Dating a Teacher: The best rules how to date a teacher

Dating a teacher

Receiving a decent education is a kind of must-do for all people who want to achieve great heights in their careers. But have you ever thought about those who make it possible? Teachers, professors, tutors - we used to see them merely near the blackboard, writing complex formulas and explaining puzzling theories. But what if we tell you they could be considered not only as educators?

Actually, today, ladies of this occupation are the main characters of our article.

According to recent research conducted by one of the popular dating platforms, teachers belong to the top-10 of the most attractive professions. Therefore, if you have never given many thoughts to what kind of people your former lecturers outside of the classroom are - it's time to change your mind. Why don't you want to try your luck: what if such a woman is your special one?

So right here, you can find answers from our experts to all questions you probably have - such as why you should date a teacher and what sort of complications it could bring. Are you ready, dear friend?

    Reasons to date teachers

    The team of researchers from the University of Illinois has recently published the results of their study. During it, they examined the correlation between the job of the female partner and the couple's happiness level. What they found out was pretty surprising: those who date educators are generally more optimistic about the future of their relationships.

    Reasons to date teachers

    How do they explain this sensation? According to them, character traits typical to female representatives of this occupation field are beneficial not only for a career but also for romance.

    Admittedly, we were skeptical about their research at first. But then, Golden Bride experts took a closer look at this subject and determined seven reasons to date a teacher. Check them to become as impressed as we are now.

    Reason #1. She scores with her limitless patience.

    If you think the partner's patience is not crucial in a relationship - you are wrong. Let us give you a few examples from our experience to help you understand the whole thing.

    When dating a teacher, you shouldn't expect a strong reaction to being five minutes late on a rendezvous. She is used to something like this from her students' side. Stoic friendliness on long and boring family dinners belongs to the limitless educator's patience. And, if you can't figure out how certain things work - your girlfriend will be glad to explain. Even if it's the fifth time - her manner will remain warm (without eyes rolling in annoyance).

    By the way, if you decide to start a family with such a girl - it is clear from the beginning who will be responsible for all the homework help for your children.

    Reason #2. Her family-friendly working schedule.

    That's right - the tests students write must be checked after lunchtime. And, obviously, lessons should be prepared in advance - this takes time either. But compared to the 70-hour weekly working schedule an average top manager has - educators win. They all, in fact, have a relatively large amount of free time every day and, therefore, their job could be called family-friendly. You will notice it, in particular, when dating a preschool teacher.

    One more nice thing in this regard. Ladies of this profession are fans of children. So, notwithstanding how tired they are after the working day - they can't get enough of their own little ones.

    Reason #3. She is a walking encyclopedia of practically everything!

    Yes, being married to a teacher is pretty useful. Don't laugh - in a relationship with such a girl, you won't ever need Google - she will be your walking encyclopedia! Isn't it amazing to have a personal advisor in all possible situations?

     Woman is a walking encyclopedia

    On vacation, she lectures on the history of the city you are in. When filling out the tax return form - you won't need any professional assistance with her. Forget about buying audio guides in museums - your woman is much better.

    Reason #4. She will be your personal motivation coach.

    Just think about it: your girlfriend's job is about getting the best possible results out of her students. So, when dating a school teacher, be ready that she will awaken the hidden talents of your complex personality.

    Whether at a dance class, in joint activities, or during the household chores - she will always motivate you to achieve more. Be prepared to hear something like, "Honey, you can do it, just five more push-ups!"

    However, if her enthusiasm concerning new opportunities in sex would seem too much to you - simply stop her. Likewise - in any other aspect of life, it won't be a problem too.

    Reason #5. Her fiery passion.

    Every good educator is dedicated and passionate, didn't you know that? Such a woman spends the whole working day with her pupils. She is willing to do her job from morning to night if needed. Sometimes this lady works on the weekend - so inspirational her tasks are.

    Lady works on the weekend

    Can you see what we are getting at? The person who shows her passion and commitment at work - demonstrates the same qualities in a relationship and love. If these attributes don't seem appealing to you - then - your preferences are pretty unusual.

    Reason #6. She will really listen to what you say.

    Do you know what the teacher's job is about? Just so you know: it concerns not only filling out various papers or explaining difficult subjects. Exemplary professors are also good listeners. They don't mind spending hours with their students, patiently listening to what concerns them. In doing so, they hope to bring the thoughts of their learners in a positive way.

