How to flirt in Italian like a local?

How to flirt in Italian like a local

Summer is coming up very soon. That means it is time to plan a vacation since summertime is travel time for everyone worldwide. But where should you go, then? 

Without a second thought, one of the most popular tourist destinations for many people has always been Italy. And not without reason: who does not love traditional food, pleasant sunny weather, and cultural highlights of this European country? Also, its relaxed Mediterranean flair creates a perfect atmosphere for singles looking for an exciting holiday flirt. After all, Italians have the reputation of being particularly passionate and spirited, but they are not averse to romance either. This explains the impressive number of famous Italian quotes about love. 

In fact, if we consider flirtation as a set of tricks, with the help of which the attention of the opposite sex is attracted - one thing becomes clear. It sounds like: France and Italy have been the lawmakers in this area at all times. Back in the 14th century, Giovanni Boccaccio, in his masterpiece Decameron - described the manners of the courtship in his land during the Renaissance. Namely, in this time - seduction began to turn into art. Clothes, shoes, hairstyles, accessories, perfumes, and behavior all served as a means to Italian terms of endearment for a girlfriend. 

Both courtesans and ladies from high society these days tried to emphasize their feminine attractiveness. It included intricate makeup, tight corsets, and outfits with low-cut, exposing their shoulders and chest. Gold jewelry: earrings, necklaces, bracelets - were designed to draw men's attention to the unclothed neck and wrists. A hand fan, an umbrella, or a bouquet of fresh flowers in their hands completed their flirting looks. At the same time, men preferred top hats, monocles or lorgnettes, neckerchiefs, and pins. 

Okay, how to flirt in an Italian manner nowadays? Above all, representatives of this nation love such an activity! Regardless of age, time of day, and other circumstances. They also like to give compliments and willingly use sweet nicknames. So an inexperienced foreigner can take these chats too seriously...

Does it mean you can win the heart of the local woman with the praises alone? Well, not really, because you must make sure your words sound like flattery. In this respect, there is something to learn from Italian guys! 

Another nuance to bear in mind, you shouldn't be embarrassed to approach your crush. If you watch what males from this country do, you realize you don't need phrases like "Are you busy now?" or "I have already seen you somewhere - do we know each other?" Everything is much easier. Start with: "Hi, how are you?" - and there is enough. That's the typical way an informal conversation usually starts. 

Italian terms of endearment for a girlfriend

Of course, if you want to make a lasting impression on the lady from this land - you require the basic knowledge of her mother tongue. How to say I like you in Italian? What are the best words of adoration in this language? These and many more are right below in this article.

    Five simple tips on flirting with an Italian girl 

    What do we know about Italian men? Except for the fact they know how to say I miss you in Italian - it's hard to imagine their benefits compared to you. Undoubtedly, you need more information to compete with them. 

    First and foremost, passionate Italians, as before, are ready for the craziest deeds for the sake of the females they are interested in. Sensual serenades under the girl's balcony, emotional love confessions, enthusiastic compliments, readiness to risk and fulfill all her desires - oh yes! These men are capable of genuinely romantic courtship. Each of them (like a real flirting guru) uses his sweet speeches, constant tactile contact, and disarming smile as a weapon. 

    Local guys from this sunny country have a huge drawback, though. Their promises rarely develop into something more than Italian love quotes from the Internet. Unfortunately, not many (even in their 35) are ready to take responsibility for their women and relationships. And that's where you can benefit! Keep reading for more tips.

