Flirting in Russian in all its nuances

Get fluent and get your flirt on. These romantic Russian phrases will improve your language skills while helping you charm and impress Russian single Ladies

The French word Fleurette, which could be translated as "flower" in English, is the ancestor of what we call flirting today. If you check this term in the modern dictionary, it will be defined as a love game or courtship.

In fact, this art of romantic teasing has its roots deep in antiquity. Even Queen Cleopatra used some secret techniques to attract the attention of men. But what about Eastern Europe (Russia, in particular) and its flirting traditions?

In ancient times, there was a custom in this country - if a man liked a girl, he gave her a whorl. As a rule, he was supposed to do this at youth gatherings in the circle of friends. So everyone would know his intentions. If the next time the lady appeared with this gift, it demonstrated she had nothing against the guy's courtship.

    Okay, what about this day and age? How does Russian flirting work today?

    Someone may say that coquetry - is inherent in a woman from this land. Thus, you won't experience difficulties having romantic chats with your crush. But how do you distinguish between flirting and friendly conversations in your communication with Russians? Discover these three signals before we begin to disclose the topic of this article:

    They smile.

    You have probably heard about the standard Russian glum face. No matter how cute a girl is - this blank stare can ruin everything. But when it comes to flirting - everything changes.

    We don't talk about the typical Hollywood smile, though. Watch your conversationalist's eyes instead. The way she looks can tell you a lot. If she holds her gaze for a couple of seconds - and then scans your lips, neck, or chin - be sure that she is smiling inside.

    They move smoothly and freely.

    If a Russian woman, when being around you, behaves confidently: her shoulders are straightened, and her palms are open - it's a good sign. She might even touch your hand and watch your reaction. After the smooth moves come the manner of speech and its content.

    No crossed arms and clenched fists!

    They emphasize their femininity.

    A female from Russia wants every detail of her outfit to emphasize her interest in a man. Playing with a pendant on the neckline or bracelets on the wrist, running a hand through the hair... Everything she can comes into play... However, trust us, these gestures always look natural and very erotic.

    Femininity by a Russian girl can be emphasized not only by clothes and makeup, though. Neat and well-groomed appearance, beautiful fingernails, long eyelashes, and luscious lips. How can you resist this temptation?

    Don't worry: we don't want to say you should withstand the charm of women from this land. Rather the opposite - in this article, we want to share Russian terms of endearment. Use our text as a guide, and your success will be predetermined.

    Five simple tips on flirting with a Russian girl

    Experts are sure that flirting with Russian ladies may raise your self-esteem. On our part, we can only add: if you do everything right - yes. When you try to follow the same communication patterns as in wooing your local females - the final result may be absolutely opposite.

    If you are shy in front of the object of affection and find yourself unable to utter a word - a woman from Russia will hardly be impressed by your courage. Take it easy, though. We have prepared some practical tips on how to master your flirting skills and win the heart of a lady from this country.

    #1. Always have in stock some exciting stories that can make your crush laugh

    If you, when courting such a girl, remain silent most of the time - you will not need to know how to say you're beautiful in Russian. Telling just the most basic information about yourself will also become a horrible mistake. The facts concerning where you studied, your occupation, and how you spend your evening are too routine. In this way, your girl from Russia won't have a chance to find out what kind, intelligent, and sincere person you are.

    Thus, your sense of humor may come in handy here. Prepare some exciting and funny stories for your chats. The texts may be taken from the Internet - the point is her reaction will be positive. Although ideally, it must be something about your school or college time, holidays with family, or unusual situations that you got into with friends. Try to find something hilarious in your memory - inventing adventures is never a good idea. Your lies will definitely come out sooner or later.

    #2. Be open-minded and attentive

    Before you learn how to say I want to kiss you in Russian, make sure you are open-minded enough. Deep conversations with a representative of another culture assume this quality, and your job is to demonstrate it at the initial stages.

    Just think: which person could become a pleasant conversationalist to you? The one who is reserved, hides his emotions, and does not show fondness? Or the other one, who smiles at you, behaves politely, and makes jokes? Exactly!

    Be tolerant in everything you say, don't judge. Say that you enjoy the chat with your Russian lady and demonstrate your genuine interest when she tells something about herself. Do not forget to watch your facial expressions too! They say more about your emotions than you think.

    Russians really appreciate the attention to themselves. And, with the right approach, this can play into your hands.