    You can be sure this quality is essential in the long run. At least, the study conducted by the University of Illinois confirms that.

    Reason #7. She will be someone you can always talk to.

    One of the most significant reasons to date a teacher, we think. Women of this occupation are very communicative. They usually thrive on passing on their knowledge to as many people as possible.

    In love, the role of communication between partners is unspeakably important. This concerns not only misunderstandings and conflicts. Only through chats can you really get to know your girlfriend. Okay, we know what you are thinking right now. What if your pretty teacher will constantly be exhausted after work? What if she would not want to talk after the whole day of communication? Sure, that can happen from time to time - we don't want to lie to you. But doesn't it actually apply to all people?

    Problems with teachers

    Do you already want to enter into a relationship with an educator? We can congratulate you - this willingness will definitely change your life in a good way. However, it wouldn't hurt to find out the tiny peculiarities of a romance with a woman of such an occupation in advance.

    This profession, on the contrary to popular belief, is not easy. Thus, pedagogy often affects the personality of the person performing it. So right here, in this section, you can uncover the reasons not to date a teacher. Or, better to say, the list of the problems you will need to face.

    Problem #1. Her teacher's voice.

    The representatives of the educators' community could be distinguished by their communication manner. This, of course, includes not only the way they talk with their students or colleagues. So, when dating such a girl, you must be ready to hear her teacher's voice in your bedroom too. Just imagine: you are discussing something with your loved one - and, suddenly, she starts preaching to you. For sure, with her pupils, she raises her voice to emphasize what's being said. Do you want to contradict? It's useless now...

    Problem #2. She is continually sick - and so are you.

    How to date a teacher if she is so often ill? This makes it difficult not only to arrange rendezvous - but also complicates Internet communication.

    sick woman

    Why does it happen? At school, teachers catch all sorts of viruses and bacteria. Such a woman is, therefore, constantly sick. The weather has nothing to do with it since the fact remains all year round. So in a relationship with her, you will eventually be an expert on all nasty viral diseases.

    Problem #3. Her desire to have a schedule to keep.

    Do you want to go out on Tuesday evening? Not possible!

    When dating school teachers, you need to be aware of their desire to have a schedule to keep. At the same time, school usually starts at 8 a.m. - that means she needs to wake up at 6 a.m. So she definitely can't go to bed at 3 a.m. Moreover, an evening with wine throughout the working week is strictly prohibited. Children shouldn't get lessons from a person who is sweating alcohol. So keep such limitations in mind before starting a relationship with an educator.

    Problem #4. She is always freaking out about meeting her students.

    Don't laugh, but all kinds of pastime activities for your couple should be chosen based on whether she could meet her pupils there. Because that, of course, must be in every possible way avoided. If a student does show up in the restaurant you are in - your sweet teacher-girlfriend will quickly flee. Or alternatively, she will need to go and make small talk with him. Are you ready to deal with this sort of stress?

    Problem #5. Her favorite way of spending evenings.

    Instead of watching new Netflix movies, going out, or reading - a woman of this profession likes to spend her evenings crafting, decorating, and laminating her class materials. This, undoubtedly, won't be a problem if your relationship belongs to the teacher-dating-teacher concept. Otherwise - you will hardly be happy, spending evenings all by yourself.

    Teachers in relationships and love

    An average girl who works as a teacher is very communicative. And therefore, she has many friends. But no matter how serious her intentions towards the partner are - she doesn't rush with getting married. Generally, most educators decide to make this significant step only when they have experienced enough and created a financial basis for their families. Still, for each one of them - the choice of a future spouse is always a prudent decision. This lady will never evaluate men by clothes or financial situation. The character traits do matter!

    Teachers in relationships and love

    Although, there is one point that could be called the most crucial. If you want to be a perfect boyfriend for such a girl - you must respect her opinion. At the same time, you shouldn't be afraid of her attempts to dominate. And, in no way should you demonstrate the possessive side of your character. A lecturer would never tolerate any limitations on her freedom and personal space. Okay, what do husbands of teachers say? A female representative of this occupation can become an excellent wife for almost every guy. Sincere, trustworthy, dynamic, attentive, and caring - these qualities make such a woman so desirable.