    #1. The place of the acquaintance doesn't matter

    If you want to start dating an Italian woman, you shouldn't go to some particular places to meet her. The holiday regions are teeming with local females willing to flirt with a foreigner! Classics like the beach or the chic bar in the evening are timeless and always a good idea if you want to get to know someone. Although if you plan to see the country's highlights too - the sightseeing tour might bring you not only new impressions. The following applies here: keep your eyes open for typical flirtation signals. They are the same worldwide: eye contact and smiling. Local women are usually very open-minded when living in tourist cities. Also, self-confident Italian girls, as a rule, have no prejudices about approaching travelers who seem lost. It makes things a lot easier for shy singles. 

    dating an Italian woman

    Where may you continue the initial conversation, then? In a classic Italian restaurant, of course! A delicious Mediterranean meal and good wine make the perfect basis for chatting. Don't forget to use all the seduction words and phrases you know!

    #2. Your outfit is important

    Although Italians will never say it openly, your style is crucial. It doesn't matter how many romantic Italian phrases you know when your outfit is not captivating. 

    We know: when you see many carelessly dressed local guys in everyday life - what we now share doesn't seem correct. Their sweatpants and stained T-shirts aren't stylish. Those who look so unattractive aren't searching for flirting opportunities!

    What do you need to wear to impress, then? Females from Italy like it when their partners appear in a pink pullover, casually placed over the white shirt and with pants that just fit! So even when such an approach seems superficial to you - do this. It's not an exaggerated vanity but part of the local culture! 

    Once again, Italian compliments for a woman won't work if they are said by a man who has a typical American tourist outfit on. Trust us: your Birkenstock sandals and Bermuda shorts won't seem sexy to elegant Italians. 

    #3. Do not forget to smile

    A simple phrase: "You're cute" in Italian, spoken with and without a smile, will have an utterly different meaning. In the second case, as soon as the girl sees your poker face, she will think something is wrong with you. The most pleasant thought a lady from Italy could get - you are overly polite and shy. And, trust us, she won't like this fact. 

    Experts say if you want to flirt in Italian with success - you must supplement your words with a special smile. An example of it, you can see in the famous Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie (1971). We talk about the scene, which has become a meme "You must be new here?"

    This smile will add a little playfulness to the conversation - and that accurately is what you need. 

    #4. Physical contact - there is no way around it. 

    How do you say I miss you in Italian? Through the physical connection, of course!  

    Yes, when flirting with girls from this country, you shouldn't be afraid to get to second base. Italians adore involving their bodies in the flirtation game! A hug, a kiss on the cheek, a stroke through the hair, and a hand on the shoulder or even the leg... All these moves are, therefore, totally acceptable. So take it easy. 

    We understand that bearing in mind all the laws of your homeland in this regard - you might be afraid to touch a woman you don't know well enough. Still, in Italy, every touch allows the guy to move into a more personal area of communication. You can begin with something friendly, like patting the lady's shoulder. Do not forget to add the flirty Italian phrases you have learned then. 

    #5. More of her mother tongue = better effect

    We can hear you moaning: "It's not the easiest language in the world! Why can't we use English?" The answer is apparent. You can use your mother tongue - but more than one romantic phrase in Italian will ensure a better effect. 

    You will see - just a small talk in her language will be enough to captivate a woman from Italy. You can say Buongiorno (bʊond͡ʒˈɔrno) instead of a good day or Buona sera (bʊˈɔna sˈera) in place of a good evening. The same goes for Grazie (ɡrˈat͡sje) (thank you) and Arrivederci (arɾivedˈɛrt͡ʃɪ) (goodbye). And if you then skillfully introduce yourself with sono Robert (or what is your name) - you have already earned extra points. 

    Also, you shouldn't forget that foreign languages are taught in Italy, but locals don't work hard to learn them. So the phrase I love you in Italian will definitely impress more. 

    10 amazing Italian love expressions and romantic words

    Your long-awaited vacation in lovely Italy is finally coming. What do you need to successfully flirt in this country and get to know new people? Language knowledge, of course! Sorry, dear friend, but if your vocabulary consists only of pizza and pasta - local ladies will hardly be captivated... It is to say - a few Italian expressions of love are necessary here.  

    Italian expressions of love

    Without a doubt, we can't leave you face-to-face with this problem. In this section of our article, you can find ten delightful romantic phrases in Italian as a small introduction to this melodic language. 