    #3. Do not be clingy

    Even the simple phrase I like you in Russian should be said at the right place and right time. In other words, it's necessary not to seem clingy with the females of this nation. If you try to please them with all your efforts, this will have the opposite result.

    Therefore, try to behave normally: avoid extremes such as radio silence either. Be willing to talk at every opportunity, but don't make it look intrusive. Your words and your actions mustn't contradict each other.

    On the other hand, if you notice your interest is not mutual - let her go. The signs she wants you to leave her alone will be clear. The girl will check the time over and over, exude boredom, and won't talk much.

    #4. Break the touch barrier

    Yes, that is where the Russian flirt fundamentally differs from the Western one. So the importance of tactile contact shouldn't be underestimated. At the same time, you seem more self-confident when you allow yourself to break the touch barrier with a girl you like.

    However, you still must be careful with this part. You might begin with the forearm or back, leaving something more intimate till later. Also, do it unobtrusively and choose the right moment. For example, when you meet for a date or, on the contrary, say goodbye.

    You shouldn't try to hug your Russian lady at the initial stages. It's better you shake her hand jokingly - and, who knows, the next time you meet, she won't refuse to get a bit closer.

    #5. Be polite

    You can tease your lady but do it thoughtfully. Russian flirting phrases never go beyond the bounds of decency. Therefore, do not say something that can offend her. Experts advise avoiding conversations, facts from which you are not sure she can perceive normally. Remember: one failed flirting attempt can put an end to your relationship.

    Furthermore, one of the biggest misconceptions about Russian flirting is - it should definitely be vulgar. In reality, such behavior will bring you absolutely opposite results. A nasty manner of communication will for sure ruin the woman's interest.

    10 amazing love expressions and romantic words in Russian

    10 amazing love expressions and romantic words in Russian

    Talking openly about your feelings is a crucial stage in every relationship. The desire to make a confession and say these precious words means a lot. Since, in this case, you become vulnerable: you share your emotions, speaking of endless trust and tenderness.

    But what if you are dating an Eastern-European girl? How do you say I love you in Russian, then? You must agree when describing your inner sensations, there are always not enough words. We mean not only the foreign language but also your mother tongue. Thus, we want to help you to express the depth of your feelings in the best way. Take these ready-made phrases as a basis and supplement them with your thoughts.


    Original: Жизнь без любви не имеет смысла... Спасибо тебе за то, что ты даёшь смысл моей жизни… (Zhizn bez liubvi ne imeet smysla... Spasibo tebe za to, chto ty daesh smysl moei zhizni…)

    Translated: Life without love is not worth living... Thank you for giving meaning to my life…


    Original: Каждое мгновение проведённое с тобой это красивый сон, который становится реальностью… (Kazhdoe mgnovenie provedennoe s toboi eto krasivyi son, kotoryi stanovitsia realnostiu…)

    Translated: Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dream that came true…


    Original: Начало каждой истории любви, как начало новой еще не написанной книги. Ее страницы еще пустые и ждут, когда их начнут наполнять новыми разговорами и событиями. Я тут подумал, а может, напишем свою собственную книгу о нас с тобой? Мне кажется, получится захватывающий роман на много страниц. Потому что с тех пор, как я тебя увидел, все мысли только о тебе, и в голове уже сюжеты на десять глав, как минимум. (Nachalo kazhdoi istorii liubvi, kak nachalo novoi eshche ne napisannoi knigi. Ee stranitsy eshche pustye i zhdut, kogda ikh nachnut napolniat novymi razgovorami i sobytiiami. Ia tut podumal, a mozhet, napishem svoiu sobstvennuiu knigu o nas s toboi? Mne kazhetsia, poluchitsia zakhvatyvaiushchii roman na mnogo stranits. Potomu chto s tekh por, kak ia tebia uvidel, vse mysli tolko o tebe, i v golove uzhe siuzhety na desiat glav, kak minimum.)

    Translated: The beginning of every love story is like the opening of a new book not written yet. Its pages are empty now and waiting to be filled with new exciting conversations and events. I was thinking, maybe we should write our own book about you and me? It seems that our story will turn out to be a thrilling novel with many pages. Because, from the moment I saw you, all my thoughts have belonged to you. And, in my head, there are already ideas for at least ten chapters!


