find your soul mate? Enough banality!


    There is a difference between overt provocation and originality. “You have all photoshopped!” - It will not cause any positive reaction. Even if she answers, then there will already be a negative attitude towards you. You should never make offensive comments.

    Too sweet compliment.

    “You are so beautiful that the stars fade before your beauty”, “Did you come down from heaven? Where does such an angel come from?" She will definitely say something to herself under her breath. This is too much. Slow down.

    Personal space.

    Don't ask too personal questions. It's not polite. You can bring up a topic that is very unpleasant for a girl. “Are you still looking for a man? Why haven't you found a him yet? "

    A huge text.

    You shouldn't try to fit everything into one letter. Be as brief as possible.

    What's a good first message online dating?

    Take into account the advice we gave you earlier how to write an online dating email. The key to a good first message is compliance with every rule. A unique, positive and kind message. It should be written with a pleasant mood and interest in the girl.

    The first thing to start with is to play intrigue, write something like this: "Hello, you have no idea, but I know something about you." Of course, the lady will not resist, and will immediately take an interest. The girls are very curious and such messages will not leave anyone indifferent. But you don't need to turn every message into a play on words. This is necessary at the initial stage, when you need to interest. After that, you can already communicate on distant, everyday topics.

    The best point of contact will be common interests, which will automatically create a topic of conversation. But don't write “Hello. What are you interested in? " Study her photographs, maybe many travel pictures. Ask if she loves traveling, how often she allows herself to relax on vacation, what is her favorite place. And be sure to tell us about your travel experience, then the conversation will start and, perhaps, you will already spend the next vacation together.

    If you notice that a girl loves books, write “I recently read a collection of poetry of the Silver Age, I would like to know your opinion, as an expert, how do you? Which of the writers has sunk into the soul the most? ”. If it turns out that the girl has not yet had time to read this literature, ask about what she is reading at the moment, tell her that you will also take up this book. And if the lady is really interesting, spend a useful evening - read the work and then you will have a topic for conversation, and the interlocutor will see your desire.

    How do you start a conversation with a girl online for the first time?

    Communication skills how to write a first email on a dating site come with experience. Therefore, try to examine her profile. Find something common with her. And most importantly, be yourself. You know, that the mood and desire are the main factors.

    What can I say instead of hey?

    The easiest one is to attach a cool GIF to your greeting. But it needs to be really cool and fresh, so don't be lazy to spend time looking. The second way is to use some unusual, but pleasant and “appetizing” word at the beginning of the message. Be original and gallant. Here are some sample phrases for great first emails for online dating to help you.

    “Tiramisu. Now that you are definitely reading this message, I want to say hi! By the way, is there something tastier in this world, what do you say? "

    Banana Milkshake or Strawberry Milkshake? Without your help, I will probably never solve this dilemma - which one is better? "

    “The crucian carp in your photo looks plump ... I once caught a fish of 800 grams, I wonder - did your catch beat my record?”;

    “I see you've been to Vietnam too. What was the most memorable for you - riding a bike, coffee or kiting? "

    “Your cosplay for Hermione is awesome! What spell were you practicing at this moment? "

    But much better than any blank that is suitable for mass mailing will be a message written specifically for her, which shows that you took the time to read her profile, and she attracted you not only as a beauty, but also as a person .

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