    Original: Amo tutto di te, le tue mani, la tua bocca, il tuo sorriso e soprattutto il tuo sguardo, che illumina il tuo viso e rallegra il mio cuore. Ti amo. (ˈamo tˈutːo dˈi tˈe, lˈe tˈue mˈanɪ, lˈa tˈua bˈokːa, ˈiːl tˈuo sorɾˈizo ˈeː sopratːˈutːo ˈiːl tˈuo zɡwˈardo, kˈe illˈumina ˈiːl tˈuo vˈizo ˈeː rallˈeɡra ˈiːl mˈio kʊˈɔre. tˈi ˈamo.)

    Translated: I love everything about you: your hands, your mouth, your smile, and above all, your eyes, which light up your face and make my heart happy. I love you.


    Original: Senti, adesso ti dirò quello che penso. Tu sei la persona che mi ha fatto crescere, mi ha fatto andare per la strada giusta. Tu per me sei un angelo custode. Ti amo per i bei momenti che mi fai passare, per i tuoi baci, ti amo per quello che sei, nessuno mi dividerà da te neanche la morte. Combatterò per averti, per non perderti e ti sarò sempre fedele. Amami per quella che sono con i miei difetti, ma soprattutto amami perchè io Ti Amo. (sˈentɪ, adˈɛs͡so tˈi diɾˈɔ kwˈɛllo kˈe pˈɛnso. tˈu sˈɛi lˈa persˈona kˈe mˈi ˈa fˈatːo krˈeʃere, mˈi ˈa fˈatːo andˈare pˈer lˈa strˈada d͡ʒˈusta. tˈu pˈer mˈe sˈɛi ˈun ˈand͡ʒelo kʊstˈɔde. tˈi ˈamo pˈer ˈi bˈɛi momˈentɪ kˈe mˈi fˈaːi pas͡sˈare, pˈer ˈi tʊˈɔi bˈat͡ʃɪ, tˈi ˈamo pˈer kwˈɛllo kˈe sˈɛi, nes͡sˈuno mˈi divideɾˈa dˈa tˈe neˈanke lˈa mˈɔrte. kombatːeɾˈɔ pˈer avˈɛrtɪ, pˈer nˈon pˈɛrdertɪ ˈeː tˈi saɾˈɔ sˈɛmpre fedˈele. ˈamamɪ pˈer kwˈɛlla kˈe sˈono kˈon ˈi mjˈɛi difˈɛtːɪ, mˈa sopratːˈutːo ˈamamɪ perkˈɛ ˈio tˈi ˈamo)

    Translated: Look, now I'll tell you what I think. You are the person who made me grow mentally - you helped me go the right way. You are a guardian angel to me. I love you for the good times you give me, for your kisses, I love you for who you are, and no one will separate us, not even death. I will fight for our couple. I will always be faithful to you. Love me for who I am with my flaws, but above all - love me because I love you. 


    Original: Vorrei essere una vocale così da potere stare sempre nelle tue labbra. Ti amo. (vorɾˈɛi ˈɛs͡sere ˈuna vokˈale kozˈi dˈa potˈere stˈare sˈɛmpre nˈɛlle tˈue lˈabːra. tˈi ˈamo.)

    Translated: I wish I was a vowel, so I could always be on your lips. I love you.