    Original: Пожалуй, только теперь, впервые за весь пройденный путь я осознал, насколько глубоки и пронзительные могут быть охватывающие меня чувства. Стоит только представить тебя, и эмоции заполняют все вокруг. Ты разбудила дремавшую нежность и страсть, ты перевернула мои привычные ощущения мира. Я совершенно очарован и без памяти влюблен. (Pozhalui, tolko teper, vpervye za ves proidennyi put ia osoznal, naskolko gluboki i pronzitelnye mogut byt okhvatyvaiushchie menia chuvstva. Stoit tolko predstavit tebia, i emotsii zapolniaiut vse vokrug. Ty razbudila dremavshuiu nezhnost i strast, ty perevernula moi privychnye oshchushcheniia mira. Ia sovershenno ocharovan i bez pamiati vliublen.)

    Translated: Perhaps only now, for the first time in my entire life, have I realized how deep and poignant the feelings that overwhelm me can be. It's enough just to imagine you - and the adoration fills everything around me. Because of you, all the tenderness and passion that were sleeping inside me woke up. Moreover, these sensations have turned my world upside down! I am completely fascinated and madly in love with you, sweetheart.

    P.S.: This phrase will certainly make a better impression than saying, "You have beautiful eyes" in Russian. Don't you think so?


    Original: Как рыба без воды, а птица без поднебесья, как зима без мороза и без солнца лето, так и я не представляю жизни без тебя, моя крошка, без твоих глаз, улыбки, тепла... Что меня в тебе поразило, так это твоя непохожесть на других, твоя индивидуальность, даже оригинальность. Ты излучаешь добро и нежность, покой и уют. Я мечтаю о том, чтобы быть с тобой, оберегать тебя и отдавать всю свою любовь. (Kak ryba bez vody, a ptitsa bez podnebesia, kak zima bez moroza i bez solntsa leto, tak i ia ne predstavliaiu zhizni bez tebia, moia kroshka, bez tvoikh glaz, ulybki, tepla... Chto menia v tebe porazilo, tak eto tvoia nepokhozhest na drugikh, tvoia individualnost, dazhe originalnost. Ty izluchaesh dobro i nezhnost, pokoi i uiut. Ia mechtaiu o tom, chtoby byt s toboi, oberegat tebia i otdavat vsiu svoiu liubov.)

    Translated: Like a fish without water and a bird without wings... Like winter without frost and summer without heat... I can't imagine my life without you, darling: without your eyes, smile, and soul warmth... What attracts me to you so wildly: you are not like other people - you are different. Your individuality and originality are impressive. You radiate kindness and tenderness, peace and comfort. I dream of being with you, protecting you, and giving you all my love.


    Original: Ты настоящая леди-праздник! Каждый момент общения умеешь наполнить искренней радостью и весельем. С тобой не бывает нудно или скучно. Но для меня ты являешься человеком, которому можно доверить самое сокровенное. Я отдал тебе сердце, поскольку очень-очень тебя люблю! (Ty nastoiashchaia ledi-prazdnik! Kazhdyi moment obshcheniia umeesh napolnit iskrennei radostiu i veselem. S toboi ne byvaet nudno ili skuchno. No dlia menia ty iavliaeshsia chelovekom, kotoromu mozhno doverit samoe sokrovennoe. Ia otdal tebe serdtse, poskolku ochen-ochen tebia liubliu!)

    Translated: You are a human holiday! You know how to fill every moment of communication with sincere joy and fun. It's never boring with you. But for me, you are the one who can be trusted with the most private things. I gave you my heart because I love you very, very much!


    Original: Все птицы певчие готовы собраться в хор, лишь бы украсить твои речи своим пением, а я, как и они, готов всегда быть рядом, чтобы разделить с тобой все радости и печали, чтобы встречать с тобой рассветы и провожать к закату солнце, чтобы быть всегда вместе, моя любимая. (Vse ptitsy pevchie gotovy sobratsia v khor, lish by ukrasit tvoi rechi svoim peniem, a ia, kak i oni, gotov vsegda byt riadom, chtoby razdelit s toboi vse radosti i pechali, chtoby vstrechat s toboi rassvety i provozhat k zakatu solntse, chtoby byt vsegda vmeste, moia liubimaia.)

    Translated: All songbirds are ready to gather in a choir just to grace your words with their singing. And, like them, I am always willing to be there for you whenever you need me. I want to share all your joys and sorrows, to go through thick and thin with you. We will always be together, my love!