    Also, a teacher can be just a wonderful mother to your kids. Notwithstanding, she is kind-hearted and gentle - she will not allow them to do whatever they want. It couldn't be imagined, an educator may leave her little ones in trouble. She will always help, advise, and support instead. This lady devotes herself entirely to the upbringing of her children. At the same time, her love will not decrease when kids reach teenage age. Until her last breath, she will remain a mother for her kids - even when they are adults.

    How to date a teacher? What do teachers like?

    True life is not all sunshine and roses, even if it doesn't seem so when you are in love. You spend endless amounts of time together with your special one without getting on each other's nerves. Since the two of you show genuine interest in your partner and are just plain happy.

    Due to the fact dating for teachers is always about committed relationships, you must be aware of what will happen when your initial chemistry disappears. Yes, boredom and annoyance are not uncommon. But if you react in time, you can do a lot for your love in the long run. To do this, check the tips from Golden Bride experts placed just below.

    Action #1. Regularly check the status quo

    One of the most important dating teacher tips - ask yourself a few questions from time to time. Do you treat each other as partners or rather like best friends? Do you still respect each other, even when arguing? Are you open about your problems and things that concern you?

    You know that educators prefer committed relationships over affairs. But they sometimes can't find the inner power to state that something goes wrong. So it's your job to prevent your love from ending up crumbling. This task is not as complicated as it seems. Anyone who asks these questions regularly has a great probability of discovering and resolving issues before they ruin your feelings.

    Action #2. Do not forget about sex

    Oh, dating teachers is not physical contact-free - they are not nuns. So don't wait too long to move to this level of closeness. It is no secret men bond emotionally with women if they have regular sex. And that's what your lovely educator needs.

    Dating teachers is not physical contact-free

    In the long run, intimacy in a relationship shouldn't be the first thing you limit when something goes wrong. On the contrary: especially when both of you are suffering from stress at work, sex could help. With its help, you can relax and activate the happy hormones in the body. Thus, enough physical contact would never hurt.

    Action #3. Share unpleasant household chores

    Does the tax return declaration have to be made? Do you need to change the tires on the car? Should your apartment be cleaned? And what about planning the children's birthday party? For sure, an average teacher can do it without any help from the partner's side. Still, in everyday life - all these tasks take a lot of time...

    Our experience has shown spouses of educators have a secret key to happiness. Those who divide unpleasant household chores fairly among people in a couple - are not only less annoyed about it but are also done with it more quickly! Also, this leaves more time for each other - we are talking about pleasant moments, of course.

    Action #4. Spend time together

    How to love a teacher, you ask? The answer is apparent - spend your free time with her! We understand that the daily routine of modern people is really chaotic. But you need to find time for your special one. Remember how it was when you were twenty? Back then, you could find an opportunity to arrange dates even after a long working day! What is wrong with you now?

    Of course, the other things won't take care of themselves. But if you stick to doing something you both enjoy together at least once a week - you not only build new memories together but also bring back a certain freshness to your feelings.

    Action #5. Always be thankful

    If you date a teacher, appreciation is essential for your relationship. Just put yourself in your woman's shoes. If she constantly does her best to make you happy and doesn't get a simple thanks from you - the motivation to keep on doing something - quickly drops to zero.

    True relationship with teacher

    Therefore, sincerely say warm words to your teacher-girlfriend if you notice her efforts. Or even better - show it through your actions. These could be small things: making breakfast on Saturday morning or hanging a picture on the wall. If you do this - she will become the happiest person in the world since she is undeniably valued.


    Is it weird to fall in love with a teacher?

    Actually, we don't understand the sense of the questions of "would you date a teacher" format. It's absolutely nothing weird about dating a female representative of this profession. The same goes for the majority of present occupations - the rest is up to your own preferences.

    Who do teachers usually marry?

    We don't think you will be surprised by this answer, but still. Relationships and marriage with teachers are most common among other educators: such as tutors, college professors, and lecturers. However, if you work as a manager or doctor - it won't be a problem. As mentioned before, the character traits of a potential partner do matter - not his job.

    Why should you marry a teacher?

    The teachers dating could bring long-awaited happiness into your life. Why do we think so? The attentiveness, supportiveness, and desire to give care these women have - are simply incomparable. If you are ready to settle down, getting married to an educator will definitely be a good idea.

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