    Original: Ti amo! Amo tutto di te. Amo il tuo sguardo, le tue mani. Amo il modo in cui mi guardi, il modo in cui mi sfiori. Amo tutto di te, amo come sai prenderti cura di me, amo come sai proteggermi, amo come sai rendere ogni istante della nostra vita insieme indimenticabile! (tˈi ˈamo! ˈamo tˈutːo dˈi tˈe. ˈamo ˈiːl tˈuo zɡwˈardo, lˈe tˈue mˈanɪ. ˈamo ˈiːl mˈɔdo ˈiːn kˈuj mˈi ɡwˈardɪ, ˈiːl mˈɔdo ˈiːn kˈuj mˈi sfjˈorɪ. ˈamo tˈutːo dˈi tˈe, ˈamo kˈome sˈaj prˈɛndertɪ kˈura dˈi mˈe, ˈamo kˈome sˈaj protˈed͡ʒːermɪ, ˈamo kˈome sˈaj rˈɛndere ˈoɲɲɪ istˈante dˈella nˈɔstra vˈita insɪˈɛme indimentikˈabile!)

    Translated: I love you! I love everything about you. I adore your eyes, your hands. I love the way you look at me, the way you touch me. I worship everything about you and how you take care of me. I love how you protect me, and I am fond of how you make every moment of our life together unforgettable!


    Original: Il nostro amore c'è, perchè io ti amo. E il sol pensiero di amare mi rende felice, ma se solo tu provassi a ricambiarmi sarebbe unico. (ˈiːl nˈɔstro amˈore t͡ʃˈɛː, perkˈɛ ˈio tˈi ˈamo. ˈeː ˈiːl sˈɔl pensiˈɛro dˈi amˈare mˈi rˈɛnde felˈit͡ʃe, mˈa sˈe sˈolo tˈu provˈas͡sɪ ˈaː rikambjˈarmɪ sarˈɛbːe ˈuniko.)

    Translated: Our love is there because I love you. And the very thought of loving you makes me happy, but if only you tried to love me back the same way - it would be extraordinary.


    This is one of the most beautiful Italian love phrases, admired by local girls. Try to remember it!

    Original: Vorrei essere un uccellino, per appoggiarmi sulle tue spalle e sussurrarti quanto ti Amo. Il vento spazza le strade ma non può spazzare il nostro cuore. (vorɾˈɛi ˈɛs͡sere ˈun ʊt͡ʃːellˈino, pˈer apːod͡ʒːˈarmɪ sˈulle tˈue spˈalle ˈeː sʊs͡sʊrɾˈartɪ kwˈanto tˈi ˈamo. ˈiːl vˈɛnto spˈat͡sːa lˈe strˈade mˈa nˈon pʊˈɔ spat͡sːˈare ˈiːl nˈɔstro kʊˈɔre.)

    Translated: I wish I was a little bird to lean on your shoulders and whisper to you how much I love you. The wind sweeps the streets, but it can't reach our hearts.


    Original: Il tuo amore riflette sul mio cuore, come i raggi della luna riflettano sul mare. Ti amo. (ˈiːl tˈuo amˈore riflˈetːe sˈul mˈio kʊˈɔre, kˈome ˈi rˈad͡ʒːɪ dˈella lˈuna riflˈetːano sˈul mˈare. tˈi ˈamo.)

    Translated: Your love reflects on my heart like the light of the moon reflects on the sea. I love you.


    Original: Devi sapere che non mi basti mai. Il tempo con te vola, come un soffio di rugiada che si dissolve in un mare azzurro, dove cala un tramonto dai mille colori e come un fiocco di neve al sole che si scioglie al suo calore. Ti Amo. (dˈɛvɪ sapˈere kˈe nˈon mˈi bˈastɪ mˈaj. ˈiːl tˈɛmpo kˈon tˈe vˈola, kˈome ˈun sˈoffio dˈi rʊd͡ʒˈada kˈe sˈi dis͡sˈolve ˈiːn ˈun mˈare ad͡zːˈurɾo, dˈove kˈala ˈun tramˈonto dˈaːi mˈille kolˈorɪ ˈeː kˈome ˈun fjˈɔkːo dˈi nˈɛve ˈal sˈole kˈe sˈi ʃˈɔʎe ˈal sˈuo kalˈore. tˈi ˈamo)

    Translated: You have to know that it's never enough for me. Time flies with you like a breath of dew that dissolves in a blue sea, where a sunset of a thousand colors falls. And like a snowflake in the sun that melts in its warmth. I love you.