    Original: С тех пор, как я тебя впервые увидел, я потерял покой и сон. Я постоянно думаю о тебе одной и хочу быть рядом. Я скучаю, когда ты далеко и радуюсь, когда та возвращаешься. Мне нравится смотреть в твои глаза, они такие большие, потому что в них отражается целый мир, который мне так дорог и без которого я мне уже никак нельзя. Я люблю тебя! (S tekh por, kak ia tebia vpervye uvidel, ia poterial pokoi i son. Ia postoianno dumaiu o tebe odnoi i khochu byt riadom. Ia skuchaiu, kogda ty daleko i raduius, kogda ta vozvrashchaeshsia. Mne nravitsia smotret v tvoi glaza, oni takie bolshie, potomu chto v nikh otrazhaetsia tselyi mir, kotoryi mne tak dorog i bez kotorogo ia mne uzhe nikak nelzia. Ia liubliu tebia!)

    Translated: The first time I saw you, I lost my inner peace - I couldn't sleep. I constantly think about you and want to be near you. I miss you when we are far away from each other. I feel delighted when we meet again. I like to look into your eyes... They are so big and reflect the whole world. You are so dear to me - I can't imagine my life without you. I love you!

    P.S.: It's a nice way to say I miss you in Russian.


    Original: Не верил в любовь. Подшучивал над друзьями. И весна была только весной... Но, смеясь и играя, ты как фея вошла в мою жизнь. Перевернула все внутри, окрасила мир в радужные краски и заставила сердце биться в унисон твоим шагам. И нет достойных слов, чтобы выразить мою любовь к тебе. (Ne veril v liubov. Podshuchival nad druziami. I vesna byla tolko vesnoi... No, smeias i igraia, ty kak feia voshla v moiu zhizn. Perevernula vse vnutri, okrasila mir v raduzhnye kraski i zastavila serdtse bitsia v unison tvoim shagam. I net dostoinykh slov, chtoby vyrazit moiu liubov k tebe.)

    Translated: I didn't believe in love and made fun of my friends who said the opposite. And spring was only spring... But, laughing and playing, you entered my life like a fairy. You turned everything upside down, painted my world in iridescent colors, and made my heart beat in unison with your steps. And there are no worthy words to express my love for you, honey.


    Original: Я долго не мог понять, почему мир мне кажется иным. Почему он вдруг стал прекраснее, добрее и ярче? Я долго искал этому объяснение, и вот сейчас я его нашел. Все просто — я влюбился! Влюбился по уши в тебя! Именно потому мир мне открылся с другой, лучшей стороны. Надеюсь, что и ты смотришь на мир влюбленными в меня глазами. (Ia dolgo ne mog poniat, pochemu mir mne kazhetsia inym. Pochemu on vdrug stal prekrasnee, dobree i iarche? Ia dolgo iskal etomu obieiasnenie, i vot seichas ia ego nashel. Vse prosto — ia vliubilsia! Vliubilsia po ushi v tebia! Imenno potomu mir mne otkrylsia s drugoi, luchshei storony. Nadeius, chto i ty smotrish na mir vliublennymi v menia glazami.)

    Translated: I could not understand why the world seemed different to me for a while already. And ready, why did it suddenly become more beautiful, kind, and bright? I have been looking for an explanation for this, and now I have found it. It's simple - I fell in love! Actually, I fell head over heels in love with you! That is why the world opened up to me from a different, better side. I hope you feel the same way…

    10 best compliments in Russian

    10 best compliments in Russian

    How to say cute in Russian? Or maybe something like, I can get lost in the blue of your eyes or You have sexy curves?

    Well, dear friend... These phrases might be pleasing for a Western lady, but an average Russian female awaits more memorable compliments.

    Without a doubt, the best move you can make involves praising her taste or preferences. Perhaps, your crush is wearing a T-shirt with the logo of your favorite movie or band - emphasize this! Another good option is to say nice words about your woman for her actions. Although to do this, you ought to be attentive and notice small details in her behavior.

    Anyway, if creativity is not your strong suit - below, you can find top-10 compliments all Russian ladies love. The subjects are different: from appearance to character traits.


    Original: Твой голос очень мелодичный и волнующий. (Tvoi golos ochen melodichnyi i volnuiushchii.)

    Translated: Your voice is very melodic and seductive.


    Original: Это платье идеально сидит на тебе. Я ему даже завидую. (Eto plate idealno sidit na tebe. Ia emu dazhe zaviduiu.)

    Translated: Love this dress on you. Moreover, I even envy it a little…


    Original: Потрясающая фигура! Тебя легко принять за фитнес-тренера или спортсменку. (Potriasaiushchaia figura! Tebia legko priniat za fitnes-trenera ili sportsmenku.)

    Translated: Amazing body! You are easily mistaken for a fitness trainer or athlete.


    Original: Прости, засмотрелся на тебя и потерял мысль. Ты не могла бы повторить все еще раз? (Prosti, zasmotrelsia na tebia i poterial mysl. Ty ne mogla by povtorit vse eshche raz?)

    Translated: I'm sorry, I lost my mind by looking at you. Could you repeat everything you said all over again, please?

    P.S.: One of the best romantic Russian phrases. Use it in your conversations!


    Original: Если быть красивой считается преступлением, то тебя объявят виновной. (Esli byt krasivoi schitaetsia prestupleniem, to tebia obieiaviat vinovnoi.)

    Translated: If being beautiful is considered a crime - you must be declared guilty.


    Original: Не переставай улыбаться, твоя улыбка обворожительна! (Ne perestavai ulybatsia, tvoia ulybka obvorozhitelna!)

    Translated: Don't stop smiling: it is adorable!


    Original: Ты являешься прекрасным примером для других. (Ty iavliaeshsia prekrasnym primerom dlia drugikh.)

    Translated: You and your actions are a great example for others.


    Original: Даже когда ты рядом, мне кажется, что тебя не хватает. (Dazhe kogda ty riadom, mne kazhetsia, chto tebia ne khvataet.)

    Translated: Even when you are near, it seems like I miss you already.

    P.S.: Do you still wonder, how do you say I miss you in Russian?


    Original: Ты классная собеседница. Когда общаюсь с тобой, даже не замечаю, как пролетает время. (Ty klassnaia sobesednitsa. Kogda obshchaius s toboi, dazhe ne zamechaiu, kak proletaet vremia.)

    Translated: You are a great conversationalist. When we talk, it makes time fly.


    Original: Просто проводить время с умной, интеллигентной девушкой уже приносит незабываемые минуты радости. (Prosto provodit vremia s umnoi, intelligentnoi devushkoi uzhe prinosit nezabyvaemye minuty radosti.)

    Translated: Just spending my time with such a clever and polite girl brings unforgettable moments of joy.


    How to flirt in Russian? Actually, with some nuances, like in any other language. Your success includes certain words and gestures, of course. At the same time, their meaning shouldn't always be direct. So motions can sometimes tell more than spoken phrases.

    While some guys have inborn flirting skills - others - need to learn how to do this. And it's great you started your way into this exciting world with our help!

    In conclusion, we can give you a few more tips. The first one is the absolute must, notwithstanding the lady's nation. Even if you are absolutely frustrated - start with a smile. This always wins people over to you. Since, on a subconscious level, if someone smiles - it is perceived as an openness to the world.

    Next, learn to look your flirt partner in the eyes. Because in this case, you make it clear to the woman that they are interested in her. The last thing that remains - is taking the initiative. Good luck!

    Flirting in Russian FAQ

    How do you flirt in Russian?

    Flirting in Russian might seem a bit controversial. On the one hand, you must always remain polite and attentive. On the other hand, breaking the touch barrier as soon as possible is highly recommended.
    Therefore, for the best results, we advise you to follow the suggestions from our article. Don't be scared: there are only five of them

    How do you compliment a Russian girl?

    Russians prefer non-banal compliments. If possible, the things you praise mustn't relate to your crush's beauty. Females from this country appreciate it when foreign guys notice their character and actions - instead of curves and pretty faces.

    What is the most romantic thing you can say in Russian?

    The best Russian love phrases can be found in our article. However (as a bonus), we can share one more great option here.
    На планете есть семь чудес света, но есть еще одно, самое очаровательное и красивое - это ты! (Na planete est sem chudes sveta, no est eshche odno, samoe ocharovatelnoe i krasivoe - eto ty!) Translation: Officially, there are seven wonders of the world, but there is one more, the most charming and beautiful - it's you

    How can I impress a Russian girl?

    As already mentioned, you can impress a Russian woman by being focused on her personality. It will demonstrate a great contrast with superficial local men.

    How do you tell a Russian girl you love her?

    Very easily: just use the Russian love phrases for her! They can be accessed in the same-named section of your article.

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