    Original: Quando ti sono accanto il mio cuore batte a mille, non è un problema di salute ma un problema molto più serio... ti amo da morire. ( 

    kwˈando tˈi sˈono akːˈanto ˈiːl mˈio kʊˈɔre bˈatːe ˈaː mˈille, nˈon ˈɛː ˈun problˈɛma dˈi salˈute mˈa ˈun problˈɛma mˈolto pjˈu sˈɛrio... tˈi ˈamo dˈa morˈire)

    Translated: When I'm next to you my heart beats faster, it's not a health problem but a much more serious problem... I love you so much.


    Original: Da quando ti conosco, ogni cosa sembra stare al suo posto, la mia vita con te è più serena, perché non ho paura della sera. Ti amo alla follia anima mia! (dˈa kwˈando tˈi konˈosko, ˈoɲɲɪ kˈɔza sˈembra stˈare ˈal sˈuo pˈosto, lˈa mˈia vˈita kˈon tˈe ˈɛː pjˈu serˈena, perkˈe nˈon ˈɔ paˈʊra dˈella sˈera. tˈi ˈamo ˈalla follˈia ˈanima mˈia!)

    Translated: Since I've known you, everything seems to be in its place. My life with you is more serene because I'm not afraid of the evening. I love you madly, my soul!

    10 best Italian compliments 

    Do you remember what we mentioned at the beginning of this article? Exactly: compliments in Italian are an integral part of flirtation in this land. Thus, the conclusion comes by itself. You should learn some of them!

    compliments in Italian

    Below we have listed the words of adoration, which serve as door openers (if you know what we mean). After using one of them, you will see that flirting in this country does not require miracles - just a bit of knowledge. With our help, nothing will stand in the way of your romance in Bella Italia!


    Original: Hai davvero la capacità di illuminare una stanza non appena entri. È ovvio che tutti amano passare il tempo con te, me compreso. (ˈaj davvˈero lˈa kapat͡ʃitˈa dˈi illʊminˈare ˈuna stˈant͡sa nˈon apːˈena ˈentrɪ. ˈɛː ˈɔvvio kˈe tˈutːɪ ˈamano pas͡sˈare ˈiːl tˈɛmpo kˈon tˈe, mˈe komprˈezo.)

    Translated: You truly can light up a room as soon as you enter. It's obvious that everyone loves spending time with you, including me.


    Original: Hai una personalità veramente contagiosa che ha un impatto positivo su tutti quelli che ti circondano. Tu porti immediatamente felicità a tutti coloro che passano del tempo intorno a te. (ˈaj ˈuna personalitˈa veramˈente kontad͡ʒˈɔza kˈe ˈa ˈun impˈatːo pozitˈivo sˈu tˈutːɪ kwˈɛllɪ kˈe tˈi t͡ʃirkˈɔndano. tˈu pˈɔrtɪ immedjatamˈente felit͡ʃitˈa ˈaː tˈutːɪ kolˈoro kˈe pˈas͡sano dˈel tˈɛmpo intˈorno ˈaː tˈe.)

    Translated: You have a genuinely infectious personality that positively impacts everyone around you. You instantly bring happiness to everyone who spends time with you.


    Original: Sono davvero impressionato da quanto sei appassionato nel rimanere in forma. Sei un modello per tutti coloro che vogliono prendersi cura della propria salute fisica. (sˈono davvˈero impres͡sjonˈato dˈa kwˈanto sˈɛi apːas͡sjonˈato nˈɛl rimanˈɛre ˈiːn fˈorma. sˈɛi ˈun modˈɛllo pˈer tˈutːɪ kolˈoro kˈe vˈoʎono prˈɛndersɪ kˈura dˈella prˈɔpria salˈute fˈizika.)

    Translated: I'm really impressed with how passionate you are about staying fit. You are a role model for everyone who wants to take care of their physical health.


    Original: Mi piace sempre passare il tempo con te perché hai idee così creative. Non è mai noioso uscire con te! (mˈi pjˈat͡ʃe sˈɛmpre pas͡sˈare ˈiːl tˈɛmpo kˈon tˈe perkˈe ˈaj idˈɛe kozˈi kreatˈive. nˈon ˈɛː mˈaj noiˈozo ʊʃˈire kˈon tˈe!)

    Translated: I always enjoy spending time with you because you have such creative ideas. It's never boring to hang out with you!


    Original: Ammiro molto il modo in cui gestisci le situazioni difficili. Non è facile passare attraverso tutto quello che tu hai passato, e tu sembri sempre gestirlo con tale aplomb. (ammˈiro mˈolto ˈiːl mˈɔdo ˈiːn kˈuj d͡ʒestˈiʃɪ lˈe sitʊat͡siˈonɪ diffˈit͡ʃilɪ. nˈon ˈɛː fˈat͡ʃile pas͡sˈare atːravˈɛrso tˈutːo kwˈɛllo kˈe tˈu ˈaj pas͡sˈato, ˈeː tˈu sˈembrɪ sˈɛmpre d͡ʒestˈirlo kˈon tˈale ˈaplomb.)

    Translated: I really admire the way you handle difficult situations. It's not easy going through everything you've been through, and you always seem to manage it with such aplomb.


    Original: La tua mente funziona in un modo così unico. Vedi sempre le cose da una prospettiva diversa, il che è un ottimo modo per insegnare agli altri. Non perdere mai questo aspetto di te. (lˈa tˈua mˈente fʊnt͡siˈona ˈiːn ˈun mˈɔdo kozˈi ˈuniko. vˈedɪ sˈɛmpre lˈe kˈɔze dˈa ˈuna prospetːˈiva divˈɛrsa, ˈiːl kˈe ˈɛː ˈun ˈotːimo mˈɔdo pˈer inseɲˈare ˈaʎɪ ˈaltrɪ. nˈon pˈɛrdere mˈaj kwˈesto aspˈɛtːo dˈi tˈe.)

    Translated: Your mind works in such a unique way. You always see things from a different perspective which is a great way to teach others. Never lose this part of you.


    How to tell you are so beautiful in Italian without saying it directly? Here is a more refined way for it!

    Original: Il mondo è un posto migliore se ci sei tu. Anche se ci sono momenti difficili, sembri sempre trovare il punto luminoso. (ˈiːl mˈondo ˈɛː ˈun pˈosto miʎˈore sˈe t͡ʃˈi sˈɛi tˈu. ˈanke sˈe t͡ʃˈi sˈono momˈentɪ diffˈit͡ʃilɪ, sˈembrɪ sˈɛmpre trovˈare ˈiːl pˈunto lʊminˈozo.)

    Translated: The world is a better place with you in it. Even though there are tough times, you always seem to find the bright spots.


    Original: Ammiro sempre come lei è in grado di ammettere quando ha torto. Non è mai facile, ma è ovvio che si impara sempre da questo. (ammˈiro sˈɛmpre kˈome lˈɛi ˈɛː ˈiːn ɡrˈado dˈi ammˈetːere kwˈando ˈa tˈɔrto. nˈon ˈɛː mˈaj fˈat͡ʃile, mˈa ˈɛː ˈɔvvio kˈe sˈi impˈaɾa sˈɛmpre dˈa kwˈesto.)

    Translated: I always admire how you can admit when you are wrong. It's never easy, but it's obvious that you always learn from it.


    Original: Hai un’anima veramente bella. La tua bellezza interiore trova sempre un modo per risplendere, non importa quanto le cose possano sembrare terribili. (ˈaj ˈun’ˈanima veramˈente bˈɛlla. lˈa tˈua bellˈet͡sːa interiˈore trˈɔva sˈɛmpre ˈun mˈɔdo pˈer risplˈɛndere, nˈon impˈɔrta kwˈanto lˈe kˈɔze pˈɔs͡sano sembrˈare terɾˈibilɪ.)

    Translated: You have a genuinely beautiful soul. Your inner beauty always finds a way to shine through, no matter how dire things may seem.


    Original: Sapevi che chiudi gli occhi e fai quel piccolo sorriso ogni volta che bevi il tuo primo sorso di caffè? Penso che sia carino, sia il tuo sorriso che il modo in cui ti godi le piccole cose. (sapˈɛvɪ kˈe kjˈudɪ ʎˈɪ ˈɔkːɪ ˈeː fˈaːi kwˈɛl pˈikːolo sorɾˈizo ˈoɲɲɪ vˈɔlta kˈe bˈɛvɪ ˈiːl tˈuo prˈimo sˈorso dˈi kaffˈɛ? pˈɛnso kˈe sˈia karˈino, sˈia ˈiːl tˈuo sorɾˈizo kˈe ˈiːl mˈɔdo ˈiːn kˈuj tˈi ɡˈodɪ lˈe pˈikːole kˈɔze.)

    Translated: Did you know that you close your eyes and give that little smile every time you take your first sip of coffee? I think it's cute, both your smile and the way you enjoy the little things.


    We sincerely hope that after reading this article, you are not afraid of trying your luck in dating in Italy. Since even if you don't speak this country's language perfectly - you can still flirt! Local girls are open-minded enough, so it won't be hard to strike up a conversation with one of them over a cup of coffee. 

    pretty Italian words

    What to do if you don't know what to say? Use the pretty Italian words we shared with you today! Also, you can try to communicate through your hands, feet, and other body parts. This often gives the first conversation a funny touch and makes the atmosphere friendlier. Thus, dear friend: relax and use your charm!


    How do you flirt in Italian?

    As mentioned before, to successfully flirt in Italian, you must forget about your shyness, break the touch barrier, and learn a few phrases in this language! If the expressions from our article seem too complicated - you can start with simpler things. Such as Vorresti qualcosa de bere? (vorɾˈɛstɪ kwalkˈɔza dˈe bˈere?) (may I buy you a drink?) or Hai già un impegno per stasera? (ˈaj d͡ʒˈa ˈun impˈeɲɲo pˈer stˌasˈera?) (do you have any plans for this evening?). 

    What is the most romantic thing to say in Italian?

    It is hard to choose the best one - among the thousands of beautiful Italian phrases. Many experts choose this expression, though: Non dico: ‘Ti amo, ti voglio, sei mia, sono tuo.’ No, io amo come se tenessi un bell’uccello nella mano aperta. Ti dico: ‘Vola, se hai il desiderio di esser te stessa, rimani, se vuoi. (nˈon dˈiko: ‘tˈi ˈamo, tˈi vˈoʎo, sˈɛi mˈia, sˈonotˈuo.’ nˈɔ, ˈio ˈamo kˈome sˈe tenˈɛs͡sɪ ˈunbˈɛl’ʊt͡ʃːˈɛllo nˈɛlla mˈano apˈɛrta. tˈi dˈiko: ‘vˈola, sˈe ˈaj ˈiːl dezidˈɛrio dˈi ˈɛs͡ser tˈe stˈes͡sa, rimˈanɪ, sˈe vʊˈɔi.) Its English version sounds like, I don't say: I love you, I want you, you are mine, I am yours.' No, I love it as if I held a beautiful bird in my open hand. I say to you, 'Fly if you wish to be yourself, stay if you wish!»

    How do you greet a beautiful woman in Italian?

    You can use Ciao bellezza (t͡ʃˈao bellˈet͡sːa) for this purpose. 

    What is a mi amor translation?

    How do you say my love in Italian? Exactly: mi amor! Remember these two words - you will need them for sure. 

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